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White Noise Baby Sleep: Lullin
Ajutați-l pe bebeluș să doarmă cu zgomot alb (uscător de păr, ventilator, șuviță) și cântec de leagăn
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Version History

  • Version2023-04-11

    Ajutați-l pe bebeluș să doarmă cu zgomot alb (uscător de păr, ventilator, șuviță) și cântec de leagăn

    Update Log

    working for your little star :)
    we did some performance improvement
    "Goodnight little one, sleep tight,
    Dream of all things soft and light.
    May your slumber be peaceful and deep,
    And your waking hours full of joy to keep..."

    App Description

    White Noise Baby Shusher Lullin îi ajută pe părinți să-și facă nou-născutul sau copilul mic să se relaxeze, să se calmeze, să tragă un pui de somn și să adoarmă sănătos și să aibă un somn profund, folosind zgomote albe și cântece de leagăn. Nu ne putem aminti, dar cercetările spun că uterul este un loc zgomotos care îl face pe copil să se calmeze și să doarmă.
    Așadar, White Noise Baby Shusher îl face pe bebeluș să se simtă ca în pântec și îl ajută să aibă un somn profund, cu zgomote albe și cântece de leagăn liniștitoare complet gratuite.

    - Înregistrări de înaltă calitate pentru bucle nesfârșite
    - Design ușor de utilizat: doar faceți clic și jucați; asta e tot. Fără înregistrare, fără autentificare
    - Funcționare offline: nu aveți nevoie de nicio conexiune la internet.
    - Amestecați diferite zgomote albe și cântece de leagăn și dormiți lung cu propriul dvs. mix
    - Salvați amestecul și ajungeți la el rapid
    - Redați zgomot alb și cântece de leagăn până la 16 ore
    - Redare în fundal: puteți folosi telefonul mobil în timp ce Lullin Baby Sleep se joacă în fundal
    - Utilizarea centrului de notificare: puteți întrerupe sau reporni zgomotul alb în Centrul de notificări al telefonului mobil. Nu trebuie să-l deschizi pe Lullin.
    - Mod Avion: În timp ce îți lași telefonul mobil lângă copilul adormit, poți folosi modul Avion. Vă recomandăm să utilizați această funcție.
    - Fade-Out: Se trezește copilul când opriți brusc zgomotul alb? Această funcție va reduce treptat zgomotul alb și îl va opri
    - Lumină de noapte: Culoare pastelată și luminozitate reglabilă
    - Design prietenos cu părinții pentru schimburile de noapte :)

    - Fă-ți pe tine și copilul tău să te relaxezi, să te calmezi și să adormi
    - Bebelușul tău se va simți ca în pântec și va dormi în câteva minute
    - Cu bucla nesfârșită, tu și copilul tău veți dormi mai mult
    - Bebelușul tău va dormi fără nicio întrerupere
    - Să ai o rutină de somn pe care o poți purta cu tine oriunde
    - Blocați zgomotele bruște din exterior

    Există multe zgomote albe liniștitoare selectate și cântece de leagăn clasice;

    Iată câteva zgomote albe;
    - Zgomot alb
    - Uscător de păr
    - Aspirator
    - Mașină de spălat
    - Sunet mașină de spălat vase
    - Uter (mama)
    - Mașină/Autostradă
    - Ventilator
    - Apă
    - Val
    - Ploaie
    - Râu
    - Tren
    - Zgomot roz
    - Mai multe zgomote colorate
    - Bătăi inimii și multe altele...

    Iată câteva dintre cântecele de leagăn liniștitoare selectate;
    - Wiegenlied Brahms
    - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Song
    - Rock A Bye Baby
    - Liniste copil mic
    - Jingle Bells (Cântec de Crăciun)

    Părintele este un miracol care nu se mai întoarce niciodată; asa ca traieste tot timpul.
    Vă invităm să descărcați gratuit „White Noise Baby Sleep: Lullin” și să aveți un somn frumos alături de bebelușul dumneavoastră și de întreaga familie!

