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Monster Legends
Breed, collect and feed monsters... Then fight in PvP battles! All in one game
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the game I play the most

07/06/2024 03:54:02

Level 8 so far not too bad nice to pass the time and see what I can breed together

0 0
07/06/2024 03:52:56

Great game overall but I wish they add trading to the game since it would make it alot more fun but the reason I give this 3 stars is bc it takes WAY to long to craft and breed a mythic monster plus it's so hard to get gems if they don't let u do surveys so I would recommend they add another way to get ALOT of gems but I wish they make it more easier to get conjuring tickets it's a great game but if the owner of monster legends read this pls give everyone some conjuring tickets

0 0 (This review has been deleted)
07/06/2024 02:30:07

Amazing selection

0 0
By Nyaur
(This review has been deleted)
07/06/2024 00:31:22

Was fun until it stopped working properly. Can't click on tabs in the game. Daily quest, support and some others. I have tried uninstall and reinstall, clearing cash. Nothing fixes it.

0 0 (This review has been deleted)
07/05/2024 23:27:33

I guess started and i've already having a lot of fun This is definitely a five star

0 0 (This review has been deleted)
07/05/2024 23:21:00

It's very fun and there's YouTube birds that I really, really like.And you can grow your master to be the strongest in the top 10 players.It's really fun and I think other people Should play this game because it's so fun. It'll be amazing if I could get a free. Youtuber monster.

0 0 (This review has been deleted)
07/05/2024 23:09:38

Giga chad

0 0 (This review has been deleted)
07/05/2024 23:03:49

Very good game og

0 0 (This review has been deleted)
07/05/2024 23:02:36


0 0 (This review has been deleted)
07/05/2024 23:01:32
No data yet.No data yet.
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