The Time Calculator app is a must have companion when dealing with time calculations because it provides a fast and easy way to compute time in any time unit.

• Calculate Time using Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Milliseconds, Years, Months, Weeks and Days
• Calculate Time Between dates
• Time conversion from any time unit
• Calculations History
• Day and Night Theme

Time calculations examples:
• 8hours14minutes ÷ 2 + (33minutes×7) = 7hours58minutes
• 8hours30minutes × 4 + 7hours45minutes = 41hours45minutes
• 1weeks + 3days + 762seconds = 240hours12minutes42seconds
• 10/11/2022, 13:00:00.000 + 4weeks = 08/12/2022, 13:00:00.000

Supported time units:
• Hours
• Minutes
• Seconds
• Milliseconds
• Years
• Months
• Weeks
• Days

Supported operations:
• Add
• Subtract
• Multiply
• Divide
• Percentage

Your feedback is always appreciated.