  • Version2023-04-07

    Ajutați-l pe bebeluș să doarmă cu zgomot alb (uscător de păr, ventilator, șuviță) și cântec de leagăn

    Update Log

    We added a sleep tip feature for your sweet babies

    App Description

    White Noise Baby Shusher Lullin îi ajută pe părinți să-și facă nou-născutul sau copilul mic să se relaxeze, să se calmeze, să tragă un pui de somn și să adoarmă sănătos și să aibă un somn profund, folosind zgomote albe și cântece de leagăn. Nu ne putem aminti, dar cercetările spun că uterul este un loc zgomotos care îl face pe copil să se calmeze și să doarmă.
    Așadar, White Noise Baby Shusher îl face pe bebeluș să se simtă ca în pântec și îl ajută să aibă un somn profund, cu zgomote albe și cântece de leagăn liniștitoare complet gratuite.

    - Înregistrări de înaltă calitate pentru bucle nesfârșite
    - Design ușor de utilizat: doar faceți clic și jucați; asta e tot. Fără înregistrare, fără autentificare
    - Funcționare offline: nu aveți nevoie de nicio conexiune la internet.
    - Amestecați diferite zgomote albe și cântece de leagăn și dormiți lung cu propriul dvs. mix
    - Salvați amestecul și ajungeți la el rapid
    - Redați zgomot alb și cântece de leagăn până la 16 ore
    - Redare în fundal: puteți folosi telefonul mobil în timp ce Lullin Baby Sleep se joacă în fundal
    - Utilizarea centrului de notificare: puteți întrerupe sau reporni zgomotul alb în Centrul de notificări al telefonului mobil. Nu trebuie să-l deschizi pe Lullin.
    - Mod Avion: În timp ce îți lași telefonul mobil lângă copilul adormit, poți folosi modul Avion. Vă recomandăm să utilizați această funcție.
    - Fade-Out: Se trezește copilul când opriți brusc zgomotul alb? Această funcție va reduce treptat zgomotul alb și îl va opri
    - Lumină de noapte: Culoare pastelată și luminozitate reglabilă
    - Design prietenos cu părinții pentru schimburile de noapte :)

    - Fă-ți pe tine și copilul tău să te relaxezi, să te calmezi și să adormi
    - Bebelușul tău se va simți ca în pântec și va dormi în câteva minute
    - Cu bucla nesfârșită, tu și copilul tău veți dormi mai mult
    - Bebelușul tău va dormi fără nicio întrerupere
    - Să ai o rutină de somn pe care o poți purta cu tine oriunde
    - Blocați zgomotele bruște din exterior

    Există multe zgomote albe liniștitoare selectate și cântece de leagăn clasice;

    Iată câteva zgomote albe;
    - Zgomot alb
    - Uscător de păr
    - Aspirator
    - Mașină de spălat
    - Sunet mașină de spălat vase
    - Uter (mama)
    - Mașină/Autostradă
    - Ventilator
    - Apă
    - Val
    - Ploaie
    - Râu
    - Tren
    - Zgomot roz
    - Mai multe zgomote colorate
    - Bătăi inimii și multe altele...

    Iată câteva dintre cântecele de leagăn liniștitoare selectate;
    - Wiegenlied Brahms
    - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Song
    - Rock A Bye Baby
    - Liniste copil mic
    - Jingle Bells (Cântec de Crăciun)

    Părintele este un miracol care nu se mai întoarce niciodată; asa ca traieste tot timpul.
    Vă invităm să descărcați gratuit „White Noise Baby Sleep: Lullin” și să aveți un somn frumos alături de bebelușul dumneavoastră și de întreaga familie!

  • Version2023-02-06

    Ajutați-l pe bebeluș să doarmă cu zgomot alb (uscător de păr, ventilator, șuviță) și cântec de leagăn

    Update Log

    We added a sleep tip feature for your sweet babies

    App Description

    White Noise Baby Shusher Lullin helps parents to get their newborn or toddler baby to relax, calm, nap and fall asleep healthy and have a deep sleep by using baby white noises and lullabies. We can’t remember but researches say womb is a loud place that makes baby calm and get sleep.
    So White Noise Baby Shusher makes baby to feel like in womb and help to have a deep sleep with totally free soothing white noises and lullabies.

