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I Love NBC News!

07/12/2024 21:48:55

Like NBC News how they bring the Story.

0 0
07/12/2024 11:33:59

NBC News has gotten extremely better. The News Now finally works, with the landscape mode corrected. News doesn't update as frequent as I'd like but still nice. Would love to see the news cards a little bigger. Cards are really small on the eyes. Continue to update & improve for design improvements & a better customer experience...

1 0
07/12/2024 10:06:47

I like the way the news is separated into subjects like, world, sports, local.

0 0
07/12/2024 10:04:07


07/11/2024 05:20:46

I no longer wish to watch or follow NBC news. Like most cable news channels, and I have tried many, it has become more biased, with partisan opinions of individuals rather than a non partisan news channel. Just report the news and keep personal opinion out.Like most cable news, It has become the voice box of the Big Money that controls it. Not sure where I will follow the news nowadays but it won't be cable news programs anymore.

07/10/2024 15:48:04

It meets my expectations.

07/10/2024 01:16:25

The videos are no more playable so do something about that. It always tell me encounter an error I don't understand

0 0
07/07/2024 03:30:40

Was told to get rid off this game so I did. It is always read all over the place and news is news.

0 0
07/06/2024 09:52:49

Why are SO MANY NEWSCASTERS so fixated on ONE BAD DEBATE of Joe Biden? They need to watch or read Handmaid's Tale or Dead Zone... all to REALISTIC of Trump and his followers. Do you not get a cold? Biden is HUMAN. THE MORE I hear about one bad night instead of backing him, the angrier I get. Report the real threat to our democracy, the new party of Trump, because the GOP no longer exists.

0 0
07/06/2024 02:26:34
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