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Drogger GPS
Korkeataajuinen sijaintipäivityspalvelu Droggerin ulkoiselle Bluetooth-GPS:lle
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Version History

  • Version2.15

    Korkeataajuinen sijaintipäivityspalvelu Droggerin ulkoiselle Bluetooth-GPS:lle

    Update Log

    Ver 256
    - Fixed a bug in saving antenna constants.

    Ver 255
    - Fixed an issue where there was a problem with location sharing on some devices.

    Ver 254
    - Added support for antenna constants in the Waypoint dialog.

    Ver 253
    - Improved compatibility with the Drogger app.

    App Description

    Drogger GPS tarjoaa valepalveluntarjoajan palvelun ulkoiselle Bluetooth-GPS:lle Google-kartoille ja muille GPS-sovelluksille.
    Ihanteellinen sovelluksiin, jotka vaativat erittäin tarkkoja ja korkeataajuisia sijaintipäivityksiä, kuten moottoriurheiluun.

    Drogger GPS on optimoitu DG-PRO1S:lle ja RWS/RZS:lle.
    Voit ostaa DG-PRO1 ja DG-PRO1RW Amazon Japanista.

    Erityisesti DG-PRO1(RW) varten optimoitu se tukee nopeaa, yli 10 Hz:n päivitystä.
    DG-PRO1(RW) tapauksessa on mahdollista suorittaa erittäin tehokas Bluetooth-tiedonsiirto binääriviestillä.
    Myös käsittely yleisillä NMEA-viesteillä on mahdollista.

    Tämä sovellus vaatii ulkoisen Bluetooth-GPS-laitteen.
    Tämä sovellus on testattu DG-PRO1(RW) kanssa.
    Emme testaa muita ulkoisia GPS-laitteita.
    Ulkoista GPS:ää USB-liitännän kautta ei tueta.

    # Yleiset ominaisuudet
    * Bluetooth-yhteyden ohjaus.
    * Mock palveluntarjoajan palvelu.
    * DG-PRO1(RW) vastaanottimen asetukset.
    * Android-palvelun taustakäyttö
    * Nopea sijaintipäivitys 10 Hz tai enemmän
    * A-GNSS-tuki
    * Kirjautuminen CSV- tai GPX 1.0- tai GPX 1.1-muodossa (0,55 s (18 Hz) - 60 s välein)
    * Tukee u-blox UBX -sanomia (NAV-PVT, NAV-SAT, CFG-PMS, MON-VER, HNR-PVT)
    * NMEA-viesti tarpeeton (kun UBX-viesti on käytössä)
    * Näytä laitteisto- ja laiteohjelmistoversiot.
    * NMEA Viestilähtö TCP-yhteyden kautta.

    # Lisätoiminnot DG-PRO1RW:ssä
    * RTK Rover, tukeva tukiasema
    * Ntrip-asiakas, palvelin, yksinkertainen pyörä
    * P2P-yhteys RTK Roverin ja kiinteän tukikohdan välillä
    * Hanki ja tallenna u-blox RAW -viestejä
    * 2 taajuuden vastaanottotilan näyttö

    # Erityinen erityissovellustuki
    * Tuki AgriBus-NAVI

    Katso lisätietoja seuraavasta sovellusoppaasta.

    Voit myös näyttää sen sovelluksen ohjepainikkeesta.

    # Sijaintitiedot, kartta, satelliittitiedot
    Voit tarkistaa sijaintitiedot, kartat ja satelliittitiedot. Nämä on tarkoitettu DG-PRO1(RW) toiminnan tarkistamiseen. Muita tarkoituksia ei oteta huomioon.

    # Takaamaton P2P-viestintä
    P2P-viestintä ei takaa toimintaa, palvelun laatua, keskeytyksiä, peruutuksia, lakkauttamista jne.

    # Virheet, ongelmaraportit, pyynnöt
    Lähetä bugit osoitteeseen [email protected] yksityiskohtaisella sisällöllä ja kopiointimenettelyillä. Periaatteessa virheraportteja Google Playn arvosteluissa ei tueta.

