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Inspirational Quotes Daily
Tausende von motivierenden Zitaten, Sounds und Hintergrundbildern, um Ihre Stimmung zu verbessern!
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Version History

  • Version1.8.1

    Tausende von motivierenden Zitaten, Sounds und Hintergrundbildern, um Ihre Stimmung zu verbessern!

    Update Log

    Bug fixes and feature enhancements.

    App Description

    Willkommen bei Inspirational Quotes!

    Stellen Sie sich einen Freund vor, der immer bei Ihnen ist, wenn Sie in Not sind! Wie schön wäre es für jemanden, Sie zu unterstützen, wenn Ihnen der Mut und die Motivation fehlen, etwas zu beginnen, oder wenn Sie sich machtlos und zerbrochen fühlen. Ja, es wäre absolut schön.

    Treffen Sie Ihren neuen Freund, um Ihre Motivation zu steigern!

    Inspirational Quotes bietet Ihnen täglich motivierende und inspirierende Zitate, damit Sie sich besser und produktiver fühlen! Außerdem können Sie viele entspannende Musikstücke hören, die auf Ihre Stimmung zugeschnitten sind, und inspirierende Hintergrundbilder auf Ihr Telefon setzen.

    Denken Sie an das Gefühl, das Sie hatten, als Sie morgens aufwachten. Sie müssen irgendwohin gehen oder einen Job erledigen, aber ein bisschen von Ihnen möchte weiter schlafen. Dann sehen Sie auf einmal eine Benachrichtigung von Inspirational Quotes, während Sie überlegen, was zu tun ist. Gammler! In diesem Moment gibt es keine Ausreden. Sie fliegen aus dem Bett und machen sich an die Arbeit. Ok, das Leben mag nicht so einfach erscheinen wie in diesem Fall, aber seien Sie sicher, dass viele Dinge so einfach sind. Das Entfernen der Barrieren in unseren Köpfen kann manchmal von einem Bild oder einem Wort abhängen. Ein Wort kann uns die Inspiration geben, die wir suchen, und den Verlauf unseres Tages oder sogar unser ganzes Leben verändern.

    Warum sind inspirierende Zitate so besonders?

    Es gibt viele (vielleicht Hunderte) Motivationsanwendungen in den Läden, die motivierende Zitate oder Erinnerungen liefern. Viele dieser Produkte enthalten zufällige Datenbanken aus unbekannten Quellen sowie schlechte Designs.

    Inspirational Quotes bietet Ihnen Tausende von handverlesenen Zitaten von hochwirksamen Personen. Sie können Ihre Lieblingsthemen auswählen, zu denen Sie Angebote erhalten möchten. Alle diese Themen beziehen sich auf reale Fälle und wurden speziell bearbeitet. Sie können auch anpassen, wie viele Zitate Sie sehen möchten und wann Sie diese Zitate an einem Tag sehen möchten. Sie können auch die richtige Musik für Ihre Stimmung hören und ein wunderschönes Hintergrundbild mit einem tollen Zitat erstellen, um sich immer daran zu erinnern.

    Denken Sie an einen Moment, in dem Sie Inspiration brauchen. Sie haben Inspirational Quotes geöffnet und nach inspirierenden Wörtern gesucht. Sie können einen entspannenden Klang und ein schillerndes Thema auswählen, um Ihren Moment zu verschönern. Das perfekte Design von Inspirational Quotes bietet Ihnen die beste Erfahrung. Diese Erfahrung wird Sie entspannen lassen und Ihre Angst reduzieren. Sie werden feststellen, dass Sie sich in diesem Prozess zurechtfinden.

    Wir glauben, dass kleine Dinge den Fluss unseres Lebens verändern können. Wir möchten Ihr Leben mit inspirierenden Zitaten berühren und Ihr Selbstwachstum fördern. Vergessen Sie nicht, denken Sie positiv und werden Sie besser!

  • Version1.8.0

    Tausende von motivierenden Zitaten, Sounds und Hintergrundbildern, um Ihre Stimmung zu verbessern!

    Update Log

    Bug fixes and feature enhancements.

    App Description

    Willkommen bei Inspirational Quotes!

    Stellen Sie sich einen Freund vor, der immer bei Ihnen ist, wenn Sie in Not sind! Wie schön wäre es für jemanden, Sie zu unterstützen, wenn Ihnen der Mut und die Motivation fehlen, etwas zu beginnen, oder wenn Sie sich machtlos und zerbrochen fühlen. Ja, es wäre absolut schön.

    Treffen Sie Ihren neuen Freund, um Ihre Motivation zu steigern!

    Inspirational Quotes bietet Ihnen täglich motivierende und inspirierende Zitate, damit Sie sich besser und produktiver fühlen! Außerdem können Sie viele entspannende Musikstücke hören, die auf Ihre Stimmung zugeschnitten sind, und inspirierende Hintergrundbilder auf Ihr Telefon setzen.

    Denken Sie an das Gefühl, das Sie hatten, als Sie morgens aufwachten. Sie müssen irgendwohin gehen oder einen Job erledigen, aber ein bisschen von Ihnen möchte weiter schlafen. Dann sehen Sie auf einmal eine Benachrichtigung von Inspirational Quotes, während Sie überlegen, was zu tun ist. Gammler! In diesem Moment gibt es keine Ausreden. Sie fliegen aus dem Bett und machen sich an die Arbeit. Ok, das Leben mag nicht so einfach erscheinen wie in diesem Fall, aber seien Sie sicher, dass viele Dinge so einfach sind. Das Entfernen der Barrieren in unseren Köpfen kann manchmal von einem Bild oder einem Wort abhängen. Ein Wort kann uns die Inspiration geben, die wir suchen, und den Verlauf unseres Tages oder sogar unser ganzes Leben verändern.

    Warum sind inspirierende Zitate so besonders?

    Es gibt viele (vielleicht Hunderte) Motivationsanwendungen in den Läden, die motivierende Zitate oder Erinnerungen liefern. Viele dieser Produkte enthalten zufällige Datenbanken aus unbekannten Quellen sowie schlechte Designs.

    Inspirational Quotes bietet Ihnen Tausende von handverlesenen Zitaten von hochwirksamen Personen. Sie können Ihre Lieblingsthemen auswählen, zu denen Sie Angebote erhalten möchten. Alle diese Themen beziehen sich auf reale Fälle und wurden speziell bearbeitet. Sie können auch anpassen, wie viele Zitate Sie sehen möchten und wann Sie diese Zitate an einem Tag sehen möchten. Sie können auch die richtige Musik für Ihre Stimmung hören und ein wunderschönes Hintergrundbild mit einem tollen Zitat erstellen, um sich immer daran zu erinnern.

    Denken Sie an einen Moment, in dem Sie Inspiration brauchen. Sie haben Inspirational Quotes geöffnet und nach inspirierenden Wörtern gesucht. Sie können einen entspannenden Klang und ein schillerndes Thema auswählen, um Ihren Moment zu verschönern. Das perfekte Design von Inspirational Quotes bietet Ihnen die beste Erfahrung. Diese Erfahrung wird Sie entspannen lassen und Ihre Angst reduzieren. Sie werden feststellen, dass Sie sich in diesem Prozess zurechtfinden.

    Wir glauben, dass kleine Dinge den Fluss unseres Lebens verändern können. Wir möchten Ihr Leben mit inspirierenden Zitaten berühren und Ihr Selbstwachstum fördern. Vergessen Sie nicht, denken Sie positiv und werden Sie besser!

  • Version1.7.7

    Tausende von motivierenden Zitaten, Sounds und Hintergrundbildern, um Ihre Stimmung zu verbessern!

    Update Log

    Bug fixes and feature enhancements.

    App Description

    Welcome to Inspirational Quotes!

    Imagine a friend always with you when you are in need! How nice it would be for someone to support you when you lack the courage and motivation to start something or when you feel powerless and broken up. Yep, it would be absolutely lovely.

    Meet Your New Friend to Boost Your Motivation!

    Inspirational Quotes provides you daily motivational and inspirational quotes to help feel better and more productive! Besides, you can listen to many relaxing pieces of music tailored to your mood and set inspirational wallpapers on your phone.

    Think about the feeling you had as you woke up in the morning. You have to go somewhere or get a job done, but a bit of you want to keep sleeping. Then all at once, you see a notification from Inspirational Quotes while thinking about what to do. Bum! At that moment, there are no excuses. You fly out of bed and get to work. Ok, life may not seem such easy as this case but be sure that many things are so easy. Removing the barriers in our minds may sometimes depend on a picture or a word. A word can give us the inspiration we seek and change the course of our day or even change our whole life.

    Why is Inspirational Quotes So Special?

    There are many (maybe hundreds of) motivation applications in the stores which provide motivational quotes or reminders. Many of these products include random databases from unknown sources plus bad designs.

    Inspirational Quotes provides you thousands of hand-picked quotes from highly-effective people. You can select your favorite topics that you want to receive quotes about. All of these topics are related to real-life cases and specially edited. You can also customize how many quotes you want to see and when you want to see these quotes in a day. Also, you can listen to the right music for your mood and set a beautiful wallpaper of a great quote to always remember it.

    Think of a moment that you need some inspiration. You opened Inspirational Quotes and looking for some inspirational words. You can select a relaxing sound and a dazzling theme to beautify your moment. The perfect design of Inspirational Quotes will provide you the best experience. This experience will let you get relaxed and reduce your anxiety. You will notice that you will find your way in this process.

    We believe that small things may change the flow of our lives. We aim to touch your lives with Inspirational Quotes and help your self-growth. Do not forget, think positively, and get better!

  • Version1.7.6

    Tausende von motivierenden Zitaten, Sounds und Hintergrundbildern, um Ihre Stimmung zu verbessern!

    Update Log

    Bug fixes and feature enhancements.

    App Description

    Welcome to Inspirational Quotes!

    Imagine a friend always with you when you are in need! How nice it would be for someone to support you when you lack the courage and motivation to start something or when you feel powerless and broken up. Yep, it would be absolutely lovely.

    Meet Your New Friend to Boost Your Motivation!

    Inspirational Quotes provides you daily motivational and inspirational quotes to help feel better and more productive! Besides, you can listen to many relaxing pieces of music tailored to your mood and set inspirational wallpapers on your phone.

    Think about the feeling you had as you woke up in the morning. You have to go somewhere or get a job done, but a bit of you want to keep sleeping. Then all at once, you see a notification from Inspirational Quotes while thinking about what to do. Bum! At that moment, there are no excuses. You fly out of bed and get to work. Ok, life may not seem such easy as this case but be sure that many things are so easy. Removing the barriers in our minds may sometimes depend on a picture or a word. A word can give us the inspiration we seek and change the course of our day or even change our whole life.

    Why is Inspirational Quotes So Special?

    There are many (maybe hundreds of) motivation applications in the stores which provide motivational quotes or reminders. Many of these products include random databases from unknown sources plus bad designs.

    Inspirational Quotes provides you thousands of hand-picked quotes from highly-effective people. You can select your favorite topics that you want to receive quotes about. All of these topics are related to real-life cases and specially edited. You can also customize how many quotes you want to see and when you want to see these quotes in a day. Also, you can listen to the right music for your mood and set a beautiful wallpaper of a great quote to always remember it.

    Think of a moment that you need some inspiration. You opened Inspirational Quotes and looking for some inspirational words. You can select a relaxing sound and a dazzling theme to beautify your moment. The perfect design of Inspirational Quotes will provide you the best experience. This experience will let you get relaxed and reduce your anxiety. You will notice that you will find your way in this process.

    We believe that small things may change the flow of our lives. We aim to touch your lives with Inspirational Quotes and help your self-growth. Do not forget, think positively, and get better!

  • Version1.7.4

    Tausende inspirierende Zitate, Sounds und Hintergrundbilder verbessern Ihre Stimmung!

    Update Log

    Bug fixes and feature enhancements.

