Animal agriculture is one of our world’s most destructive industries, and must be phased out to mitigate the effects of global warming. Profits from EYEVIBE will be invested into the development and production of cultivated meat. Collectively, we can help build a sustainable and healthier future for our evergrowing population. • VALUATE Rate posts using a 5-star rating system. We’re giving you the power to determine the social value of people you interact with on EYEVIBE! CUSTOMIZE Personalize your profile by adding your own unique background. Change through different feels and designs depending on your mood and current inspiration. The choice is yours! CONNECT Vibe with people who share similar interests. EYEVIBE is ideal for anyone looking to create meaningful connections with new people from around the world.   EXPLORE Discover content related to your interests, and create a network of friends and fans!   SHARE Post photos, videos, gifs, and more!   COMMUNICATE Talk and interact with friends via private messaging and comment threads.