    # Kierrosajastinsovellus moottoriurheiluun
    Katso myös Drogger, GPS:ää käyttävä kierrosajastinsovellus.

  • Version2.14

    Korkean taajuuden sijainnin päivityspalvelu DG-PRO1 (RW) ulkoiselle Bluetooth GPS: lle

    Update Log

    Ver 245 - 6
    - Improved the RAW data logging start dialog.

    Ver 244
    - Supports QZSS signal authentication, etc.

    Ver 242
    - Added serial boudrate 4800 bps.

    Ver 240
    - Fixed an issue where OpenStreetMap could not be displayed on some devices.

    Ver 239
    - Improved the RAW data logging screen.

    Ver 238
    - Fixed a bug where the number of satellites was sometimes not displayed in the survey record.

    App Description

    Drogger GPS tarjoaa pilkkupalveluntarjoajan palvelun ulkoiselle Bluetooth GPS -sovellukselle Google maps- ja muihin GPS-sovelluksiin.
    Ihanteellinen sovelluksiin, jotka vaativat erittäin tarkkoja ja korkeataajuisia sijaintipäivityksiä, kuten moottoriurheilu.

    Drogger GPS on optimoitu DG-PRO1 ja DG-PRO1RW.
    Voit ostaa DG-PRO1 ja DG-PRO1RW amazon japanista.

    Erityisesti optimoitu DG-PRO1 (RW) -tekniikkaan, se tukee nopeata päivitystä, yli 10 Hz.
    DG-PRO1 (RW) -laitteessa on mahdollista suorittaa erittäin tehokas Bluetooth-tiedonsiirto binäärisanomalla.
    Myös käsittely yleisillä NMEA-sanomilla on mahdollista.

    Tämä sovellus vaatii ulkoisen Bluetooth-GPS-laitteen.
    Tämä sovellus on testattu DG-PRO1 (RW) -sovelluksella.
    Emme testaa muita ulkoisia GPS-laitteita.
    Ulkoista GPS: tä USB-yhteyden kautta ei tueta.

    # Yleiset ominaisuudet
    * Bluetooth-yhteyden hallinta.
    * Mock tarjoajapalvelu.
    * DG-PRO1 (RW) -vastaanottimen asetukset.
    * Android-palvelun taustaoperaatio
    * Nopea sijaintipäivitys 10 Hz tai enemmän
    * A-GNSS-tuki
    * Kirjaudutaan CSV- tai GPX 1.0- tai GPX 1.1 -muodossa (0,55 sekuntia (18 Hz) 60 sekunnin välein)
    * Tukee u-blox UBX -viestiä (NAV-PVT, NAV-SAT, CFG-PMS, MON-VER, HNR-PVT)
    * NMEA-viesti tarpeeton (kun UBX-viesti on käytössä)
    * Näytä laitteisto- ja laiteohjelmistoversiot.
    * NMEA-viestin lähtö TCP-yhteyden kautta.

    # Lisätoiminnot DG-PRO1RW: ssä
    * RTK Rover, kiinteää alustaa tuettu
    * Ntrip-asiakas, palvelin, yksinkertainen pyörä
    * P2P-viestintä RTK Roverin ja Kiinteän tukiaseman välillä
    * Hanki ja tallenna u-blox RAW -viestit
    * 2 taajuuden vastaanoton tilanäyttö

    # Erityinen erityinen sovellustuki
    * Tuki AgriBus-NAVI: lle

    Lisätietoja on seuraavassa sovellusoppaassa.

    Voit näyttää sen myös sovelluksen ohjepainikkeesta.

    # Sijaintitiedot, kartta, satelliittitiedot
    Voit tarkistaa sijaintitiedot, kartat ja satelliittitiedot. Ne ovat DG-PRO1: n (RW) toiminnan tarkastamiseen. Muita tarkoituksia ei oteta huomioon.

    # Ei-taattua P2P-viestintää
    P2P-viestintä ei takaa toimintaa, palvelun laatua, keskeytyksiä, peruutuksia, poistoja jne. Ollenkaan.

    # Viat, ilmoitusraportit, pyynnöt
    Ole hyvä ja lähetä virheet osoitteeseen [email protected] yksityiskohtaisella sisällöllä ja jäljentämismenettelyillä. Google Play -arvostelujen virheraportteja ei periaatteessa tueta.

