IMPORTANT: The latest release contains multiple options for installing the watch apps. If one does not work, please try the other as the latest official Pebble app is a bit buggy. You can also find and install all the watch apps by searching \"Pebble Rocker\" in the Pebble app store. If you still have troubles please email support at [email protected] Pebble Rocker is an ever-growing collection of Pebble Watch apps that work in conjunction with your Android device to enhance your Pebble smart watch. Included Watch Apps - Android Settings: View \u0026 change Android settings from your watch. - Battery Level: view Android battery level and receive low battery notification (optional). - Ringtone: view/change state (silent/vibrate/normal) and volume. - Media Volume: view/change media volume. - Wifi: enable/disable wifi. - Bluetooth: enable/disable bluetooth. - Chopper (Game): See how long you can navigate the Chopper through the perilous caverns. - Camera Control: Use your Pebble watch to take photos with your phone. - Use your Pebble watch to take photos with your phone. - Take an instant photo or use a timer from 5-30 seconds. - Turn flash on/off/auto from your Pebble. - Switch between rear/front camera from your Pebble. - Turn camera sounds on/off from your Pebble. - Automatically preview taken photo on your watch. - Facebook: browse your Facebook feed on your Pebble watch. - View feed entry picture (the picture associated with a status update / wall post). - View feed entry comments. - Foursquare: find nearby venues and check in from your Pebble watch. - Check in directly from your watch. - Check in options: private, public, Facebook, \u0026 Twitter. - Twitter: browse your home timeline on your pebble watch. - Events: find activities in your area such as music, community events, conferences and more. - Photos: browse your Android photo gallery on your Pebble watch. - Configure how your photos are converted for viewing using five adjustable filters. - Configure which folders are searched for photos. - Tip Calculator: quickly calculate 10, 15 and 20% tips (including totals) when dining out. - Phone Pager: use your Pebble watch to find your misplaced Android device (or use your phone to find you watch). - Ringtone: selectable ringtone and adjustable volume. - Vibrate: vibrate the phone when being paged. - Strobe Light: strobes the camera flash when being paged (may not work on older devices). - Page your Pebble watch from you phone (vibration / backlight). - App Bundles: multiple options for Utilities and Social bundles to save app slots. Permission Breakdown - Read / Write External Storage: used to install apps to Pebble watch and log Pebble Rocker errors. - Camera / Flashlight: used by Phone Pager to create strobe light and Camera Control to take pictures. - Record Video / Audio: used by Camera Control to record video (with sound). - Disable Keyguard: used by Phone Pager and Camera Control to turn on screen (for legacy devices). - Vibrate: used by Phone Pager to vibrate phone when being paged. - Network Communication: used by Facebook, Foursquare, Twitter \u0026 Events apps. Also used for Analytics (can be disabled). - Location: used by Foursquare \u0026 Events to find nearby venues. - Access Wifi State / Change Wifi State: used by Android Settings to manage wifi state. - Bluetooth / Bluetooth Admin: used by Android Settings to manage wifi state.