ATTENTION ========== This version of the application is no longer maintained! For the current release, please visit: Old Description ======== FareWell saves you time from switching between Uber and Lyft to find the cheapest ride by comparing fares between Uber and Lyft's product lines. FareWell averages costs and automatically factors Uber Surge and Lyft Prime Time surcharges so you never have to. Features: 1) Prices are compared by product type, so you don't have to search for the ride you need. 2) Directly opens and prefills Uber and Lyft apps directly to quickly book your ride. 3) Averages price range estimates for easy comparisons. 4) Displays estimated time to pick up. 5) Displays ETA to your destination destination. 6) Automatically factors Uber Surge and Lyft Prime Time surcharges. 7) Save Home and Work locations for fast estimates