Hello, Friend! This is Vizgu, your personal art and culture guide. Vizgu is all about story telling. We want to give the modern museum visitor and art enthusiast a new way to explore art. We do this because we love art and culture and we want to share the knowledge and the captivating stories with everyone. Vizgu offers museums and art galleries a new way to distribute art via storytelling and a platform built to serve museums and galleries, by digitalizing and enhancing their visitor's experience for free. Current venues: ARoS - Aarhus Art Museum National Gallery of Denmark Art Museum of Skagen Randers Art Museum Anchers House Drachmanns House Trapholt - Museum of Modern Art And Design Museum Kolding and more on it's way! Features: - Scan - Point your phone at the artwork in one of your museums or art venues to learn more about the art and artist. - Zoom in - Zoom in and out on the artwork on your phone. - Browse art – Lets you explore more art with our built-in art browser. - Nearby venues – Find and explore venues. - Relations - Find relations between art and artists. - History - All your recognized art is saved for you, so you can revisit it on your phone. and more features on it's way. All of this is delivered through advanced image recognition technology developed by techies and art lovers.