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AdGuard Pro — adblock&privacy
adblocker and anti-tracking
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By _ŒÂ◊   

Essential to a good security/privacy toolbox. Needs a note function to remind me why I allowed/blocked a given domain. A log only mode would be awesome for troubleshooting. Some apps don't work with it on and don't show anything being blocked.

07/12/2024 13:57:45
Love this AdBlocker But…

By Belac Doowyah   

Ok so *inhale* I LOVE this AdBlocker. It’s by far the most thorough and advanced AdBlocker on the market. I’ve done numerous tests and this definitely takes the cake. I mean, this thing can use DNS to block ads on APPS people!! That’s groundbreaking! That little VPN addon is astounding and allows me to use some of my favorite apps without having to deal with intrusive ads. It’s probably saved me over $100 of potential subscription fees that would’ve had to pay to get rid of ads (you know what I’m talking about)
But here’s the thing, it’s not perfect. In order to get maximum protection I have to pair this thing up with Ghostery. I don’t mind, but I have no idea why their databases are different and/or all inclusive. On top of that, the VPN or DNS that they give you with AdGuard Pro is AMAZING at blocking ads…but not so good at masking your IP. And by not so good, I mean downright terrible. I have to pair this thing up with Proton VPN and switch between them depending on whether I’m using apps or browsing.
Despite its small downsides, this thing is downright impressive and I truly think it’s worth the flat fee. Keep it up AdGuard :D

07/09/2024 16:29:06
drains battery

By NickNameUnwanted   

this app mostly works these days HOWEVER it drains the battery hard and fast.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/09/2024

Hello Nick, sorry to hear about that! Please get in touch with us via the in-app feedback system, describe the issue in more detail, and our friendly support team will be more than glad to help you out! AdGuard Team 💚

07/07/2024 07:06:41
Still says “File Update Error” when there wasn’t any.

By John Goodin   

Some fix. It still says “File Update Error” when there was no error period. It’s still a error in iOS 17 itself. The only way to really fix it is to be active in the iOS 18 beta and do away with the error once and forever.

Developer Replies Reply Time 02/17/2024

Hello there! Sorry to hear about that! Please get in touch with us via the in-app feedback system, describe the issue in more detail, and our friendly support team will be more than glad to help you out! Alternatively, please reach us out via email [email protected]. AdGuard Team 💚

07/06/2024 00:18:25
Happy with my purchase

By U_tried_2_hard   

This app has been great and I appreciate the detailed app notes from the devs. Would recommend this app to anyone!

07/05/2024 01:23:35
The Best Solution for Sanity, Privacy & Security on Today’s Internet

By shiningsee   

AdGuard Pro is a cross-platform power tool that can protect all of your apps, browsers and devices, yet has smart default settings that make it fairly easy for anyone to use. I sometimes forget how hard AdGuard is working for me in the background unless I turn it off temporarily and get a harsh reminder of how insane the distraction-filled, ad and tracking infested Internet is without protection.

06/28/2024 21:48:58

By jroseff   

I rarely write reviews on App store apps unless I'm having a problem with it — however, I have been using AdGuard Pro for about a decade now, and I am elated to say that I cannot report any. In fact, it keeps improving, which is extraordinarily rare for an app of AdGuard's age — usually developers abandon existing users with some barely improved "completely new" release; not so with AdGuard, thankfully.
My only request would be to add the ability to convert my existing lifetime license to one usable on the AdGuard site (for Android or other platforms, if I decide to ditch iOS at some point; a distinct possibility as the platform gains more and more ads for Apple services). Thanks for the ad-free experience I've had over the years, AdGuard team. Your app truly makes iOS (and the internet itself) a better, more usable thing!

06/27/2024 19:54:25
Blocks Everything

By Unlap   

No more ads in apps.
No more ads in Safari.
YouTube and Google apps will still have ads and empty spaces which adblockers can’t do anything about, but at least AdGuard gives you a shortcut to watch a YouTube app vid in Safari web container with no ads.

06/26/2024 16:59:27
Doesn’t work.

By Birdshake   

No idea what I am doing wrong, but I have all the content blockers enabled under safari>extensions but the app continues to tell me that its not enabled, and therefore refuses to work.

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/27/2024

You've reached AdGuard!
Please contact us directly at [email protected] with a few screenshots from your device 🙏️
AdGuard Support Team 💚

06/25/2024 10:05:43
VPN on but doesn’t work

By RS-123   

Often times, the vpn symbol is on and connected but it doesn’t actually block anything. Then you need to toggle the vpn or enable and disable it in the app to actually get it to work. Annoying.

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/20/2024

Hello! Sorry to hear about that! Please get in touch with us via email [email protected], describe the issue in more detail, and our friendly support team will be more than glad to help you out. AdGuard Team 💚

06/18/2024 23:50:23
No data yet.No data yet.
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