Beacon is a privacy and security-focused browser with the goal of replacing traditional certificate authorities with decentralized peer-to-peer naming systems, DNSSEC, and DNS-Based Authentication of Named Entities (DANE)! 1. We use a lightweight peer-to-peer client that connects to the Handshake network[1] and syncs block headers in a few seconds! 2. On-device DNSSEC validation, you don't need to trust external resolvers. Beacon doesn't use a centralized DNSSEC signing key either. Instead, it requests and verifies proofs from the Handshake network. 3. Enable your device to use encrypted DNS with Handshake naming support. Handshake links to other naming systems such as Ethereum using HIP-5. Beacon supports accessing those names too! Try opening humbly.eth or impervious.forever. 4. Look for "Secured by Handshake" to identify websites secured by decentralized DNS-Based Authentication. 5. Beacon is open source! Submit feedback, contribute and report bugs or issues: [1]