The "Spiritual Method" App includes the following:
● Beginner's introduction [homework scriptures, wishing and voicing, release rituals, classic combinations, Buddhist stands, various promotion, live hotline, puja information, topic aggregation]
● Introduction
● Daily selection [Daily selection, spiritual audio-visual, vernacular Dharma]
● Program recording [Questions and Answers, Vernacular Dharma, Xuanyi Summary, Master's Disclosure, Speaking Straight, Xuanyi Q&A]
● Buddhist scriptures
● Dharma promotion video [Fa conference lectures, past years of Fa conferences, selected totems, related reports]
● Metaphysics Questions and Answers [Mystery Questions and Answers, Questions and Answers Classification, Metaphysics Overview, Latest Questions and Answers]
● Director’s Blog
● Dharma books [Vernacular Dharma, summary of metaphysics, collection of discourses]
● Question search

"Spiritual Dharma" is the most convenient method for "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva" in the end of Dharma to save all living beings. It is suitable for every layman to study by himself and the whole family. With the three magic weapons of "reciting the scriptures", "making a wish" and "releasing lives", it helps all living beings to pay off their karma debts early, save spirituality, increase merit, and achieve Consummation. The "small house" in this method is a panacea that is unparalleled in the world, and you will know it at the first try!

"Taiwan Lu" has traveled around the world to promote the Dharma and has held hundreds of large-scale on-site answering meetings, covering Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Australia, the United States, Germany, Britain, France, Denmark, etc.

Remarks: "Little House" is composed of four scriptures, which are used to supervise the important people of the body, cure spiritual diseases, eliminate karma, resolve interpersonal evil, improve the aura of the family, and other magical effects. Not for sale, you need to rely on your own sincere chanting to get the best results. For all the details about the "Little House", please contact the nearby "Spiritual Dharma" group seminar.

Functions: Pictures and texts, concise and clear, essential for learning Buddhism: beginners introduction, introduction to Dharma, daily selection, program recording, Dharma promotion video, metaphysical question and answer, director's blog, Dharma books, question search.

Note: All books and materials are free of charge-"Spiritual Dharma" group seminar address: