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15 Days Home Workout Challenge
Ihre persönliche und kostenlose 15 Tage Home Workout Challenge App
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Version History

  • Version1.0.24

    Ihre persönliche und kostenlose 15 Tage Home Workout Challenge App

    Update Log

    Added two new workout modes
    1. Workout with Athletes
    2. You and me challenge

    App Description

    Lassen Sie sich nicht davon abhalten, zu Hause eingesperrt zu sein, um einen gesunden Körper zu haben. Wir haben Ihnen nur die App gebracht, mit der Sie Ihre Fitnessziele zu Hause erreichen können.
    Die 15 Days Home Workout Challenge App bietet Ihnen tägliche Trainingsroutinen. Nur ein wenig Zeit außerhalb Ihres Tagesplans und Sie können Muskeln aufbauen und sich fit halten, während Sie zu Hause sind.
    Unsere Workout-Herausforderungen umfassen nur Workouts mit Körpergewicht und erfordern keine Trainingsgeräte oder Trainerberatung. Alle Übungen können zu Hause und nur mit Ihrem Körpergewicht durchgeführt werden.
    Wir haben uns darauf konzentriert, Ihnen die beste Heimtrainings-App zur Verfügung zu stellen, um einen gesunden Körper aufzubauen, der zu KOSTENLOS ist, buchstäblich KOSTENLOS. Vom Trainingsplan über die Diätkarte bis hin zum Hören Ihrer Lieblingsmusik während des Trainings. Sie finden alles, was Sie brauchen, um an einem Ort fit zu bleiben.
    Dies sind die Funktionen, die Ihnen die 15 Days Home Workout Challenge-App bietet:
    1 Plankenherausforderungen: Schrittweise Plankenherausforderungen für jeden Körpertyp. Es stehen verschiedene Ebenen von Plankenherausforderungen zur Verfügung, die Ihnen helfen, Gewicht zu verlieren, Kraft aufzubauen und Ihren Kern zu stärken.
    Abhängig von Ihrem Ziel sind unsere Plankenherausforderungen wie folgt unterteilt:
    - 60 Sekunden Plankenherausforderung
    - 3 Minuten Plankenherausforderung
    - 5 Minuten Plankenherausforderung
    2 Ganzkörpertraining: Abnehmen, Kraft aufbauen oder Ihre Gesundheit verbessern. Unser Ganzkörpertraining bietet Ihnen ein abwechslungsreiches Training, das Ihren Bedürfnissen entspricht.
    Darüber hinaus bieten wir regelmäßig Ganzkörpertraining an, um es für Sie herausfordernder und effektiver zu machen. Denn wenn es Sie nicht herausfordert, ändert es Sie nicht.
    3 Beine Training 15 Tage Herausforderung: Wenn Sie Ihre Beine trainieren, haben Sie eine starke Basis für Ihren gesamten Körper. Je mehr Sie Ihre Beine trainieren, desto mehr Kraft bauen Sie für Ihren gesamten Körper auf.
    Unsere 15-Tage-Herausforderung für Beintraining bietet Ihnen mehr Wettbewerb, bei dem Sie mit sich selbst konkurrieren und besser als gestern sein werden.
    4 BMI (Body Mass Index): Der Body Mass Index (BMI) ist das Gewicht einer Person in Kilogramm geteilt durch das Quadrat der Größe in Metern. Ein hoher BMI kann ein Indikator für hohe Körperfettwerte sein und umgekehrt.
    Überprüfen Sie Ihre Körperstatistiken, um Ihr Idealgewicht mit unserem BMI-Rechner zu ermitteln. Dies wird Ihnen helfen, mehr Ausdauer bei Ihrer Ernährung und Ihrem Training zu haben.
    5 Diät (Nährstoffangaben): Nährstoffe sind Fette, Kohlenhydrate, Proteine, Mineralien und Vitamine, die unser Körper benötigt, um zu erhalten. Eine perfekte Ernährung enthält all dies in der richtigen Ration und Menge entsprechend den Fitnesszielen.
    Da wir wissen, dass Ernährung genauso wichtig ist wie Training für einen gesunden Körper, liefern wir auch die Nährwertinformationen. Besuchen Sie unseren Bereich Ernährung und Sie finden zunächst einen guten Ernährungsplan.
    6 Neue Herausforderungen nach jeder 15-tägigen Herausforderung: Jedes Mal, wenn Sie Ihre 15-tägige Herausforderung abschließen, warten die wettbewerbsfähigeren Herausforderungen darauf, dass Sie abgeschlossen werden.
    7 Interaktiver Verlauf: In diesem Abschnitt finden Sie den Verlauf Ihres Trainings. Sie erfahren, welches Training Sie an einem bestimmten Datum durchgeführt haben. Damit Sie Ihren Trainingsplan verfolgen können.
    8 Kalorienaufnahme-Rechner: Verwenden Sie unseren Kalorienaufnahme-Rechner, um zu wissen, wie viele Kalorien Sie verlieren müssen, oder um Ihre Körperziele zu berücksichtigen.
    Die 15-tägige Home Workout Challenge App bietet Workouts für alle Arten von Fitnessbegeisterten, vom Anfänger bis zum Fortgeschrittenen und sogar für Fortgeschrittene. Darüber hinaus sind unsere Workouts personalisiert und fortgeschritten (basierend auf jedem Level), sodass sie sich auf jeden einzelnen Muskel Ihres Körpers konzentrieren.
    Darüber hinaus haben wir dafür gesorgt, dass die Wirkung ausreichend ist und die Körpermuskulatur nicht zu stark belastet wird. Wir werden von unseren Benutzern gerne berücksichtigt, da sie es genießen, mit uns fit zu sein. Laden Sie die App noch heute herunter und werden Sie Teil dieser Fit-Familie.