    # Kierros ajastinsovellus moottoriurheiluun
    Katso myös Droggeria, kierrosajasovellusta, joka käyttää GPS: ää.

  • Version2.12

    Korkean taajuuden sijainnin päivityspalvelu DG-PRO1 (RW) ulkoiselle Bluetooth GPS: lle

    Update Log

    Ver 233
    - Fixed a bug that the update rate setting was not reflected in MovingBase on reciever start settings.

    Ver 232
    - Fixed a bug that the update rate setting was not reflected in MovingBase.

    Ver 231
    - Fixed a bug where FIX numbers were not recorded correctly on Waypoints.

    Ver 229
    - Fixed a bug for DG-PRO1RW.

    App Description

    Drogger GPS tarjoaa pilkkupalveluntarjoajan palvelun ulkoiselle Bluetooth GPS -sovellukselle Google maps- ja muihin GPS-sovelluksiin.
    Ihanteellinen sovelluksiin, jotka vaativat erittäin tarkkoja ja korkeataajuisia sijaintipäivityksiä, kuten moottoriurheilu.

    Drogger GPS on optimoitu DG-PRO1 ja DG-PRO1RW.
    Voit ostaa DG-PRO1 ja DG-PRO1RW amazon japanista.

    Erityisesti optimoitu DG-PRO1 (RW) -tekniikkaan, se tukee nopeata päivitystä, yli 10 Hz.
    DG-PRO1 (RW) -laitteessa on mahdollista suorittaa erittäin tehokas Bluetooth-tiedonsiirto binäärisanomalla.
    Myös käsittely yleisillä NMEA-sanomilla on mahdollista.

    Tämä sovellus vaatii ulkoisen Bluetooth-GPS-laitteen.
    Tämä sovellus on testattu DG-PRO1 (RW) -sovelluksella.
    Emme testaa muita ulkoisia GPS-laitteita.
    Ulkoista GPS: tä USB-yhteyden kautta ei tueta.

    # Yleiset ominaisuudet
    * Bluetooth-yhteyden hallinta.
    * Mock tarjoajapalvelu.
    * DG-PRO1 (RW) -vastaanottimen asetukset.
    * Android-palvelun taustaoperaatio
    * Nopea sijaintipäivitys 10 Hz tai enemmän
    * A-GNSS-tuki
    * Kirjaudutaan CSV- tai GPX 1.0- tai GPX 1.1 -muodossa (0,55 sekuntia (18 Hz) 60 sekunnin välein)
    * Tukee u-blox UBX -viestiä (NAV-PVT, NAV-SAT, CFG-PMS, MON-VER, HNR-PVT)
    * NMEA-viesti tarpeeton (kun UBX-viesti on käytössä)
    * Näytä laitteisto- ja laiteohjelmistoversiot.
    * NMEA-viestin lähtö TCP-yhteyden kautta.

    # Lisätoiminnot DG-PRO1RW: ssä
    * RTK Rover, kiinteää alustaa tuettu
    * Ntrip-asiakas, palvelin, yksinkertainen pyörä
    * P2P-viestintä RTK Roverin ja Kiinteän tukiaseman välillä
    * Hanki ja tallenna u-blox RAW -viestit
    * 2 taajuuden vastaanoton tilanäyttö

    # Erityinen erityinen sovellustuki
    * Tuki AgriBus-NAVI: lle

    Lisätietoja on seuraavassa sovellusoppaassa.

    Voit näyttää sen myös sovelluksen ohjepainikkeesta.

    # Sijaintitiedot, kartta, satelliittitiedot
    Voit tarkistaa sijaintitiedot, kartat ja satelliittitiedot. Ne ovat DG-PRO1: n (RW) toiminnan tarkastamiseen. Muita tarkoituksia ei oteta huomioon.

    # Ei-taattua P2P-viestintää
    P2P-viestintä ei takaa toimintaa, palvelun laatua, keskeytyksiä, peruutuksia, poistoja jne. Ollenkaan.

