Random creates a string of characters (of your choice) of a particular length. How to use this app: 1. Decide which characters you would like and enter them into the Allowed Characters field. Separate characters with a symbol of your choosing in the "Separating Character" Field. 2. Decide how long you want the output to be. 3. Click Generate! You can copy the output and paste it into another application if you like. You can even have your phone read it to you (using the speak feature). A couple of interesting ideas: - You could mimic a set of DNA nucleotide bases (a genome). Type in "A,T,C,G" as the allowed characters and set a high length (100). - You can create a dice by setting the allowed characters as "1,2,3,4,5,6" and setting the length to 1. - Imitate a flipping coin by setting allowed characters to "heads,tails" and the length to 1. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to email me: [email protected].