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Tenta Private VPN Browser
Безопасный и приватный браузер со встроенным VPN и AdBlock для более быстрого просмотра.
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Version History

  • Version7.3.0-p2

    Безопасный и приватный браузер со встроенным VPN и AdBlock для более быстрого просмотра.

    Update Log

    We incorporated search suggestions in our browser to streamline your browsing experience.

    App Description

    Знаете ли вы, что другие «частные браузеры» на самом деле не делают вас невидимкой? Для реальной конфиденциальности и безопасности вам требуется встроенный VPN и полное шифрование данных. Получите все это и многое другое с Tenta VPN Browser!

    Всем бета-тестерам мы ценим вашу поддержку! ❤️❤️❤️

    Максимальная конфиденциальность, безопасность и удобство в браузере, который защищает ваши данные вместо того, чтобы продавать их.

    Tenta - это браузер следующего поколения, который с самого начала был разработан для обеспечения непревзойденной конфиденциальности и безопасности благодаря встроенному истинному VPN и полному шифрованию данных. В настоящее время мы находимся в бета-версии и приглашаем бета-тестеров помочь нам создать лучший закрытый и зашифрованный браузер. Наша миссия проста. Мы считаем, что конфиденциальность не подлежит обсуждению, и каждый должен иметь безопасный доступ к мировой информации без цензуры или суждения.

    💯 Популярные в Forbes, ZDNet, Geekwire и многое другое!


    B Встроенный True VPN: Tenta предлагает настоящую встроенную VPN на основе протокола OpenVPN ™. Не прокси, как другие браузеры, которые предлагают меньшую защиту.

    B Зашифрованный просмотр: 100% ваших данных просмотра защищены и являются конфиденциальными. Это режим инкогнито, который фактически инкогнито и удобен. Это означает, что ваши закладки, ваш DNS, IP-адрес и история просмотра хранятся в тайне и безопасности.

    B Частный и безопасный просмотр по умолчанию: Настройка и регистрация не требуются. Tenta скрывает вас от посторонних глаз хакеров, трекеров и интернет-провайдеров. Просматривайте без проблем, особенно в общественных сетях WIFI, таких как аэропорты или кафе.

    B Пароль зашифрован: Tenta защищает ваш пароль шифрованием AES-256. В целях вашей безопасности мы не храним копию вашего пароля на каком-либо сервере. Аутентификация по отпечаткам пальцев предлагается для поддерживающих устройств.

    B Разблокируйте геоблокированные сайты с помощью зашифрованных режимов просмотра. Мы упростили любой браузер в мире для одновременного подключения к нескольким местоположениям.

    B Защитите свой личный просмотр от реальных угроз и угроз из Интернета. Только у вас есть доступ к своей копии браузера Tenta. Вы можете поделиться своим мобильным устройством с друзьями или семьей, зная, что ваши личные данные в браузере зашифрованы и заблокированы вашим паролем.

    B Нет сохраненных журналов: Ваша конфиденциальность является нашим главным приоритетом. Мы не записываем ваши данные о просмотре и потому, что ваш трафик зашифрован, что означает, что никто, включая Tenta, не сможет отследить вашу историю посещений.

    Private Private Video Downloader: Автоматически определяет, когда видео доступно и загружено в безопасное зашифрованное хранилище мультимедиа. Пауза, возобновление и автоматическое повторное подключение нескольких загрузок одновременно.

    B Всегда бесплатно для использования с расширенной поддержкой. Tenta - это бесплатный браузер, который по умолчанию предлагает анонимный и безопасный просмотр. В отличие от других браузеров, мы не основаны на рекламе и никогда не будем хранить и / или продавать ваши данные. Бета-версия полностью бесплатна. Tenta предложит премиальный сервис для дополнительных функций безопасности и конфиденциальности, включая:

    ✅ Неограниченное количество зашифрованных серверов
    ✅ Пользовательские DNS-серверы с опцией безопасного DNS через TLS
    Support Приоритетная поддержка клиентов
    True Встроенный истинный VPN

    Часто задаваемые вопросы.