    # Viat, ilmoitusraportit, pyynnöt
    Ole hyvä ja lähetä virheet osoitteeseen [email protected] yksityiskohtaisella sisällöllä ja jäljentämismenettelyillä. Google Play -arvostelujen virheraportteja ei periaatteessa tueta.

    # Kierros ajastinsovellus moottoriurheiluun
    Katso myös Droggeria, kierrosajasovellusta, joka käyttää GPS: ää.

  • Version2.11

    Korkean taajuuden sijainnin päivityspalvelu DG-PRO1 (RW) ulkoiselle Bluetooth GPS: lle

    Update Log

    Ver 211
    - Fixed a problem with the log size limit.

    Ver 210
    - Fixed a bug that Syubo/Kibo could not be displayed on Android 6.0

    Ver 209
    - Optimized the base station coordinate acquisition logic for waypoint logs.

    Ver 207
    - Supported that RWS.DC.

    Ver 206
    - Supported that DG-PRO1RWS F/W 2.1.0

    Ver 204
    - Fixed a compatibility issue with saved settings.

    App Description

    Drogger GPS provides mock provider service for external Bluetooth GPS for Google maps and other GPS apps.
    Ideal for applications requiring highly accurate and high frequency location updates, such as Motor-sports.

    Drogger GPS is optimized for DG-PRO1 and DG-PRO1RW.
    You can buy DG-PRO1 and DG-PRO1RW from amazon japan.

    Especially optimized for DG-PRO1(RW), it supports high rate update of over 10Hz.
    In the case of DG-PRO1(RW), it is possible to perform highly efficient Bluetooth data transfer with binary message.
    Also, processing with general NMEA messages is possible.

    This application requires Bluetooth external GPS equipment.
    This app has been tested with DG-PRO1(RW).
    We do not test other external GPS devices.
    External GPS via USB connection is not supported.

    # General features
    * Bluetooth connection control.
    * Mock provider service.
    * DG-PRO1(RW) receiver settings.
    * Background operation by Android service
    * High rate location update of 10 Hz or higher
    * A-GNSS support
    * Logging as CSV or GPX 1.0 or GPX 1.1 format (0.55 sec (18 Hz) to 60 sec intervals)
    * Supports u-blox UBX message (NAV-PVT, NAV-SAT, CFG-PMS, MON-VER, HNR-PVT)
    * NMEA message unnecessary (when UBX message is enabled)
    * Display hardware and firmware versions.
    * NMEA Message output via TCP connection.

    # Additional functions in DG-PRO1RW
    * RTK Rover, Stationary base supported
    * Ntrip client, server, simple caster
    * P2P communication between RTK Rover and Stationary base
    * Get and save u-blox RAW messages
    * 2 frequency reception status display

    # Special Special app support
    * Support AgriBus-NAVI

    For more information , please see the following application guide.

    You can also display it from the help button of the app.

    # Location information, map, satellite information
    You can check location information, maps and satellite information. These are for checking the operation of DG-PRO1(RW). Other purposes are not considered.

    # Non-guaranteed P2P communication
    P2P communication does not guarantee the operation, quality of service, interruption, cancellation, abolition, etc. at all.

    # Bugs, Issue reports, Requests
    Please send bugs to [email protected] with detailed contents and reproduction procedures. In principle, bug reports in reviews on Google Play are not supported.

    # Lap timer app for Motor-sports
    Please also look at Drogger, a lap timer application using GPS.

  • Version2.10

    Korkean taajuuden sijainnin päivityspalvelu DG-PRO1 (RW) ulkoiselle Bluetooth GPS: lle

    Update Log

    Ver 204
    - Fixed a compatibility issue with saved settings.

    Ver 203
    - Fixed the GPX file switching bug.
    - Fixed MB startup setting bug.

    Ver 201
    - Fixed a bug in Waypoint dialog.

    Ver 200
    - Fixed a bug that NMEA PDGRP was not output.

    Ver 199
    - Fixed a bug in JENOBA VRS coordinate specification.

    Ver 197
    - Fixed a bug that the setting Advanced options could not be opened.

    App Description

    Drogger GPS provides mock provider service for external Bluetooth GPS for Google maps and other GPS apps.
    Ideal for applications requiring highly accurate and high frequency location updates, such as Motor-sports.