    - High quality records for endless loops
    - User Friendly Design: Just click and play; that is all. No register, no login
    - Offline working: You don’t need any internet connection.
    - Mix different white noises and lullabies and have a long sleep with your own mix
    - Save your mix and reach it quickly
    - Play white noise and lullaby up to 16 hours
    - Background Play : you can use your mobile phone while Lullin Baby Sleep playing at background
    - Notification Center Usage: You can pause or restart white noise on your mobile phone's Notification Center. You don't need to open Lullin.
    - Airplane Mode : While leaving your mobile phone next to your sleeping baby you can use airplane mode. We recommend you to use this feature.
    - Fade-Out: Does your baby wake up when you suddenly turn off the white noise ? This feature will gradually reduce white noise and turn it off
    - Night Light: Sooting pastel color and adjustable brightness
    - Parent-Friendly Design for night shifts :)

    - Make you & your baby relax, calm and asleep
    - Your baby will feel like as in womb and sleep in minutes
    - With endless loop you and your baby will sleep longer
    - Your baby will sleep without any interruption
    - Having a sleep routine that you can carry with you anywhere
    - Block out sudden outside noises

    There are many selected soothing white noises and classic lullabies;

    Here is some white noises;
    - White Noise
    - Hairdryer
    - Vacuum Cleaner
    - Washing Machine
    - Dishwasher Sound
    - Womb (Mom)
    - Car / Highway
    - Fan
    - Water
    - Wave
    - Rain
    - River
    - Train
    - Pink Noise
    - More Colored Noises
    - Heart Beat and more...

    Here is some of selected soothing lullabies;
    - Wiegenlied Brahms
    - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Song
    - Rock A Bye Baby
    - Hush Little Baby
    - Jingle Bells ( Christmas Song )

    Parenting is a miracle that never comes back again; so live all the moment.
    We invite you to download “White Noise Baby Sleep: Lullin” free, and have a nice sleep with your baby and whole family! 

  • Version2023-01-09

    Ajutați-l pe bebeluș să doarmă cu zgomot alb (uscător de păr, ventilator, șuviță) și cântec de leagăn

    App Description

    White Noise Baby Shusher Lullin helps parents to get their newborn or toddler baby to relax, calm, nap and fall asleep healthy and have a deep sleep by using baby white noises and lullabies. We can’t remember but researches say womb is a loud place that makes baby calm and get sleep.
    So White Noise Baby Shusher makes baby to feel like in womb and help to have a deep sleep with totally free soothing white noises and lullabies.

    - High quality records for endless loops
    - User Friendly Design: Just click and play; that is all. No register, no login
    - Offline working: You don’t need any internet connection.
    - Mix different white noises and lullabies and have a long sleep with your own mix
    - Save your mix and reach it quickly
    - Play white noise and lullaby up to 16 hours
    - Background Play : you can use your mobile phone while Lullin Baby Sleep playing at background
    - Notification Center Usage: You can pause or restart white noise on your mobile phone's Notification Center. You don't need to open Lullin.
    - Airplane Mode : While leaving your mobile phone next to your sleeping baby you can use airplane mode. We recommend you to use this feature.
    - Fade-Out: Does your baby wake up when you suddenly turn off the white noise ? This feature will gradually reduce white noise and turn it off
    - Night Light: Sooting pastel color and adjustable brightness
    - Parent-Friendly Design for night shifts :)

    - Make you & your baby relax, calm and asleep
    - Your baby will feel like as in womb and sleep in minutes
    - With endless loop you and your baby will sleep longer
    - Your baby will sleep without any interruption
    - Having a sleep routine that you can carry with you anywhere
    - Block out sudden outside noises

    There are many selected soothing white noises and classic lullabies;

    Here is some white noises;
    - White Noise
    - Hairdryer
    - Vacuum Cleaner
    - Washing Machine
    - Dishwasher Sound
    - Womb (Mom)
    - Car / Highway
    - Fan
    - Water
    - Wave
    - Rain
    - River
    - Train
    - Pink Noise
    - More Colored Noises
    - Heart Beat and more...

