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Foap - sell photos & videos
Collaborate with brands and turn your photos & videos into dollars
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0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/03/2024

Thanks a lot for your rating and safe rides :)

07/02/2024 15:32:00

I've installed the app from 4 days ago and from 3 days ago the app is not working due to server problems and it says try soon! I tried to send feedback but the response was that you are not Foap Plus user and doesn't access to the direct support and just you can find answers from below previous written notes! That's the end of the support gor such server issue which is still available for 3 days. I'm a developer and I can understand the issues happening but the Foap UX is awful.

1 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/02/2024

This sounds like an issue for our customer support. If you haven’t already contacted them, you may do so at [email protected].

07/01/2024 19:50:24

This is 🤥 fake

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/30/2024

Hi, if you have encountered any problem, can you please send your feedback at [email protected]. Thank you for your help.

06/30/2024 14:18:53

I love this app

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 06/30/2024

Dear friend, we are really glad that you like our product. Your support and voice are very important to us.

06/29/2024 09:52:11

I really can't upload my image to sell what is disappointment, no here to contact ☹️☹️☹️

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/30/2024

Dear User, we are extremely sorry for the inconvenience. To help you with this, we would like to know your feedback in detail. Kindly write to us at [email protected]. We will help you at the earliest.

06/29/2024 01:26:13

Supap aplycestan

0 0
06/28/2024 14:21:34

I have updated now But it's not working

0 0
By 19 93
Developer Replies Reply Time 06/30/2024

Hello, can you tell us more detail about the issue at [email protected]? It will be very helpful for us to investigate and fix it.
Thank you!

06/28/2024 01:01:06

Still trouble uploading videos for portfolio, need more stable to reload new photos and rating 🙏🏽 Keep on going sir

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/30/2024

Hi, thanks for reporting this issue to us. We'll check it and improve our app.

06/27/2024 19:51:32

Logged in long back and added pics randomly from album.. Hope to add more but was crashing..

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/26/2024

Hi, thanks for reporting this issue to us. We'll check it and improve our app.

06/26/2024 15:02:08

The best

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 06/24/2024

Thank you very much for your 5-star review!!!

06/24/2024 05:42:44
No data yet.No data yet.
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