    Kommende Funktionen:
    -Aktiver Tag zählt: Seien Sie für einen bestimmten Zeitraum bei uns aktiv und verdienen Sie sich jedes Mal einen Anreiz, wenn Sie eine Amtszeit bei uns glücklich abschließen.
    -Pedometer: Zählen Sie Ihre täglichen Schritte mit unserem Schrittzähler.

  • Version1.0.21

    Ihre persönliche und kostenlose 15 Tage Home Workout Challenge App

    Update Log

    1. Add Pedometer
    2. Minor bug fixes

    App Description

    Don\u0027t let being locked down at home stop you from having a fit \u0026 healthy body. We have brought you just the app that will help you achieve your fitness goals at home.
    15 Days Home Workout Challenge app provides you with daily workout routines. Just a little time out of your daily schedule and you can build muscles and keep yourself fit while you are at home.
    Our workout challenges includes only body-weight workouts and requires no exercise equipment or coach advice, all exercises can be performed at home and with just your body weight.
    We focused on providing you the best home workout app to build a healthy physique that too FREE, literally at NO COST. From workout plan to diet chart to listening to your favourite motivating music while working out. You will find everything you need to stay fit at one place.\u2028
    These are the Features 15 Days Home Workout Challenge app is offering you:
    \u20281 Plank Challenges: step-wise plank challenges for every body type. Different levels of plank challenges are available to help you lose weight, build strength and to make you core stronger.
    Depending on your goal our plank challenges are divided as below:
    - 60 seconds plank challenge
    - 3 minutes plank challenge
    - 5 minutes plank challenge
    \u20282 Full body workout: lose weight, build strength or improve your health, our full body workout program provides you with the diversified workouts according to your needs.
    Not just that, we also give full body workout challenges periodically to make it more challenging and effective for you. Cause if it doesn’t challenge you it doesn’t change you.
    \u20283 Legs Workout 15 days challenge: training your legs will help you have a strong base for your entire body and the more you train your legs the more strength you build for your entire body.
    Our legs workout 15 days challenge gives you more competition wherein you will be competing with your own self and to be better than yesterday.
    \u20284 BMI (Body Mass Index): Body Mass Index (BMI) is a person\u0027s weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters. A high BMI can be an indicator of high body fatness and vice versa.
    Check your body stats to find your ideal weight with our BMI calculator. This will help you to be more persistence with your diet and workout.
    \u20285 Diet (Nutrients details): Nutrients are fats, carbohydrates, Proteins, minerals and vitamins which is required by our body to sustain. A perfect diet contains all of these in proper ration and amount in accordance with the fitness goals.
    As we know that nutrition is as important as workout is for a healthy body, we are providing the nutrition information as well. Head to our nutrition section and you will find a Good Nutrition plan to start with.
    \u20286 New challenges after every 15 days challenge: Every time you complete your 15 days challenge, the more competitive challenges waits for you to be completed.
    7 Interactive history: In this section, you will find the history of your workout. You will get to know what workout you did on a particular date. So that you can keep track of your workout schedule.
    8 Calories intake calculator: Use our calories intake calculator to know how many calories you need to lose or to maintain considering your body goals.
    \u202815 days home workout challenge app offers the workouts for all types of fitness enthusiasts, from beginner to intermediate and even to advance level. Moreover, our workouts are personalised and advanced (based on each level) so that it focuses on each and every muscle of your body.
    Not just that, we have also made sure that the effect is of adequate amount and not too much stress is built on body muscles. \u2028\u2028We are happily considered by our users as they are enjoying being fit with us. Download the app today and be a part of this fit family.
    Upcoming Features:
    -Active day counts: Be active with us for a certain period of time and earn an inducement each time you happily complete a tenure with us.
    -Pedometer: Count your daily steps with our pedometer.

  • Version1.0.19

    Ihre persönliche und kostenlose 15 Tage Home Workout Challenge App

    Update Log

    1. Add Water Drink Reminder
    2. Minor bug fixes

    App Description

    Don't let being locked down at home stop you from having a fit & healthy body. We have brought you just the app that will help you achieve your fitness goals at home.
    15 Days Home Workout Challenge app provides you with daily workout routines. Just a little time out of your daily schedule and you can build muscles and keep yourself fit while you are at home.
    Our workout challenges includes only body-weight workouts and requires no exercise equipment or coach advice, all exercises can be performed at home and with just your body weight.
    We focused on providing you the best home workout app to build a healthy physique that too FREE, literally at NO COST. From workout plan to diet chart to listening to your favourite motivating music while working out. You will find everything you need to stay fit at one place.

    These are the Features 15 Days Home Workout Challenge app is offering you:
1 Plank Challenges: step-wise plank challenges for every body type. Different levels of plank challenges are available to help you lose weight, build strength and to make you core stronger.
    Depending on your goal our plank challenges are divided as below:
    - 60 seconds plank challenge
    - 3 minutes plank challenge
    - 5 minutes plank challenge
2 Full body workout: lose weight, build strength or improve your health, our full body workout program provides you with the diversified workouts according to your needs.
    Not just that, we also give full body workout challenges periodically to make it more challenging and effective for you. Cause if it doesn’t challenge you it doesn’t change you.
3 Legs Workout 15 days challenge: training your legs will help you have a strong base for your entire body and the more you train your legs the more strength you build for your entire body.
    Our legs workout 15 days challenge gives you more competition wherein you will be competing with your own self and to be better than yesterday.
4 BMI (Body Mass Index): Body Mass Index (BMI) is a person's weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters. A high BMI can be an indicator of high body fatness and vice versa.
    Check your body stats to find your ideal weight with our BMI calculator. This will help you to be more persistence with your diet and workout.
5 Diet (Nutrients details): Nutrients are fats, carbohydrates, Proteins, minerals and vitamins which is required by our body to sustain. A perfect diet contains all of these in proper ration and amount in accordance with the fitness goals.
    As we know that nutrition is as important as workout is for a healthy body, we are providing the nutrition information as well. Head to our nutrition section and you will find a Good Nutrition plan to start with.
6 New challenges after every 15 days challenge: Every time you complete your 15 days challenge, the more competitive challenges waits for you to be completed.
    7 Interactive history: In this section, you will find the history of your workout. You will get to know what workout you did on a particular date. So that you can keep track of your workout schedule.
    8 Calories intake calculator: Use our calories intake calculator to know how many calories you need to lose or to maintain considering your body goals.
15 days home workout challenge app offers the workouts for all types of fitness enthusiasts, from beginner to intermediate and even to advance level. Moreover, our workouts are personalised and advanced (based on each level) so that it focuses on each and every muscle of your body.
    Not just that, we have also made sure that the effect is of adequate amount and not too much stress is built on body muscles. 

We are happily considered by our users as they are enjoying being fit with us. Download the app today and be a part of this fit family.
    Upcoming Features:
    -Active day counts: Be active with us for a certain period of time and earn an inducement each time you happily complete a tenure with us.
    -Pedometer: Count your daily steps with our pedometer.

  • Version1.0.18

    Ihre persönliche und kostenlose 15 Tage Home Workout Challenge App

    Update Log

    1. Add Water Drink Reminder
    2. Minor bug fixes

    App Description

    Don't let being locked down at home stop you from having a fit & healthy body. We have brought you just the app that will help you achieve your fitness goals at home.
    15 Days Home Workout Challenge app provides you with daily workout routines. Just a little time out of your daily schedule and you can build muscles and keep yourself fit while you are at home.
    Our workout challenges includes only body-weight workouts and requires no exercise equipment or coach advice, all exercises can be performed at home and with just your body weight.
    We focused on providing you the best home workout app to build a healthy physique that too FREE, literally at NO COST. From workout plan to diet chart to listening to your favourite motivating music while working out. You will find everything you need to stay fit at one place.