    Here is some of selected soothing lullabies;
    - Wiegenlied Brahms
    - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Song
    - Rock A Bye Baby
    - Hush Little Baby
    - Jingle Bells ( Christmas Song )

    Parenting is a miracle that never comes back again; so live all the moment.
    We invite you to download “White Noise Baby Sleep: Lullin” free, and have a nice sleep with your baby and whole family! 

  • Version2022-12-28

    Ajutați-l pe bebeluș să doarmă cu zgomot alb (uscător de păr, ventilator, șuviță) și cântec de leagăn

    Update Log

    Bug fixing and improvements

    App Description

    White Noise Baby Shusher Lullin helps parents to get their newborn or toddler baby to relax, calm, nap and fall asleep healthy and have a deep sleep by using baby white noises and lullabies. We can’t remember but researches say womb is a loud place that makes baby calm and get sleep.
    So White Noise Baby Shusher makes baby to feel like in womb and help to have a deep sleep with totally free soothing white noises and lullabies.

    - High quality records for endless loops
    - User Friendly Design: Just click and play; that is all. No register, no login
    - Offline working: You don’t need any internet connection.
    - Mix different white noises and lullabies and have a long sleep with your own mix
    - Save your mix and reach it quickly
    - Play white noise and lullaby up to 16 hours
    - Background Play : you can use your mobile phone while Lullin Baby Sleep playing at background
    - Notification Center Usage: You can pause or restart white noise on your mobile phone's Notification Center. You don't need to open Lullin.
    - Airplane Mode : While leaving your mobile phone next to your sleeping baby you can use airplane mode. We recommend you to use this feature.
    - Fade-Out: Does your baby wake up when you suddenly turn off the white noise ? This feature will gradually reduce white noise and turn it off
    - Night Light: Sooting pastel color and adjustable brightness
    - Parent-Friendly Design for night shifts :)

    - Make you & your baby relax, calm and asleep
    - Your baby will feel like as in womb and sleep in minutes
    - With endless loop you and your baby will sleep longer
    - Your baby will sleep without any interruption
    - Having a sleep routine that you can carry with you anywhere
    - Block out sudden outside noises

    There are many selected soothing white noises and classic lullabies;

    Here is some white noises;
    - White Noise
    - Hairdryer
    - Vacuum Cleaner
    - Washing Machine
    - Dishwasher Sound
    - Womb (Mom)
    - Car / Highway
    - Fan
    - Water
    - Wave
    - Rain
    - River
    - Train
    - Pink Noise
    - More Colored Noises
    - Heart Beat and more...

    Here is some of selected soothing lullabies;
    - Wiegenlied Brahms
    - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Song
    - Rock A Bye Baby
    - Hush Little Baby
    - Jingle Bells ( Christmas Song )

    Parenting is a miracle that never comes back again; so live all the moment.
    We invite you to download “White Noise Baby Sleep: Lullin” free, and have a nice sleep with your baby and whole family! 

  • Version2022-06-12

    Ajutați-l pe bebeluș să doarmă cu zgomot alb (uscător de păr, ventilator, șuviță) și cântec de leagăn

    App Description

    White Noise Baby Shusher Lullin helps parents to get their newborn or toddler baby to relax, calm, nap and fall asleep healthy and have a deep sleep by using baby white noises and lullabies. We can’t remember but researches say womb is a loud place that makes baby calm and get sleep.
    So White Noise Baby Shusher makes baby to feel like in womb and help to have a deep sleep with totally free soothing white noises and lullabies.

    - High quality records for endless loops
    - User Friendly Design: Just click and play; that is all. No register, no login
    - Offline working: You don’t need any internet connection.
    - Mix different white noises and lullabies and have a long sleep with your own mix
    - Save your mix and reach it quickly
    - Play white noise and lullaby up to 16 hours
    - Background Play : you can use your mobile phone while Lullin Baby Sleep playing at background
    - Notification Center Usage: You can pause or restart white noise on your mobile phone's Notification Center. You don't need to open Lullin.
    - Airplane Mode : While leaving your mobile phone next to your sleeping baby you can use airplane mode. We recommend you to use this feature.
    - Fade-Out: Does your baby wake up when you suddenly turn off the white noise ? This feature will gradually reduce white noise and turn it off
    - Night Light: Sooting pastel color and adjustable brightness
    - Parent-Friendly Design for night shifts :)