    Drogger GPS is optimized for DG-PRO1 and DG-PRO1RW.
    You can buy DG-PRO1 and DG-PRO1RW from amazon japan.

    Especially optimized for DG-PRO1(RW), it supports high rate update of over 10Hz.
    In the case of DG-PRO1(RW), it is possible to perform highly efficient Bluetooth data transfer with binary message.
    Also, processing with general NMEA messages is possible.

    This application requires Bluetooth external GPS equipment.
    This app has been tested with DG-PRO1(RW).
    We do not test other external GPS devices.
    External GPS via USB connection is not supported.

    # General features
    * Bluetooth connection control.
    * Mock provider service.
    * DG-PRO1(RW) receiver settings.
    * Background operation by Android service
    * High rate location update of 10 Hz or higher
    * A-GNSS support
    * Logging as CSV or GPX 1.0 or GPX 1.1 format (0.55 sec (18 Hz) to 60 sec intervals)
    * Supports u-blox UBX message (NAV-PVT, NAV-SAT, CFG-PMS, MON-VER, HNR-PVT)
    * NMEA message unnecessary (when UBX message is enabled)
    * Display hardware and firmware versions.
    * NMEA Message output via TCP connection.

    # Additional functions in DG-PRO1RW
    * RTK Rover, Stationary base supported
    * Ntrip client, server, simple caster
    * P2P communication between RTK Rover and Stationary base
    * Get and save u-blox RAW messages
    * 2 frequency reception status display

    # Special Special app support
    * Support AgriBus-NAVI

    For more information , please see the following application guide.

    You can also display it from the help button of the app.

    # Location information, map, satellite information
    You can check location information, maps and satellite information. These are for checking the operation of DG-PRO1(RW). Other purposes are not considered.

    # Non-guaranteed P2P communication
    P2P communication does not guarantee the operation, quality of service, interruption, cancellation, abolition, etc. at all.

    # Bugs, Issue reports, Requests
    Please send bugs to [email protected] with detailed contents and reproduction procedures. In principle, bug reports in reviews on Google Play are not supported.

    # Lap timer app for Motor-sports
    Please also look at Drogger, a lap timer application using GPS.

  • Version2.9

    Korkean taajuuden sijainnin päivityspalvelu DG-PRO1 (RW) ulkoiselle Bluetooth GPS: lle

    App Description

    Drogger GPS provides mock provider service for external Bluetooth GPS for Google maps and other GPS apps.
    Ideal for applications requiring highly accurate and high frequency location updates, such as Motor-sports.

    Drogger GPS is optimized for DG-PRO1 and DG-PRO1RW.
    You can buy DG-PRO1 and DG-PRO1RW from amazon japan.

    Especially optimized for DG-PRO1(RW), it supports high rate update of over 10Hz.
    In the case of DG-PRO1(RW), it is possible to perform highly efficient Bluetooth data transfer with binary message.
    Also, processing with general NMEA messages is possible.

    This application requires Bluetooth external GPS equipment.
    This app has been tested with DG-PRO1(RW).
    We do not test other external GPS devices.
    External GPS via USB connection is not supported.

    # General features
    * Bluetooth connection control.
    * Mock provider service.
    * DG-PRO1(RW) receiver settings.
    * Background operation by Android service
    * High rate location update of 10 Hz or higher
    * A-GNSS support
    * Logging as CSV or GPX 1.0 or GPX 1.1 format (0.55 sec (18 Hz) to 60 sec intervals)
    * Supports u-blox UBX message (NAV-PVT, NAV-SAT, CFG-PMS, MON-VER, HNR-PVT)
    * NMEA message unnecessary (when UBX message is enabled)
    * Display hardware and firmware versions.
    * NMEA Message output via TCP connection.

    # Additional functions in DG-PRO1RW
    * RTK Rover, Stationary base supported
    * Ntrip client, server, simple caster
    * P2P communication between RTK Rover and Stationary base
    * Get and save u-blox RAW messages
    * 2 frequency reception status display

    # Special Special app support
    * Support AgriBus-NAVI

    For more information , please see the following application guide.

    You can also display it from the help button of the app.