    App Description

    Welcome to Inspirational Quotes!
    Imagine a friend always with you when you are in need! How nice it would be for someone to support you when you lack the courage and motivation to start something or when you feel powerless and broken up. Yep, it would be absolutely lovely.
    Meet Your New Friend to Boost Your Motivation!
    Inspirational Quotes provides you daily motivational and inspirational quotes to help feel better and more productive! Besides, you can listen to many relaxing pieces of music tailored to your mood and set inspirational wallpapers on your phone.
    Think about the feeling you had as you woke up in the morning. You have to go somewhere or get a job done, but a bit of you want to keep sleeping. Then all at once, you see a notification from Inspirational Quotes while thinking about what to do. Bum! At that moment, there are no excuses. You fly out of bed and get to work. Ok, life may not seem such easy as this case but be sure that many things are so easy. Removing the barriers in our minds may sometimes depend on a picture or a word. A word can give us the inspiration we seek and change the course of our day or even change our whole life.
    Why is Inspirational Quotes So Special?
    There are many (maybe hundreds of) motivation applications in the stores which provide motivational quotes or reminders. Many of these products include random databases from unknown sources plus bad designs.
    Inspirational Quotes provides you thousands of hand-picked quotes from highly-effective people. You can select your favorite topics that you want to receive quotes about. All of these topics are related to real-life cases and specially edited. You can also customize how many quotes you want to see and when you want to see these quotes in a day. Also, you can listen to the right music for your mood and set a beautiful wallpaper of a great quote to always remember it.
    Think of a moment that you need some inspiration. You opened Inspirational Quotes and looking for some inspirational words. You can select a relaxing sound and a dazzling theme to beautify your moment. The perfect design of Inspirational Quotes will provide you the best experience. This experience will let you get relaxed and reduce your anxiety. You will notice that you will find your way in this process.
    We believe that small things may change the flow of our lives. We aim to touch your lives with Inspirational Quotes and help your self-growth. Do not forget, think positively, and get better!

  • Version1.7.3

    Tausende inspirierende Zitate, Sounds und Hintergrundbilder verbessern Ihre Stimmung!

    Update Log

    Bug fixes and feature enhancements.

    App Description

    Welcome to Inspirational Quotes!
    Imagine a friend always with you when you are in need! How nice it would be for someone to support you when you lack the courage and motivation to start something or when you feel powerless and broken up. Yep, it would be absolutely lovely.
    Meet Your New Friend to Boost Your Motivation!
    Inspirational Quotes provides you daily motivational and inspirational quotes to help feel better and more productive! Besides, you can listen to many relaxing pieces of music tailored to your mood and set inspirational wallpapers on your phone.
    Think about the feeling you had as you woke up in the morning. You have to go somewhere or get a job done, but a bit of you want to keep sleeping. Then all at once, you see a notification from Inspirational Quotes while thinking about what to do. Bum! At that moment, there are no excuses. You fly out of bed and get to work. Ok, life may not seem such easy as this case but be sure that many things are so easy. Removing the barriers in our minds may sometimes depend on a picture or a word. A word can give us the inspiration we seek and change the course of our day or even change our whole life.
    Why is Inspirational Quotes So Special?
    There are many (maybe hundreds of) motivation applications in the stores which provide motivational quotes or reminders. Many of these products include random databases from unknown sources plus bad designs.
    Inspirational Quotes provides you thousands of hand-picked quotes from highly-effective people. You can select your favorite topics that you want to receive quotes about. All of these topics are related to real-life cases and specially edited. You can also customize how many quotes you want to see and when you want to see these quotes in a day. Also, you can listen to the right music for your mood and set a beautiful wallpaper of a great quote to always remember it.
    Think of a moment that you need some inspiration. You opened Inspirational Quotes and looking for some inspirational words. You can select a relaxing sound and a dazzling theme to beautify your moment. The perfect design of Inspirational Quotes will provide you the best experience. This experience will let you get relaxed and reduce your anxiety. You will notice that you will find your way in this process.
    We believe that small things may change the flow of our lives. We aim to touch your lives with Inspirational Quotes and help your self-growth. Do not forget, think positively, and get better!

  • Version1.7.2

    Tausende inspirierende Zitate, Sounds und Hintergrundbilder verbessern Ihre Stimmung!

    Update Log

    Bug fixes and feature enhancements.

