E-gree is an easy-to-use mobile app that features over 20 different contract templates for all kinds of situations, allowing people without a legal background to protect their ideas, assets, and intellectual property. E-gree is helping thousands of users build trust in their business and personal relationships — not with words, but with legally binding documents.

Formal legal justice systems are more expensive than ever before. Around 80% of low-income individuals in the United States cannot afford legal assistance, while 40-60% of middle class legal needs are unmet. e-gree offers an accessible and affordable solution, democratizing the way people make agreements.

Idea Contract - If you told the wrong people about your innovative ideas, this contract will ensure that your intellectual property is protected, even if they try to steal your hard work.

Secret Contract - Your secrets should stay a secret. Create a contract, describe any information you’d like to keep confidential, and share this e-greement with a friend or business partner. Now your secret is legally protected.

Date Contract - Use this e-greement to avoid any unwanted dating surprises. Create a contract, set some ground rules for your date, and send the e-greement to that special someone.

Couple / Uncouple / Prenup Contract - Determine terms of ownership within your relationship, divide property, and agree on areas of personal responsibility.

Bet Contract - Record your friendly wagers to ensure that no one “forgets” the terms of the bet or the winnings at stake.

Sexting Contract - Use this e-greement to protect your more “risqué” photos from being leaked or shared without your permission.

Freelance Contract - Share this e-greement with clients when starting a new freelance project to guarantee that you’re always paid for your hard work.

File-Sharing Contract - If you’re sharing important files, protect them from unauthorized distribution with the e-gree Lock.

Waiver (COVID-19) Contract - If you’re a business owner or hosting an event, use this liability waiver to inform your clients about the risks associated with the spread of disease in a shop or at a meeting.

Purchase & Sale Contract - When buying or selling goods or services, set the terms of sale with this e-greement.

Loan Contract - Use this e-greement to guarantee that your informal loans are always repaid, even with friends and family members.

Refer Contract - When making a business or client referral, this e-greement helps you accurately record the exact % of your reward.

Employ Contract - Protect company information from potential competitors by asking your employees to sign this NDA e-greement.

Auto Accident Contract - Fender bender? If you don’t want to get your insurance companies involved, this e-greement can be used in minor car accidents to figure out a settlement that works for everyone.

Event Contract - What happens at the party should stay at the party. Use this e-greement to prevent photos or videos of your event from being shared with the world.

Guest Contract - If you’re hosting an event, ensure you have your guests’ permission to share photos and videos from the big night.

Allowance Contract- Teach your children important money management skills by setting the terms of their allowance.

Testament Contract - Prepare for the future and protect your loved ones by creating a Will & Testament on e-gree.

Consent Contract - If you’re planning an “intimate” meeting, this e-greement will help you quickly and clearly secure the consent of both parties.

Venue Contract - When hosting an event, ensure that all of your guests accept and acknowledge your venue’s rules and regulations prior to entry by creating an e-greement with a QR code for all of your patrons.