    # Location information, map, satellite information
    You can check location information, maps and satellite information. These are for checking the operation of DG-PRO1(RW). Other purposes are not considered.

    # Non-guaranteed P2P communication
    P2P communication does not guarantee the operation, quality of service, interruption, cancellation, abolition, etc. at all.

    # Bugs, Issue reports, Requests
    Please send bugs to [email protected] with detailed contents and reproduction procedures. In principle, bug reports in reviews on Google Play are not supported.

    # Lap timer app for Motor-sports
    Please also look at Drogger, a lap timer application using GPS.

  • Version2.8

    Korkean taajuuden sijainnin päivityspalvelu DG-PRO1 (RW) ulkoiselle Bluetooth GPS: lle

    Update Log

    Ver 170
    -- Fixed a bug with Waypoint loading on Open street map.
    Ver 168
    -- Changed the name of the shared file in the Sybo/Kibo.
    -- Reviewed the items of "Frequency used" displayed in the Sybo/Kibo.
    Ver 167
    -SIMA data can be imported by sharing.
    Ver 166
    - Fixed a P2P communication issue on Android 7.x.
    Ver 165
    - Corrected errors in surveying observation notebooks.
    Ver 164
    - Support Japanese survey note book.

    App Description

    Drogger GPS provides mock provider service for external Bluetooth GPS for Google maps and other GPS apps.
    Ideal for applications requiring highly accurate and high frequency location updates, such as Motor-sports.

    Drogger GPS is optimized for DG-PRO1 and DG-PRO1RW.
    You can buy DG-PRO1 and DG-PRO1RW from amazon japan.
    Especially optimized for DG-PRO1(RW), it supports high rate update of over 10Hz.
    In the case of DG-PRO1(RW), it is possible to perform highly efficient Bluetooth data transfer with binary message.
    Also, processing with general NMEA messages is possible.
    This application requires Bluetooth external GPS equipment.
    This app has been tested with DG-PRO1(RW).
    We do not test other external GPS devices.
    External GPS via USB connection is not supported.
    # General features
    * Bluetooth connection control.
    * Mock provider service.
    * DG-PRO1(RW) receiver settings.
    * Background operation by Android service
    * High rate location update of 10 Hz or higher
    * A-GNSS support
    * Logging as CSV or GPX 1.0 or GPX 1.1 format (0.55 sec (18 Hz) to 60 sec intervals)
    * Supports u-blox UBX message (NAV-PVT, NAV-SAT, CFG-PMS, MON-VER, HNR-PVT)
    * NMEA message unnecessary (when UBX message is enabled)
    * Display hardware and firmware versions.
    * NMEA Message output via TCP connection.
    # Additional functions in DG-PRO1RW
    * RTK Rover, Stationary base supported
    * Ntrip client, server, simple caster
    * P2P communication between RTK Rover and Stationary base
    * Get and save u-blox RAW messages
    * 2 frequency reception status display
    # Special Special app support
    * Support AgriBus-NAVI
    For more information , please see the following application guide.
    You can also display it from the help button of the app.
    # Location information, map, satellite information
    You can check location information, maps and satellite information. These are for checking the operation of DG-PRO1(RW). Other purposes are not considered.
    # Non-guaranteed P2P communication
    P2P communication does not guarantee the operation, quality of service, interruption, cancellation, abolition, etc. at all.
    # Bugs, Issue reports, Requests
    Please send bugs to [email protected] with detailed contents and reproduction procedures. In principle, bug reports in reviews on Google Play are not supported.
    # Lap timer app for Motor-sports
    Please also look at Drogger, a lap timer application using GPS.

  • Version2.7

    Korkean taajuuden sijainnin päivityspalvelu DG-PRO1 (RW) ulkoiselle Bluetooth GPS: lle

    Update Log

    Ver 162
    -- Supported JGD2011 at rover position.
    -- Supports 6-axis DMP.
    Ver 161
    - Supports semi-dynamic correction.
    - Fixed minor bugs.
    Ver 158
    -- Added Waypoint editing and navigation to points..
    Ver 157
    -- Fixed a bug that mount point names in Ntrip status might not be displayed correctly.

