Since June 26th, 2023, the acceptance of new applications for 050 plus has been closing. 050 plus is an IP phone application for smartphones which allows you to call mobile phones or landlines and talk at low rates by using assigned 050 number Main 050 plus Functions ・IP phone function (both make and receive calls) using an 050 phone number ・Voicemail (up to 20 messages of 90 seconds or less can be stored for 168 hours)  --> Sound files of voice messages (wav format) can be sent as email attachments! ・Display of Cost-saving *1 ・Contacts list grouping function ・text message function ・Function to display the 050 phone number of the free-call recipient ・Mute, speaker, hold functions *1 The cost displayed by the "Cost-saving" function is only an estimate and may differ from the actual amount saved. ●Customers are responsible for covering packet data transmission fees which arise from calls or receipt of emails. We recommend the use of a capped packet data plan. ●Please read the terms and conditions regarding the use of this application. -The contact information acquired by this application is not uploaded to a server. -Please confirm the privacy policy for the handling of data acquired by this application. ■050 plus privacy policy