Get thousands of cool & funny meme collection! Choose your favorite Meme image & customize with designer Fonts! To finish off, add color to your fonts for personalization! Enjoy 1000s of cool & trendy memes. Lifestyle, animals, troll, rage, social…. All memes at your disposal! Make your own meme, download in your iPhone or iPad and share with your friends! You can use your own images or take photos as well. On top of it, you can also pimp you meme with different fonts and font colors. Welcome to the new age of meme making! No usage limits, make as many meme as you wish! New & trending memes are added regularly! Features: - 1000s of new and trending Meme! All meme images in high quality, we don’t compromise with quality - Custom designer Fonts, specially prepared for making Meme - Use font colors & outlines, give colors to your caption - Take a photo or use an image from your device - Share with your friends on facebook, twitter and email - Resources are updated on regular basis Please let us know about your experience! Email us: [email protected] Like us: