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Game of Song - All music games
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This game is so fun

By Huibhvgvff   

This game is fun for kids and adults. This game helps me have fun on boring days and it helps me concentrate on things. This game helps me focus more in school. And the creator of this game I want to give thanks to. Dear creator of the game if you are reading this thank you so much for making this game it has multiple games in one game my siblings love this game and so do I. : Adalynn D Pack

06/29/2024 13:46:21
Game gone wrong

By JHB 317   

Muy bueno

06/27/2024 21:22:05
Needs more songs

By FJCruiser49   

I just deleted this game because I think it needs more songs, and it was also kinda slow. I do like the game icon, tho! 😁

06/27/2024 10:57:51
It’s good but…

By Norah😁😁   

The variety of music games on it is amazing the quality is great I just re download this game and I remember why I deleted it the first time 1.way way too many ads! 2.no good songs anymore now the music absolutely is trash now before I deleted it for the first time and before it removed all the good music the game was so much better before they got removed.(in my opinion) 3.annoying glitches! Ps:please add the old songs back and less ads!
Thank you for reading have a great day/night!

06/27/2024 10:38:36

By Minibluegill   

First it says all song games there are only 17 games and also if you aren’t a vip you have to watch a add for every song! Also with the ads of songs you have to watch a add at the end of every game you played and also duet cats is the only game with the same song set up or else it is sorta fun.

06/25/2024 23:08:24
Game of songs

By Rain☔️💧🌧️   

When I first had this app it had all the good songs but now it doesn’t have any good songs . I wish it would go back the way it was and maybe I would give it five stars .

06/25/2024 18:45:58
It’s good but…

By bdvjy   

It is seriously good but there are some things that I don’t like about it are the ads there are way to many and plus you have to have wifi o use it and if you do have wifi you can’t play it which is such a bummer but besides that it it okay .

06/23/2024 13:51:25
Way to many adds

By Patti24   

I love this game but there are way to many adds. But the games are awesome!❤️ My favorite is tiles hop. I enjoyed this game!

06/23/2024 10:11:20

By Adele Mkhoyan   

I love this game forever and ever and ever ever ever ever ever ever ever. It’s the best game of ever got and I am never gonna forget it.

06/22/2024 19:05:19
Love this game but…

By MagandangKc23   

I love this game but some of the songs I love are gone and needs more songs like some Taylor swift songs and some Ed Sheeran songs and Sia and etc. In magic tiles 3 when the song ends it repeats and goes faster until you lose, but on here it just finishes. Also when I typed my music game suggestions few months later it never popped up. Thank you for making this game fun!

06/20/2024 19:11:24
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