Find and get directions to oneCHARGE's Smart EV chargers. See charger and port type compatible with your electric vehicle, as well as live status of chargers. Features include: • User friendly interface and layout for a better user experience • Interactive map so you can easily locate and check charging station details without leaving the map • Directions to selected charging station through Google Maps by default • Checking charger type (standard or rapid) and port type on stations • Live status of chargers to check whether they’re available, in use, or out of order before you get there • Searching stations using filtering on charger type, port type, or status • Quick searching of stations • Ability to register and create a profile for a more streamlined user experience ongoing Please note: This app requires an internet connection through either via 3G/4G or WIFI. Charging stations displayed are within Hong Kong only – if you are using this app overseas, it will default to the closest station to your location that is still within Hong Kong.