Do you like traveling, riding off-road or just spending time in the wilderness? Then, the free BurnsOffroad application is just what you need. Give it a try — you'll like it! Free navigation in hard-to-reach areas - Tracks and records your travels: During and after the ride the application shows key indicators like distance, average velocity, altitude change, time needed to complete route. - Route markers: During a trip, you have the option of leaving route markers with photos and a story about the place. - Sections: Travel on other users' routes. Explore new places and publish your trail for others to use. Connections with friends and like-minded people • Don't ride alone: Publish your planned trips and gather people. Find a team for joint trips. • Communication: Communicate using the internal chat, and comment on and tag other people's trips. • BurnsOffroad on social networks: Share information about your ride on Facebook, Vkontakte, Instagram, or Twitter. Other services, including route planning and design, offline maps, and GPS are available on the BurnsOffroad website ( BurnsOffroad is necessary for anyone who travels by: ATV, buggy, 4x4, Enduro, snowmobile, bike, or foot.