Shaper is a multi-fx processor that allows you to redefine or totally destroy any kind of source. Shaper is perfect in any iOS music workflow: - as stand alone app to process your outboard equipment - as inter-app audio in Aubiobus or other compatible daw apps as AUM, Modstep, GarageBand, and so on - Shaper is an Audio Unit Extension Its clear, clean and minimal user interface lets you fall in love so fast with its potential, that after just few minutes of use you'll feel like it always been one of your favorite music production tools. Its noise is your noise. All you need to add a personal touch to your sounds is here. Emphasize your basslines working with waveshaper's sections blend and color, or increasing the clip's value (this works great also on drums and acoustic percussive sounds). Blow digital coldness to your synths going wild with S&M and Bits&Samps functions, or increasing wrap or fold values . Add unpredictable dynamic glitches thanks the exclusive gate. HOW IT WORKS Shaper is composed by several modules, that you can rearrange as you want: - a glitch gate - a waveshaper section with 5 brand new inspiring functions: Muffin, Multistress, Cracker, S&M, Bits&Samps - a transform section with wave-clipper, wave-wrapper, wave-folder, and the new sFold function - a resonator/short delay, that can act as a comb filter too You choose how to feed it and how to mix it with a gain and a dry/wet section. Two oscilloscopes display audio signals before and after processing: this gives you a realtime visual feedback about how you are morphing your sound wave. Each parameter offers a range that lets you process the signal so slightly... Or so massively! Changing the order of modules in the chain, makes of Shaper an incredibly versatile sounds processor! WAVESHAPING FUNCTIONS The waveshaper module applies a shaping function to incoming signal. It's the timbral core of the audio process. Several functions are available: Muffin and Cracker applies a digital warming function with a distinction in the weight that noise takes in the wet signal. Multistress is a bit more fragmentes function, giving a more modulated FM-ish result. These three let user control the process via blend and color parameters. This helps you to apply a different dose of Shaper cure to your sound ;) S&M is basically an amplitude modulation, driven by ramps; the length parameter here sets the frequency of these. This function brings a like-metal flavour… Raw digital power! The last function Bits&Samps is a standard bit reducer. MODULAR STRUCTURE Shaper lets you work fast with gestures support: - you want to rearrange modules? Just drag them as you prefer and create different chains for different needs - need instant reset to default value for a parameter? Just double tap on cursor - fine tuning? Just tap and hold the cursor, then drag it left or right to increase the resolution of your vertical dragging Shaper is Audiobus presets and state saving compatible. It can also store its status while working in all major host-apps sets as AUM, Modstep, GarageBand, etc. You can also save internal presets, and share them with your collaborators easily.