    App Description

    Welcome to Inspirational Quotes!
    Imagine a friend always with you when you are in need! How nice it would be for someone to support you when you lack the courage and motivation to start something or when you feel powerless and broken up. Yep, it would be absolutely lovely.
    Meet Your New Friend to Boost Your Motivation!
    Inspirational Quotes provides you daily motivational and inspirational quotes to help feel better and more productive! Besides, you can listen to many relaxing pieces of music tailored to your mood and set inspirational wallpapers on your phone.
    Think about the feeling you had as you woke up in the morning. You have to go somewhere or get a job done, but a bit of you want to keep sleeping. Then all at once, you see a notification from Inspirational Quotes while thinking about what to do. Bum! At that moment, there are no excuses. You fly out of bed and get to work. Ok, life may not seem such easy as this case but be sure that many things are so easy. Removing the barriers in our minds may sometimes depend on a picture or a word. A word can give us the inspiration we seek and change the course of our day or even change our whole life.
    Why is Inspirational Quotes So Special?
    There are many (maybe hundreds of) motivation applications in the stores which provide motivational quotes or reminders. Many of these products include random databases from unknown sources plus bad designs.
    Inspirational Quotes provides you thousands of hand-picked quotes from highly-effective people. You can select your favorite topics that you want to receive quotes about. All of these topics are related to real-life cases and specially edited. You can also customize how many quotes you want to see and when you want to see these quotes in a day. Also, you can listen to the right music for your mood and set a beautiful wallpaper of a great quote to always remember it.
    Think of a moment that you need some inspiration. You opened Inspirational Quotes and looking for some inspirational words. You can select a relaxing sound and a dazzling theme to beautify your moment. The perfect design of Inspirational Quotes will provide you the best experience. This experience will let you get relaxed and reduce your anxiety. You will notice that you will find your way in this process.
    We believe that small things may change the flow of our lives. We aim to touch your lives with Inspirational Quotes and help your self-growth. Do not forget, think positively, and get better!

  • Version1.7.1

    Tausende inspirierende Zitate, Sounds und Hintergrundbilder verbessern Ihre Stimmung!

    Update Log

    Bug fixes and feature enhancements.

    App Description

    Welcome to Inspirational Quotes!
    Imagine a friend always with you when you are in need! How nice it would be for someone to support you when you lack the courage and motivation to start something or when you feel powerless and broken up. Yep, it would be absolutely lovely.
    Meet Your New Friend to Boost Your Motivation!
    Inspirational Quotes provides you daily motivational and inspirational quotes to help feel better and more productive! Besides, you can listen to many relaxing pieces of music tailored to your mood and set inspirational wallpapers on your phone.
    Think about the feeling you had as you woke up in the morning. You have to go somewhere or get a job done, but a bit of you want to keep sleeping. Then all at once, you see a notification from Inspirational Quotes while thinking about what to do. Bum! At that moment, there are no excuses. You fly out of bed and get to work. Ok, life may not seem such easy as this case but be sure that many things are so easy. Removing the barriers in our minds may sometimes depend on a picture or a word. A word can give us the inspiration we seek and change the course of our day or even change our whole life.
    Why is Inspirational Quotes So Special?
    There are many (maybe hundreds of) motivation applications in the stores which provide motivational quotes or reminders. Many of these products include random databases from unknown sources plus bad designs.
    Inspirational Quotes provides you thousands of hand-picked quotes from highly-effective people. You can select your favorite topics that you want to receive quotes about. All of these topics are related to real-life cases and specially edited. You can also customize how many quotes you want to see and when you want to see these quotes in a day. Also, you can listen to the right music for your mood and set a beautiful wallpaper of a great quote to always remember it.
    Think of a moment that you need some inspiration. You opened Inspirational Quotes and looking for some inspirational words. You can select a relaxing sound and a dazzling theme to beautify your moment. The perfect design of Inspirational Quotes will provide you the best experience. This experience will let you get relaxed and reduce your anxiety. You will notice that you will find your way in this process.
    We believe that small things may change the flow of our lives. We aim to touch your lives with Inspirational Quotes and help your self-growth. Do not forget, think positively, and get better!

  • Version1.6.2

    Tausende inspirierende Zitate, Sounds und Hintergrundbilder verbessern Ihre Stimmung!

    Update Log

    Bug fixes and feature enhancements.

