Nuvola HD Mobile App was designed to improve the interdepartmental communication of hotels. With Nuvola you can monitor the activities of your operation from a mobile device. Hoteliers use Nuvola to log, view and comment on: Guest Complaints Service Requests Lost & Found Items Packages and Courier Services VIP Arrivals Room Moves Wake-Up Calls Credit Issues …and much more In addition, Nuvola will help your operation run smoother. Users will be notified in real-time when service requests are pending and awaiting for a team member to take action. The user can view all the details related to the service request including the guest's information. The user can then comment and change the status of an event when the task is completed. Another added functionality to Nuvola Mobile App is the snapshot feature. Users can take pictures “on-the-go" and attach the image to an event or incident. Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions for our development team.