AnyTrip is a real-time public transport tracking app. Track trains, buses, ferries and light rail in real-time using our live map. Search or explore the map to find stops and upcoming departures. Track your public transport trips in real-time with AnyTrip: • Watch as vehicles travel around the city in real-time using the live map • Track your trip and arrival times • See real-time departures from stops and stations • Real-time bus and train passenger loads • Save your journeys as favourites • Check real-time parking availability at selected Transport Park&Ride car parks (in Sydney) Upgrade to AnyTrip Plus for: • Ad free experience • Unlimited favourite stops • Theme your maps: choose from 7 different map styles • Show non-passenger train services on live map • See a list of transposed train services Real-time tracking is available for the following regions: • Sydney/NSW • Brisbane/QLD • Canberra/ACT • Melbourne/VIC • Adelaide/SA • Darwin/NT • Auckland and Christchurch/NZ Learn more at