Current campuses: UFlorida, UIndiana, Michigan St, SDSU, UCLA, & UT Austin. Witley is your secure college communication hub. Use Witley to find out what’s happening on campus, group chat or direct message with anyone from your college, buy and sell textbooks or furniture, and explore what’s going on within your community. You can quickly learn about campus events, get the inside scoop on classes, and get up-to-date on campus issues that are important to you. From campus activities to life-long friendships, college is all about connections...and Witley is here to facilitate them safely and effectively. Witley makes it easy to connect and share with others. Download Witley today and see for yourself what our next-gen college communication app can do for you! CAMPUS FEED This is for your entire school to post campus-related questions, recommendations, opportunities, thoughts, etc. GROUP CHAT A safer and more secure experience for students to communicate with each other, while maintaining familiarity with what students have grown accustomed to using all these years (plus a few new spiffy features). All the fun -- less headache. DIRECT MESSAGE Some things are best kept intimate. All the good stuff from group chat, but just for you and someone else. OUR #1 PRIORITY Putting control back in your hands. PRIVACY & SAFETY Witley is 100% committed to your privacy and safety. Nurturing a trustworthy and safe environment for our users is at the forefront of our product and company as a whole. Colleges are a melting pot of ideas and opinions, which when expressed appropriately, can be positive and illuminating. Just know that Witley respects diverse expressions while also taking our users’ privacy and safety very seriously. Here’s how: -Every user must verify their school email address -Users are encouraged to go by their real names, just like in person -- names cannot be changed once registered -You have the ability to block any user from communicating with you directly -Automated security measures to ensure that users and content reported as “inappropriate” are quickly suspended/removed from the platform Our Terms and Conditions: Our Privacy Policy: Connect with us (we love your feedback): [email protected]