TeaTube - Music application that allows users to find, play music sourced from Youtube and create personal playlists, background service,... Include the following main screens: 1. Library: - When you first enter the screen, it will be empty and suggest users to search for videos and links through the Discover Page. - Once there is data, the screen will change allowing users to find tracks in the library, randomly playing tracks in the library. 2. Playlist Page: - Includes 2 default playlists: Recent Add section showing newly added songs. Recent Play section showing newly played songs. - Playlists that users manually add. 3. Discover Page: Used to introduce hot songs to users including 2 sections: - Search: When active, it will move to the new screen including the list of trending songs and hot keywords. - Discover: Includes lists of collections that are interesting to the users. 4. Player Page: Display the Music Player after pressing Track, you can minimize it to display on all screens. Some key features of the Music Player: + Next. + Previous. + Play/Pause. + Repeat. + Volume. + Add to playlist. + Find lyric. + Mix equalizer. + Timmer: Mute timer. + Share on Social media. 5. Setting: Display app information, privacy policy, rate,... In addition there are some features: - Backup & Restore. - Darkmode. - Add playlist from ID Playlist on Youtube. - Log into Youtube to sync the playlist.