    These are the Features 15 Days Home Workout Challenge app is offering you:
1 Plank Challenges: step-wise plank challenges for every body type. Different levels of plank challenges are available to help you lose weight, build strength and to make you core stronger.
    Depending on your goal our plank challenges are divided as below:
    - 60 seconds plank challenge
    - 3 minutes plank challenge
    - 5 minutes plank challenge
2 Full body workout: lose weight, build strength or improve your health, our full body workout program provides you with the diversified workouts according to your needs.
    Not just that, we also give full body workout challenges periodically to make it more challenging and effective for you. Cause if it doesn’t challenge you it doesn’t change you.
3 Legs Workout 15 days challenge: training your legs will help you have a strong base for your entire body and the more you train your legs the more strength you build for your entire body.
    Our legs workout 15 days challenge gives you more competition wherein you will be competing with your own self and to be better than yesterday.
4 BMI (Body Mass Index): Body Mass Index (BMI) is a person's weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters. A high BMI can be an indicator of high body fatness and vice versa.
    Check your body stats to find your ideal weight with our BMI calculator. This will help you to be more persistence with your diet and workout.
5 Diet (Nutrients details): Nutrients are fats, carbohydrates, Proteins, minerals and vitamins which is required by our body to sustain. A perfect diet contains all of these in proper ration and amount in accordance with the fitness goals.
    As we know that nutrition is as important as workout is for a healthy body, we are providing the nutrition information as well. Head to our nutrition section and you will find a Good Nutrition plan to start with.
6 New challenges after every 15 days challenge: Every time you complete your 15 days challenge, the more competitive challenges waits for you to be completed.
    7 Interactive history: In this section, you will find the history of your workout. You will get to know what workout you did on a particular date. So that you can keep track of your workout schedule.
    8 Calories intake calculator: Use our calories intake calculator to know how many calories you need to lose or to maintain considering your body goals.
15 days home workout challenge app offers the workouts for all types of fitness enthusiasts, from beginner to intermediate and even to advance level. Moreover, our workouts are personalised and advanced (based on each level) so that it focuses on each and every muscle of your body.
    Not just that, we have also made sure that the effect is of adequate amount and not too much stress is built on body muscles. 

We are happily considered by our users as they are enjoying being fit with us. Download the app today and be a part of this fit family.
    Upcoming Features:
    -Active day counts: Be active with us for a certain period of time and earn an inducement each time you happily complete a tenure with us.
    -Pedometer: Count your daily steps with our pedometer.

  • Version1.0.15

    Ihre persönliche und kostenlose 15 Tage Home Workout Challenge App

    Update Log

    1. New Yoga Workouts
    2. Resume Workouts

    App Description

    Don't let being locked down at home stop you from having a fit & healthy body. We have brought you just the app that will help you achieve your fitness goals at home.
    15 Days Home Workout Challenge app provides you with daily workout routines. Just a little time out of your daily schedule and you can build muscles and keep yourself fit while you are at home.
    Our workout challenges includes only body-weight workouts and requires no exercise equipment or coach advice, all exercises can be performed at home and with just your body weight.
    We focused on providing you the best home workout app to build a healthy physique that too FREE, literally at NO COST. From workout plan to diet chart to listening to your favourite motivating music while working out. You will find everything you need to stay fit at one place.

    These are the Features 15 Days Home Workout Challenge app is offering you:
1 Plank Challenges: step-wise plank challenges for every body type. Different levels of plank challenges are available to help you lose weight, build strength and to make you core stronger.
    Depending on your goal our plank challenges are divided as below:
    - 60 seconds plank challenge
    - 3 minutes plank challenge
    - 5 minutes plank challenge
2 Full body workout: lose weight, build strength or improve your health, our full body workout program provides you with the diversified workouts according to your needs.
    Not just that, we also give full body workout challenges periodically to make it more challenging and effective for you. Cause if it doesn’t challenge you it doesn’t change you.
3 Legs Workout 15 days challenge: training your legs will help you have a strong base for your entire body and the more you train your legs the more strength you build for your entire body.
    Our legs workout 15 days challenge gives you more competition wherein you will be competing with your own self and to be better than yesterday.
4 BMI (Body Mass Index): Body Mass Index (BMI) is a person's weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters. A high BMI can be an indicator of high body fatness and vice versa.
    Check your body stats to find your ideal weight with our BMI calculator. This will help you to be more persistence with your diet and workout.
5 Diet (Nutrients details): Nutrients are fats, carbohydrates, Proteins, minerals and vitamins which is required by our body to sustain. A perfect diet contains all of these in proper ration and amount in accordance with the fitness goals.
    As we know that nutrition is as important as workout is for a healthy body, we are providing the nutrition information as well. Head to our nutrition section and you will find a Good Nutrition plan to start with.
6 New challenges after every 15 days challenge: Every time you complete your 15 days challenge, the more competitive challenges waits for you to be completed.
    7 Interactive history: In this section, you will find the history of your workout. You will get to know what workout you did on a particular date. So that you can keep track of your workout schedule.
    8 Calories intake calculator: Use our calories intake calculator to know how many calories you need to lose or to maintain considering your body goals.
15 days home workout challenge app offers the workouts for all types of fitness enthusiasts, from beginner to intermediate and even to advance level. Moreover, our workouts are personalised and advanced (based on each level) so that it focuses on each and every muscle of your body.
    Not just that, we have also made sure that the effect is of adequate amount and not too much stress is built on body muscles. 