    App Description

    Welcome to Inspirational Quotes!
    Imagine a friend always with you when you are in need! How nice it would be for someone to support you when you lack the courage and motivation to start something or when you feel powerless and broken up. Yep, it would be absolutely lovely.
    Meet Your New Friend to Boost Your Motivation!
    Inspirational Quotes provides you daily motivational and inspirational quotes to help feel better and more productive! Besides, you can listen to many relaxing pieces of music tailored to your mood and set inspirational wallpapers on your phone.
    Think about the feeling you had as you woke up in the morning. You have to go somewhere or get a job done, but a bit of you want to keep sleeping. Then all at once, you see a notification from Inspirational Quotes while thinking about what to do. Bum! At that moment, there are no excuses. You fly out of bed and get to work. Ok, life may not seem such easy as this case but be sure that many things are so easy. Removing the barriers in our minds may sometimes depend on a picture or a word. A word can give us the inspiration we seek and change the course of our day or even change our whole life.
    Why is Inspirational Quotes So Special?
    There are many (maybe hundreds of) motivation applications in the stores which provide motivational quotes or reminders. Many of these products include random databases from unknown sources plus bad designs.
    Inspirational Quotes provides you thousands of hand-picked quotes from highly-effective people. You can select your favorite topics that you want to receive quotes about. All of these topics are related to real-life cases and specially edited. You can also customize how many quotes you want to see and when you want to see these quotes in a day. Also, you can listen to the right music for your mood and set a beautiful wallpaper of a great quote to always remember it.
    Think of a moment that you need some inspiration. You opened Inspirational Quotes and looking for some inspirational words. You can select a relaxing sound and a dazzling theme to beautify your moment. The perfect design of Inspirational Quotes will provide you the best experience. This experience will let you get relaxed and reduce your anxiety. You will notice that you will find your way in this process.
    We believe that small things may change the flow of our lives. We aim to touch your lives with Inspirational Quotes and help your self-growth. Do not forget, think positively, and get better!

  • Version1.6.1

    Tausende inspirierende Zitate, Sounds und Hintergrundbilder verbessern Ihre Stimmung!

    Update Log

    New quotes added
    Bug fixes and feature enhancements.

    App Description

    Welcome to Inspirational Quotes!
    Imagine a friend always with you when you are in need! How nice it would be for someone to support you when you lack the courage and motivation to start something or when you feel powerless and broken up. Yep, it would be absolutely lovely.
    Meet Your New Friend to Boost Your Motivation!
    Inspirational Quotes provides you daily motivational and inspirational quotes to help feel better and more productive! Besides, you can listen to many relaxing pieces of music tailored to your mood and set inspirational wallpapers on your phone.
    Think about the feeling you had as you woke up in the morning. You have to go somewhere or get a job done, but a bit of you want to keep sleeping. Then all at once, you see a notification from Inspirational Quotes while thinking about what to do. Bum! At that moment, there are no excuses. You fly out of bed and get to work. Ok, life may not seem such easy as this case but be sure that many things are so easy. Removing the barriers in our minds may sometimes depend on a picture or a word. A word can give us the inspiration we seek and change the course of our day or even change our whole life.
    Why is Inspirational Quotes So Special?
    There are many (maybe hundreds of) motivation applications in the stores which provide motivational quotes or reminders. Many of these products include random databases from unknown sources plus bad designs.
    Inspirational Quotes provides you thousands of hand-picked quotes from highly-effective people. You can select your favorite topics that you want to receive quotes about. All of these topics are related to real-life cases and specially edited. You can also customize how many quotes you want to see and when you want to see these quotes in a day. Also, you can listen to the right music for your mood and set a beautiful wallpaper of a great quote to always remember it.
    Think of a moment that you need some inspiration. You opened Inspirational Quotes and looking for some inspirational words. You can select a relaxing sound and a dazzling theme to beautify your moment. The perfect design of Inspirational Quotes will provide you the best experience. This experience will let you get relaxed and reduce your anxiety. You will notice that you will find your way in this process.
    We believe that small things may change the flow of our lives. We aim to touch your lives with Inspirational Quotes and help your self-growth. Do not forget, think positively, and get better!

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