    App Description

    Drogger GPS provides mock provider service for external Bluetooth GPS for Google maps and other GPS apps.
    Ideal for applications requiring highly accurate and high frequency location updates, such as Motor-sports.

    Drogger GPS is optimized for DG-PRO1 and DG-PRO1RW.
    You can buy DG-PRO1 and DG-PRO1RW from amazon japan.
    Especially optimized for DG-PRO1(RW), it supports high rate update of over 10Hz.
    In the case of DG-PRO1(RW), it is possible to perform highly efficient Bluetooth data transfer with binary message.
    Also, processing with general NMEA messages is possible.
    This application requires Bluetooth external GPS equipment.
    This app has been tested with DG-PRO1(RW).
    We do not test other external GPS devices.
    External GPS via USB connection is not supported.
    # General features
    * Bluetooth connection control.
    * Mock provider service.
    * DG-PRO1(RW) receiver settings.
    * Background operation by Android service
    * High rate location update of 10 Hz or higher
    * A-GNSS support
    * Logging as CSV or GPX 1.0 or GPX 1.1 format (0.55 sec (18 Hz) to 60 sec intervals)
    * Supports u-blox UBX message (NAV-PVT, NAV-SAT, CFG-PMS, MON-VER, HNR-PVT)
    * NMEA message unnecessary (when UBX message is enabled)
    * Display hardware and firmware versions.
    * NMEA Message output via TCP connection.
    # Additional functions in DG-PRO1RW
    * RTK Rover, Stationary base supported
    * Ntrip client, server, simple caster
    * P2P communication between RTK Rover and Stationary base
    * Get and save u-blox RAW messages
    * 2 frequency reception status display
    # Special Special app support
    * Support AgriBus-NAVI
    For more information , please see the following application guide.
    You can also display it from the help button of the app.
    # Location information, map, satellite information
    You can check location information, maps and satellite information. These are for checking the operation of DG-PRO1(RW). Other purposes are not considered.
    # Non-guaranteed P2P communication
    P2P communication does not guarantee the operation, quality of service, interruption, cancellation, abolition, etc. at all.
    # Bugs, Issue reports, Requests
    Please send bugs to [email protected] with detailed contents and reproduction procedures. In principle, bug reports in reviews on Google Play are not supported.
    # Lap timer app for Motor-sports
    Please also look at Drogger, a lap timer application using GPS.

  • Version2.6

    Korkean taajuuden sijainnin päivityspalvelu DG-PRO1 (RW) ulkoiselle Bluetooth GPS: lle

    Update Log

    Ver 157
    -- Fixed a bug that mount point names in Ntrip status might not be displayed correctly.
    Ver 156
    -- Added support for Japanese rectangular coordinates and geoids.
    -- Added Fix mode information to Location of Mock Provider.
    Ver 155
    - Better improved settings for VRSC.
    - In the case of the reference station, the update rate is fixed at 1hz.
    Ver 154
    - Added a command to return the F9P GNSS module settings to their defaults..

    App Description

    Drogger GPS provides mock provider service for external Bluetooth GPS for Google maps and other GPS apps.
    Ideal for applications requiring highly accurate and high frequency location updates, such as Motor-sports.

