IVY: The Social University Download the IVY App to connect with the most inspiring people, ideas, and experiences in the world. Our mission is to spark world changing collaborations, and start a 21st century renaissance promoting human unity, progress, and fulfillment. • Make an Impact: Learn from inspiring leaders, grow your endeavors, and get involved with new initiatives focused on entrepreneurship, art, policy, wellness and social impact • Enjoy New Experiences: Attend dinners and discussions with leading experts, enjoy unique cultural and wellness activities, volunteer on meaningful causes, and travel the world with a tight-knit community • Meet New People: Collaborate with inspiring entrepreneurs, artists, policy-makers, scientists, and innovative professionals “The IVY community is an incredible community. It’s a tight-knit community, it’s a brilliant community.” – Jake Horowitz, Founder & Editor @ Mic “I think of IVY as a secular form of what churches used to deliver… There’s something to be said about finding ways to get people together as a fun social activity that involves a higher cause." – Nikolas Kristof, Pulitzer Prize-Winning Humanitarian “The more we can be exposed to communities, the better. They shape the way future generations live. That’s what IVY is about: getting to know different kinds of people with passions that broaden your perspective.” – Sasha Cohen, Olympic Medalist We want to hear your feedback! Online: IVY.com Instagram: @ivyConnect Facebook: facebook.com/ivyConnect Twitter: @IVYconnect LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/ivyconnect