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Sticky Reviews: Refers to the reviews displayed directly on the App Store app details page. To view other reviews, you need to click "View all" in the App Store.
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Todays way to shop

By Night1768   

I could never find clothes to fit especially T-shirts I can always find what I look for with Amazon keep doing what you’re doing

07/18/2024 17:29:12
one of THE WORST product search programming ever

By jr7of9   

who programmed this pile of TRASH?? they don’t have the slightest clue of how to search for stuff nor what people need to find anything!! using an internet browser is much SAFER and gives you SOME ability to find stuff - but with this app you could be scrolling till next tuesday and STILL NOT FIND IT. Just use your browser and bypass all the tracking, activity and app snooping, tagging, profiling, and total privacy invasion of apps!

07/18/2024 16:49:20
Delivery getting slow!

By Who*Am*I?   

Being a prime member I pay extra for the fast delivery. I’m not even in a suburb or in a rural area of Canada. I’m in Toronto area and the package in their tracking shipment shows Brampton which is another city close to Toronto. I’m not sure why would they take 3 days as a “Prime service” to deliver the small item which was scheduled initially for the next day? Customer service person sitting in Phillipines are only trained to say, “ I apologize and I understand.” No you don’t. Fix your service. We pay extra for faster delivery not your sympathy.

07/18/2024 09:57:44
Your prices are to high

By Mrsad2000   

Everything you sell I can get at Wal Mart for a lot less so from now on I’ll be checking with Wal Mart first

07/17/2024 22:55:27
Over and Above

By rutherby   

I was expecting a car part to come on Tuesday and had an appointment with my mechanic on Tuesday the delivery person dropped my part off to me in the morning before I left for the garage…that to me was so awesome! Thank you Amazon your delivery people rock!

07/17/2024 20:05:55

By Utter TT yuuyyfyXi I ui   

U p b?0? b. C o

07/17/2024 10:59:25
Need dark mode!

By 世界的就是今生今世   

Dark mode needed

07/17/2024 02:26:44
STILL BROKEN - Report a problem with this listing

By Christopher R. S.   

to the devs. the link to report a problem with a product listing is still not working. it will soon be 2 years.
ipad 11.

07/17/2024 00:08:15
Guaranteed liars

By fennekin8   

When ordering something on Friday and it says within one to 2 days would be Sunday and then two days to delivery which means would be Tuesday and when the Tuesday comes all I get is it’s been shipped and I have to wait an extra two days I’m pretty sure I’m paying for prime for fast shipping this isn’t fast shipping at all and the best part is all you can offer is five dollars people. I can make that in a couple of minutes at my job and five dollars can’t even get me anything unless you do offer dollar store product I don’t see what five dollars going to do

07/16/2024 23:52:43
Not working

By HStepoway   

I am a prime member with video and music but not recognized on app for prime deals. Very frustrating! Can’t get help - on help!

07/16/2024 16:46:48
No data yet.No data yet.
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