Are you annoyed when your friends delete your messages? You don't have to worry about it anymore! With DR.Chat, you can recover and view deleted messages from WhatsApp, Telegram and other popular messaging apps. What Can You Do with DR.Chat? Recover Deleted Messages: Text Messages: Restore text messages deleted by your friends or family. Media Files: Recover pictures, videos, audio recordings, animated gifs, stickers and more. Group Chats: Access deleted messages from both individual and group chats. Access History: DR.Chat supports recovering messages even if they were deleted before the date of installation. Save Status Updates: Preserve Memories: Save the statuses of your friends and family to keep your favorite moments forever. Watch Again: Watch and enjoy status updates again at any time. Protect Your Privacy: Secure Storage: DR.Chat will never collect or share your private messages. Everything is stored encrypted on your device. In Your Control: All data is stored only on your device and is under your control. Easy to Use: Intuitive Interface: DR.Chat has a simple and intuitive interface. Fast Recovery: View and recover deleted messages instantly. Example Use Cases: Have you accidentally deleted an emotional text sent to you by a loved one? With DR.Chat you can recover the message and read it again. Missed a funny video of your friend? You can save status updates and get a chance to watch the video. Deleted an important message from your colleague and don't remember what he wrote? With DR.Chat you can restore the message and find out its content. Why Wait with DR.Chat? Download now and restore lost messages. With DR.Chat, the worry of deleted messages is over!