Facing issues with data sharing rates? Is internet connection speed being a hurdle in sharing files and connecting with your loved ones? We have brought something fantastic on board.. Flash - is created for quick file sharing and chatting. Flash gives the advantage of sharing the files within fraction of seconds by using the native sharing facilities of your iPhone like Bluetooth and Wifi-hotspot sharing. Features: ====================================== ▪ One-click identifying and file sharing between iPhones. ▪ Zero-Charge tool - Say goodbye to SIM, USB, Internet. ▪ Approximately effective up to 300 meters. ▪ Easily list your file by type no matter where they are. ▪ In order to use Flash, your iPhone and other IP message devices (iPhones, MAC/PC) need not to be on the same WiFi network. iPhone to iPhones: ▪ Supports sharing of multiple file types. — Media files - images & videos — PDF and text files ▪ Allows to share contacts and add the contacts, shared by others. ▪ Flash lets you to do chat to convey your messages. ▪ Supports sharing up to 8 devices. ▪ Remembers your last sent files and can resend it. iPhone to MAC/PC: ▪ Easy to connect iPhone to MAC/PC without any use of software installation. ▪ Supports transfer of image, video,contact, pdf, text files and many more. Be Quick to download Flash..!! “ FREE CLICK SHARE!! “ “ CLICK IT, SHARE IT!! “