    - Make you & your baby relax, calm and asleep
    - Your baby will feel like as in womb and sleep in minutes
    - With endless loop you and your baby will sleep longer
    - Your baby will sleep without any interruption
    - Having a sleep routine that you can carry with you anywhere
    - Block out sudden outside noises

    There are many selected soothing white noises and classic lullabies;

    Here is some white noises;
    - White Noise
    - Hairdryer
    - Vacuum Cleaner
    - Washing Machine
    - Dishwasher Sound
    - Womb (Mom)
    - Car / Highway
    - Fan
    - Water
    - Wave
    - Rain
    - River
    - Train
    - Pink Noise
    - More Colored Noises
    - Heart Beat and more...

    Here is some of selected soothing lullabies;
    - Wiegenlied Brahms
    - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Song
    - Rock A Bye Baby
    - Hush Little Baby
    - Jingle Bells ( Christmas Song )

    Parenting is a miracle that never comes back again; so live all the moment.
    We invite you to download “White Noise Baby Sleep: Lullin” free, and have a nice sleep with your baby and whole family! 

  • Version2022-06-05

    Ajutați-l pe bebeluș să doarmă cu zgomot alb (uscător de păr, ventilator, șuviță) și cântec de leagăn

    App Description

    White Noise Baby Shusher Lullin helps parents to get their newborn or toddler baby to relax, calm, nap and fall asleep healthy and have a deep sleep by using baby white noises and lullabies. We can’t remember but researches say womb is a loud place that makes baby calm and get sleep.
    So White Noise Baby Shusher makes baby to feel like in womb and help to have a deep sleep with totally free soothing white noises and lullabies.

    - High quality records for endless loops
    - User Friendly Design: Just click and play; that is all. No register, no login
    - Offline working: You don’t need any internet connection.
    - Mix different white noises and lullabies and have a long sleep with your own mix
    - Save your mix and reach it quickly
    - Play white noise and lullaby up to 16 hours
    - Background Play : you can use your mobile phone while Lullin Baby Sleep playing at background
    - Notification Center Usage: You can pause or restart white noise on your mobile phone's Notification Center. You don't need to open Lullin.
    - Airplane Mode : While leaving your mobile phone next to your sleeping baby you can use airplane mode. We recommend you to use this feature.
    - Fade-Out: Does your baby wake up when you suddenly turn off the white noise ? This feature will gradually reduce white noise and turn it off
    - Night Light: Sooting pastel color and adjustable brightness
    - Parent-Friendly Design for night shifts :)

    - Make you & your baby relax, calm and asleep
    - Your baby will feel like as in womb and sleep in minutes
    - With endless loop you and your baby will sleep longer
    - Your baby will sleep without any interruption
    - Having a sleep routine that you can carry with you anywhere
    - Block out sudden outside noises

    There are many selected soothing white noises and classic lullabies;

    Here is some white noises;
    - White Noise
    - Hairdryer
    - Vacuum Cleaner
    - Washing Machine
    - Dishwasher Sound
    - Womb (Mom)
    - Car / Highway
    - Fan
    - Water
    - Wave
    - Rain
    - River
    - Train
    - Pink Noise
    - More Colored Noises
    - Heart Beat and more...

    Here is some of selected soothing lullabies;
    - Wiegenlied Brahms
    - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Song
    - Rock A Bye Baby
    - Hush Little Baby
    - Jingle Bells ( Christmas Song )

    Parenting is a miracle that never comes back again; so live all the moment.
    We invite you to download “White Noise Baby Sleep: Lullin” free, and have a nice sleep with your baby and whole family! 

  • Version2022-05-10

    Ajutați-l pe bebeluș să doarmă cu zgomot alb (uscător de păr, ventilator, șuviță) și cântec de leagăn

    App Description

    White Noise Baby Shusher Lullin helps parents to get their newborn or toddler baby to relax, calm, nap and fall asleep healthy and have a deep sleep by using baby white noises and lullabies. We can’t remember but researches say womb is a loud place that makes baby calm and get sleep.
    So White Noise Baby Shusher makes baby to feel like in womb and help to have a deep sleep with totally free soothing white noises and lullabies.