We are happily considered by our users as they are enjoying being fit with us. Download the app today and be a part of this fit family.
    Upcoming Features:
    -Active day counts: Be active with us for a certain period of time and earn an inducement each time you happily complete a tenure with us.
    -Pedometer: Count your daily steps with our pedometer.

  • Version1.0.14

    Ihre persönliche und kostenlose 15 Tage Home Workout Challenge App

    Update Log

    1. Exercises of the Day
    2. New and Improved Stats card

    App Description

    Don't let being locked down at home stop you from having a fit & healthy body. We have brought you just the app that will help you achieve your fitness goals at home.
    15 Days Home Workout Challenge app provides you with daily workout routines. Just a little time out of your daily schedule and you can build muscles and keep yourself fit while you are at home.
    Our workout challenges includes only body-weight workouts and requires no exercise equipment or coach advice, all exercises can be performed at home and with just your body weight.
    We focused on providing you the best home workout app to build a healthy physique that too FREE, literally at NO COST. From workout plan to diet chart to listening to your favourite motivating music while working out. You will find everything you need to stay fit at one place.

    These are the Features 15 Days Home Workout Challenge app is offering you:
1 Plank Challenges: step-wise plank challenges for every body type. Different levels of plank challenges are available to help you lose weight, build strength and to make you core stronger.
    Depending on your goal our plank challenges are divided as below:
    - 60 seconds plank challenge
    - 3 minutes plank challenge
    - 5 minutes plank challenge
2 Full body workout: lose weight, build strength or improve your health, our full body workout program provides you with the diversified workouts according to your needs.
    Not just that, we also give full body workout challenges periodically to make it more challenging and effective for you. Cause if it doesn’t challenge you it doesn’t change you.
3 Legs Workout 15 days challenge: training your legs will help you have a strong base for your entire body and the more you train your legs the more strength you build for your entire body.
    Our legs workout 15 days challenge gives you more competition wherein you will be competing with your own self and to be better than yesterday.
4 BMI (Body Mass Index): Body Mass Index (BMI) is a person's weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters. A high BMI can be an indicator of high body fatness and vice versa.
    Check your body stats to find your ideal weight with our BMI calculator. This will help you to be more persistence with your diet and workout.
5 Diet (Nutrients details): Nutrients are fats, carbohydrates, Proteins, minerals and vitamins which is required by our body to sustain. A perfect diet contains all of these in proper ration and amount in accordance with the fitness goals.
    As we know that nutrition is as important as workout is for a healthy body, we are providing the nutrition information as well. Head to our nutrition section and you will find a Good Nutrition plan to start with.
6 New challenges after every 15 days challenge: Every time you complete your 15 days challenge, the more competitive challenges waits for you to be completed.
    7 Interactive history: In this section, you will find the history of your workout. You will get to know what workout you did on a particular date. So that you can keep track of your workout schedule.
    8 Calories intake calculator: Use our calories intake calculator to know how many calories you need to lose or to maintain considering your body goals.
15 days home workout challenge app offers the workouts for all types of fitness enthusiasts, from beginner to intermediate and even to advance level. Moreover, our workouts are personalised and advanced (based on each level) so that it focuses on each and every muscle of your body.
    Not just that, we have also made sure that the effect is of adequate amount and not too much stress is built on body muscles. 

We are happily considered by our users as they are enjoying being fit with us. Download the app today and be a part of this fit family.
    Upcoming Features:
    -Active day counts: Be active with us for a certain period of time and earn an inducement each time you happily complete a tenure with us.
    -Pedometer: Count your daily steps with our pedometer.