Q Surface allows you to adjust the control points of your video surfaces in QLab 4, while standing right next to the projection. Please feel free to contact me directly at [email protected]. All feedback is very much appreciated. IMPORTANT NOTE #1: this app will NOT work for QLab version 3 or lower. IMPORTANT NTOE #2: this app will NOT work with the FREE version of QLab. In order for Q Surface to work properly, a Mac must be running QLab version 4.0.0 or higher (either licensed for video, or in 'demo' mode activated via the QLab -> Activate Demo Mode menu), and be connected to the same network as the iOS device running Q Surface (e.g. same WiFi network). (QLAB, QCART, TIXATO, GO BUTTON, ULTRASONIC and FIGURE 53 are registered trademarks of Figure 53, LLC. Seller of this application is not affiliated with Figure 53, LLC.)