Self-esteem is the foundation of happiness. If you want to know how to love yourself no matter what happens and forever, here more than 25 self-help and self-esteem tips based on general psychology and positive psychology. This app is a comprehensive self-help guide follow step by step tips and achieve happiness, self-confidence, personal safety and self-love. We accompany you in your personal growth.

Your self-esteem app gives you free:
- Tips for your self-esteem self-help process
- Questions on each tip to apply personalized self-esteem
- Positive thinking: phrases to share and save
- Reto detailed self improvement 4 weeks
- Audios, meditation and guided visualization, to learn to meditate to live with high self-esteem, no matter what ,, developing positive thinking and programming your mind. All without therapy.
- Exercises Emotional Intelligence to manage emotions from the emotional psychology
- Favorites list
- notes section
- Brief explanation of how to use the app
- Regular updates

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