    - High quality records for endless loops
    - User Friendly Design: Just click and play; that is all. No register, no login
    - Offline working: You don’t need any internet connection.
    - Mix different white noises and lullabies and have a long sleep with your own mix
    - Save your mix and reach it quickly
    - Play white noise and lullaby up to 16 hours
    - Background Play : you can use your mobile phone while Lullin Baby Sleep playing at background
    - Notification Center Usage: You can pause or restart white noise on your mobile phone's Notification Center. You don't need to open Lullin.
    - Airplane Mode : While leaving your mobile phone next to your sleeping baby you can use airplane mode. We recommend you to use this feature.
    - Fade-Out: Does your baby wake up when you suddenly turn off the white noise ? This feature will gradually reduce white noise and turn it off
    - Night Light: Sooting pastel color and adjustable brightness
    - Parent-Friendly Design for night shifts :)

    - Make you & your baby relax, calm and asleep
    - Your baby will feel like as in womb and sleep in minutes
    - With endless loop you and your baby will sleep longer
    - Your baby will sleep without any interruption
    - Having a sleep routine that you can carry with you anywhere
    - Block out sudden outside noises

    There are many selected soothing white noises and classic lullabies;

    Here is some white noises;
    - White Noise
    - Hairdryer
    - Vacuum Cleaner
    - Washing Machine
    - Dishwasher Sound
    - Womb (Mom)
    - Car / Highway
    - Fan
    - Water
    - Wave
    - Rain
    - River
    - Train
    - Pink Noise
    - More Colored Noises
    - Heart Beat and more...

    Here is some of selected soothing lullabies;
    - Wiegenlied Brahms
    - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Song
    - Rock A Bye Baby
    - Hush Little Baby
    - Jingle Bells ( Christmas Song )

    Parenting is a miracle that never comes back again; so live all the moment.
    We invite you to download “White Noise Baby Sleep: Lullin” free, and have a nice sleep with your baby and whole family! 

  • Version2022-02-03
    Size:Varies with device

    Ajutați-l pe bebeluș să doarmă cu zgomot alb (uscător de păr, ventilator, șuviță) și cântec de leagăn

    Update Log

    So sorry for the be premium purchase issue :/
    We fixed it and did some performance improvements
    we wish you have a nice sleep with your baby :)
    By the way have a lovely Valentine's Day with your partner :)
    lyrics for your partner maybe for your baby :)
    And now I'll shout to the world my love for you
    The irresistible love that I've fallen into
    Life is wonderful, cause you shine through
    There's no one that makes me feel like you do

    App Description

    White Noise Baby Shusher Lullin helps parents to get their newborn or toddler baby to relax, calm, nap and fall asleep healthy and have a deep sleep by using baby white noises and lullabies. We can’t remember but researches say womb is a loud place that makes baby calm and get sleep.
    So White Noise Baby Shusher makes baby to feel like in womb and help to have a deep sleep with totally free soothing white noises and lullabies.
    - High quality records for endless loops
    - User Friendly Design: Just click and play; that is all. No register, no login
    - Offline working: You don’t need any internet connection.
    - Mix different white noises and lullabies and have a long sleep with your own mix
    - Save your mix and reach it quickly
    - Play white noise and lullaby up to 16 hours
    - Background Play : you can use your mobile phone while Lullin Baby Sleep playing at background
    - Notification Center Usage: You can pause or restart white noise on your mobile phone\u0027s Notification Center. You don\u0027t need to open Lullin.
    - Airplane Mode : While leaving your mobile phone next to your sleeping baby you can use airplane mode. We recommend you to use this feature.
    - Fade-Out: Does your baby wake up when you suddenly turn off the white noise ? This feature will gradually reduce white noise and turn it off
    - Night Light: Sooting pastel color and adjustable brightness
    - Parent-Friendly Design for night shifts :)
    - Make you \u0026 your baby relax, calm and asleep
    - Your baby will feel like as in womb and sleep in minutes
    - With endless loop you and your baby will sleep longer
    - Your baby will sleep without any interruption
    - Having a sleep routine that you can carry with you anywhere
    - Block out sudden outside noises
    There are many selected soothing white noises and classic lullabies;
    Here is some white noises;
    - White Noise
    - Hairdryer
    - Vacuum Cleaner
    - Washing Machine
    - Dishwasher Sound
    - Womb (Mom)
    - Car / Highway
    - Fan
    - Water
    - Wave
    - Rain
    - River
    - Train
    - Pink Noise
    - More Colored Noises
    - Heart Beat and more...
    Here is some of selected soothing lullabies;
    - Wiegenlied Brahms
    - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Song
    - Rock A Bye Baby
    - Hush Little Baby
    - Jingle Bells ( Christmas Song )
    Parenting is a miracle that never comes back again; so live all the moment.
    We invite you to download “White Noise Baby Sleep: Lullin” free, and have a nice sleep with your baby and whole family!

