Poker companion to log your poker sessions SickHand helps you easily reflect back on past poker sessions and converse about it with your friends. Why log poker games? Reflecting back on past sessions, opponents, and hands are a great way to improve your game. It will help you rethink your game strategy and evolve as a poker player. Key features of SickHand Fast and detailed hand action logging Both cash games and tournaments Session history for viewing progress through time Opponent tracking Sharing session and hand data with allies Completely offline app but can be used online Convenient hand logging When sitting at the table, you don't want to spend 5 minutes logging hand information. And if you're like me you won't remember every hand detail after an 8 hour session. SickHand was made to be super fast and easy to add hand information so you won't miss the next hand. Cash game and tournaments I'm mainly a cash game player but I play some tournaments as well. Since the set up and flow are different in tournaments, I made sure it logs relevant details geared toward tournaments. Marking Opponents (Opponent Tracking) If you are a regular local cash or tournament player like me, you know you run into the same sharks and donkeys every time. SickHand will give you a way to keep tabs on them, take notes and remember their strengths and weaknesses so when you run into them again, you can look back at their profile and review the hands you had with them. It's an easy way to remind yourself what type of player they are, what to watch out for, and what history you have had with them. This has helped me a lot as I have history with many locals. Live online session viewing and sharing hands Aside from being a personal poker logger, this feature is the most important feature that has helped drive my obsession to create this app. Have you ever tried to text message a friend about a poker hand? Do you ever end up texting.. "I had Ad As and Seat 3 had KsQc and the flop came Ac Kd 3s.. and then". To me this was super frustrating. As we all know already, in a poker hand there are way too many variables that shape the dynamics of what really happened in a hand. Where was the blind? Who was in the hand? What seat are you in? Is your opponent on your left? What kind of players are at the table? All these details that could be represented easily if your friend was able to watch you playing at the table live. This is what I’m trying to recreate. There is an online mode. When you are in online mode, your friends can become your "allies". Once an ally, you can share your live session with them and they can see everything from table structure, blinds, opponents and the notes you have on them all live as you update the session. This helped dramatically clear so many questions when discussing hands. Offline mode by default and quick switching Not everyone wants to be online. And sometimes you may want to go online and share your session. So I made it easy to switch back and forth from being completely private to being able to share your sessions online with your friends. Offline mode is set by defaults so there isn't any need to worry about leaking any data online if you just want to use the app privately.