    Drogger GPS is optimized for DG-PRO1 and DG-PRO1RW.
    You can buy DG-PRO1 and DG-PRO1RW from amazon japan.
    Especially optimized for DG-PRO1(RW), it supports high rate update of over 10Hz.
    In the case of DG-PRO1(RW), it is possible to perform highly efficient Bluetooth data transfer with binary message.
    Also, processing with general NMEA messages is possible.
    This application requires Bluetooth external GPS equipment.
    This app has been tested with DG-PRO1(RW).
    We do not test other external GPS devices.
    External GPS via USB connection is not supported.
    # General features
    * Bluetooth connection control.
    * Mock provider service.
    * DG-PRO1(RW) receiver settings.
    * Background operation by Android service
    * High rate location update of 10 Hz or higher
    * A-GNSS support
    * Logging as CSV or GPX 1.0 or GPX 1.1 format (0.55 sec (18 Hz) to 60 sec intervals)
    * Supports u-blox UBX message (NAV-PVT, NAV-SAT, CFG-PMS, MON-VER, HNR-PVT)
    * NMEA message unnecessary (when UBX message is enabled)
    * Display hardware and firmware versions.
    * NMEA Message output via TCP connection.
    # Additional functions in DG-PRO1RW
    * RTK Rover, Stationary base supported
    * Ntrip client, server, simple caster
    * P2P communication between RTK Rover and Stationary base
    * Get and save u-blox RAW messages
    * 2 frequency reception status display
    # Special Special app support
    * Support AgriBus-NAVI
    For more information , please see the following application guide.
    You can also display it from the help button of the app.
    # Location information, map, satellite information
    You can check location information, maps and satellite information. These are for checking the operation of DG-PRO1(RW). Other purposes are not considered.
    # Non-guaranteed P2P communication
    P2P communication does not guarantee the operation, quality of service, interruption, cancellation, abolition, etc. at all.
    # Bugs, Issue reports, Requests
    Please send bugs to [email protected] with detailed contents and reproduction procedures. In principle, bug reports in reviews on Google Play are not supported.
    # Lap timer app for Motor-sports
    Please also look at Drogger, a lap timer application using GPS.

  • Version2.5

    Korkean taajuuden sijainnin päivityspalvelu DG-PRO1 (RW) ulkoiselle Bluetooth GPS: lle

    Update Log

    Ver 155
    - Better improved settings for VRSC.
    - In the case of the reference station, the update rate is fixed at 1hz.
    Ver 154
    - Added a command to return the F9P GNSS module settings to their defaults..
    Ver 153
    - Fixed a bug that when Ntrip Server access to the Drogger Ntrip Caster.
    Ver 152
    - Improved the communication rate display of Ntrip.
    - Fixed a bug that some receiver activation settings were not saved.

    App Description

    Drogger GPS provides mock provider service for external Bluetooth GPS for Google maps and other GPS apps.
    Ideal for applications requiring highly accurate and high frequency location updates, such as Motor-sports.

    Drogger GPS is optimized for DG-PRO1 and DG-PRO1RW.
    You can buy DG-PRO1 and DG-PRO1RW from amazon japan.
    Especially optimized for DG-PRO1(RW), it supports high rate update of over 10Hz.
    In the case of DG-PRO1(RW), it is possible to perform highly efficient Bluetooth data transfer with binary message.
    Also, processing with general NMEA messages is possible.
    This application requires Bluetooth external GPS equipment.
    This app has been tested with DG-PRO1(RW).
    We do not test other external GPS devices.
    External GPS via USB connection is not supported.
    # General features
    * Bluetooth connection control.
    * Mock provider service.
    * DG-PRO1(RW) receiver settings.
    * Background operation by Android service
    * High rate location update of 10 Hz or higher
    * A-GNSS support
    * Logging as CSV or GPX 1.0 or GPX 1.1 format (0.55 sec (18 Hz) to 60 sec intervals)
    * Supports u-blox UBX message (NAV-PVT, NAV-SAT, CFG-PMS, MON-VER, HNR-PVT)
    * NMEA message unnecessary (when UBX message is enabled)
    * Display hardware and firmware versions.
    * NMEA Message output via TCP connection.
    # Additional functions in DG-PRO1RW
    * RTK Rover, Stationary base supported
    * Ntrip client, server, simple caster
    * P2P communication between RTK Rover and Stationary base
    * Get and save u-blox RAW messages
    * 2 frequency reception status display
    # Special Special app support
    * Support AgriBus-NAVI
    For more information , please see the following application guide.
    You can also display it from the help button of the app.
    # Location information, map, satellite information
    You can check location information, maps and satellite information. These are for checking the operation of DG-PRO1(RW). Other purposes are not considered.
    # Non-guaranteed P2P communication
    P2P communication does not guarantee the operation, quality of service, interruption, cancellation, abolition, etc. at all.
    # Bugs, Issue reports, Requests
    Please send bugs to [email protected] with detailed contents and reproduction procedures. In principle, bug reports in reviews on Google Play are not supported.
    # Lap timer app for Motor-sports
    Please also look at Drogger, a lap timer application using GPS.

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