A new way to navigate Petal Maps lets you explore the world around you in new ways. Available in over 160 countries and regions, it not only lets you get your current location, browse the map, search for places, but also displays real-time traffic conditions, events, and loads more. [Map browsing] Support real-time traffic display, 2D/3D view browsing, and interactive operations such as zooming, moving, tilting, and rotating. [Map searching] With a huge database of POIs, finding places is easier than ever – simply search for keywords to find places on the map. You can also touch the category icons under the search bar to find recommended places nearby. [Navigation] Real-time traffic data helps you choose a faster route and avoid traffic jams. The app quickly re-plans your route and re-estimates the arrival time whenever you stray from the recommended route. [Feedback ] You can send us questions and suggestions in the following ways. Your feedback will be dealt with as soon as possible. Facebook-https://www.facebook.com/petalmapsglobal Twitter-https://twitter.com/petalmaps Instagram-https://www.instagram.com/petalmaps/ *Some features are only available in certain countries/regions