  • Version2021-12-12
    Size:Varies with device

    Ajutați-l pe bebeluș să doarmă cu zgomot alb (uscător de păr, ventilator, șuviță) și cântec de leagăn

    Update Log

    Working for you and for your little star :)
    in this version we worked about user interface and user experience improvements.
    Have a nice sleep with your baby;
    and also We wish you happy new year :)
    "Hushaby, hushaby,
    Christmas stars are in the sky;
    Sweet the bells of Christmas Eve –
    Babies, each a kiss receive –
    Hushaby, goodnight,
    Hushaby, goodnight!"

    App Description

    White Noise Baby Shusher Lullin helps parents to get their newborn or toddler baby to relax, calm and nap and fall asleep healthy and have a deep sleep with baby white noises and lullabies. We can’t remember but researches say womb is a loud place that makes baby calm and get sleep.
    So White Noise Baby Shusher makes baby to feel like in womb and help to have a deep sleep with totally free soothing white noises and lullabies.
    - High quality records for endless loops
    - Basic Design: Just click and play that is all. No login, no credential
    - Offline working: You don’t need any internet connection.
    - Mix different white noises and lullabies and have a long sleep with your own mix
    - Save your mix and play quickly to have a quick sleep
    - Play white noise and lullaby up to 16 hours
    - Background Play : you can use your mobile phone while Lullin Baby Sleep playing at background
    - Notification Center Usage: You can pause or restart white noise on Notification Center. You don\u0027t need to open application.
    - Airplane Mode : While leaving your mobile phone next to your sleeping baby you can use airplane mode. Also we recommend it.
    - Fade-Out: Does your baby wake up when you suddenly turn off the white noise ? This feature will gradually reduce white noise and turn off
    - Night Light: Sooting pastel color and adjustable brightness
    - Parent-Friendly Basic Design for night shifts :)
    - Get you \u0026 your baby relax, calm and asleep
    - Your baby will feel like as in womb and sleep in minutes
    - With endless loop you and your baby will sleep longer
    - Your baby will sleep without any interruption
    - Having a sleep routine that you can carry with you anywhere like a baby Shusher
    - Block out sudden outside noises
    There are many selected soothing white noises and classic lullabies;
    Here is some white noises;
    - White Noise
    - Hairdryer ( Hair Dryer) Sound
    - Vacuum Cleaner Sound (Hoover)
    - Washing Machine / Dishwasher Sound
    - Womb (Mom) Sound
    - Car / Highway Sound
    - Fan Noise
    - Water Sound
    - Wave Sound
    - Rain Sound
    - River Sound
    - Train Noise
    - Pink Noise
    - More Colored Noises
    - Heart Beat and more...
    Here is some of selected soothing lullabies;
    - Wiegenlied Brahms
    - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Song
    - Rock A Bye Baby
    - Hush Little Baby
    - Jingle Bells ( Christmas Song )
    Parenting is a miracle, live all the moment that never come back again.
    We invite you to download “White Noise Baby Sleep: Lullin” free, and have a nice sleep with your baby and whole family!

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