"Mahjong Counting Machine" provides mahjong tools such as counting and hand statistics.

Supports a variety of mahjong
・Taiwan Mahjong
・Japanese sparrow
・Hong Kong Sparrow
・Hong Kong style Taiwanese mahjong
・Penggangpai (Horse Race)

・Convenient interface, just click and scan, no need to enter numbers
・Supports restoring scores, no fear of input errors
・Supports various special situations: self-shot, multiple shots, continuous banker, etc.
・Supports more than 4 players, swap positions and calculate scores independently
・Finding function: Convenient to calculate the settlement after the game
Hand Statistics
・Statistics on the number of players’ self-draws and gunshots
・Player title: Find out who is the King of Eater, King of Self-touch, and King of Unification

Share results
・Record the results in the form of pictures for easy sharing

Taiwan Mahjong
・Support setting base and platform
・Automatically calculate the scores of "Continuous Banker"
・Supports penalties such as "penalty platform" and "cheating"
・Supports double the number of "Door Dice" units

Japanese sparrow
・Supports three- and four-person sparrows
・Supports customizable origin points, rebate points, horse points, no penalty symbols, etc.
・Support Riichi
・Support for playoffs (Western entry)
・Supports special situations such as "raw card flow", "passing game on the way", "game slam" etc.

Hong Kong Style Taiwanese Mahjong
・Automatically calculate half points for pulling and kicking
・Supports "surrender" function
・Supports real-time rewards and punishments such as "dice rolling" and "kong"

Hong Kong Mahjong
・Supports full gun/half gun
・Supports Jackpot gameplay
・Supports customizable multipliers

・Support prize horses
・Support package self-touching
・Support "Fugui Village"