Montreux, Vevey, La Tour-de-Peilz, and Lavaux in your pocket! Planning a stay in the Swiss Riviera or in Lavaux? This is the app that will turn your iPhone or iPad into a perfect travel companion! The authors of this guide are travelers like you, and face like you the problem of "data roaming", this expensive feature that allows you to connect abroad via a mobile telephone network. Data roaming costs an arm and a head. You don't use it. Nobody does. Free Wi-Fi access is one of your choice criteria when looking for a hotel, a restaurant or a bar. But during a trip by train, boat or car, when you walk in nature or when you get lost in a city, how can you see where you are and what is around? You need an app with tourist information and embedded maps you can use without connection. Well.. you need iMontreux ! This guide features tourist information, activities suggestions, and detailed maps. Everything is integrated into the app, and to display your current location it's the GPS that does the job. The maps cover the entire area of the Swiss Riviera and Lavaux. Towns and villages, trains, boats, cable cars, motorway exits... and even detailed maps of Montreux Jazz Festival stages, Montreux Christmas Market hot spots and Cully Jazz Festival vaults. With this guide, you will see where you are and what is around you. Wish to visit the Castle of Chillon? A map shows you where it is and where are the nearest train station and boat pier. As in all the iSwitzerland apps, many photos adorn the virtual tour, to give you an idea of what you'll see with your own eyes.... and of course to seduce you! This app was created to complement and enhance all services offered by tourism operators and to accompany you when discovering the region. You can complement it with other free apps of the same collection, as iLavaux (focusing on winegrowers in the area) and SwissMaps (relief map of Switzerland with more than 250 points of interest). We wish you a pleasant stay in Switzerland!