    Что если я уже использую приложение VPN?
    Нет проблем. Браузер Tenta прекрасно работает со всеми существующими приложениями VPN.

    Как мне сбросить пароль?
    В целях безопасности Tenta никогда не будет хранить ваш пароль ни на одном из наших серверов. Это также означает, что мы не можем восстановить ваш пароль. Пожалуйста, сохраняйте свой пароль в безопасности и никому не сообщайте его.

    Для получения более подробной информации и учебных пособий, пожалуйста, перейдите на https://tenta.com. Мы хотели бы услышать от наших клиентов, чтобы мы могли постоянно улучшать наш сервис. Если у вас есть комментарии или вопросы, пишите на [email protected].

  • Version7.3.0

    Безопасный и приватный браузер со встроенным VPN и AdBlock для более быстрого просмотра.

    Update Log

    We incorporated search suggestions in our browser to streamline your browsing experience.

    App Description

    Did you know other "private browsers" do not actually make you invisible? For real privacy and security, you need built-in VPN and total data encryption. Get all that and more with Tenta VPN Browser!

    To all beta testers, we appreciate your support!❤️❤️❤️

    Ultimate privacy, security, and convenience in a browser that protects your data instead of selling it.

    Tenta is a next generation browser that is designed from the ground up for unparalleled privacy and security with built-in true VPN and complete data encryption. We are currently in beta and are inviting beta-testers to help us build the best private and encrypted browser. Our mission is simple. We believe privacy is non-negotiable and everyone should have safe access to the world's information without censorship or judgement.

    💯 Featured in Forbes, ZDNet, Geekwire and more!


    Built-in True VPN: Tenta offers real built-in VPN based on the OpenVPN™ protocol. Not a proxy like other browser, which offer less protection.

    Encrypted Browsing: 100% of your browsing data is protected and private. This is incognito mode that is actually incognito and convenient. That means your bookmarks, your DNS, IP address and browsing history are all kept private and secure.

    Private and Secure Browsing By Default: No setup or registration required. Tenta keeps you hidden from the prying eyes of hackers, trackers, and ISPs. Browse without worry, especially on public WIFI networks, such as airports or coffee shops.

    Password Encrypted: Tenta protects your password with AES-256 encryption. For your security, we do not store a copy of your password on any server. Fingerprint authentication offered for supporting devices.

    Unlock Geo-Blocked Sites with Encrypted Browsing Modes: We've made it easier than any browser in the world to connect to multiple locations simultaneously.

    Protect your Private Browsing from Real World and Online Threats: Only you have access to your copy of Tenta Browser. Feel comfortable sharing your mobile device with friends or family knowing your private browsing data is encrypted and locked with your password.

    No Logs Kept: Your privacy is our top priority. We do not record your browsing data and because your traffic is encrypted that means no one, including Tenta, can snoop into your web browsing history.

    Private Video Downloader: Auto-detects when a video is available and is downloaded to a secure, encrypted media vault. Pause, resume and automatically reconnect multiple downloads simultaneously.

    Always Free to Use with Premium Support Available: Tenta is a free browser that offers anonymous and secure browsing by default. Unlike other browsers, we are not advertising based and will never store and/or sell your data. The beta version is completely free. Tenta will offer a premium service for additional security and privacy features, including:

    ✅ Unlimited encrypted server locations
    ✅ Custom DNS Servers with secure DNS over TLS option
    ✅ Priority customer support
    ✅ Built-in true VPN

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    What if I already use a VPN app?
    No problem. Tenta browser works fine with all existing VPN apps.

    How do I reset my Password?
    For security purposes, Tenta will never store your password on any of our servers. That also means we are unable to recover your password. Please make sure to keep your password safe and do not share it with anyone.

    For more details and tutorials, please go to https://tenta.com. We'd love to hear from our customers, so we can continually improve our service. If you have comments or questions, email [email protected].

  • Version7.2.0-p1

    Безопасный и приватный браузер со встроенным VPN и AdBlock для более быстрого просмотра.

    Update Log

    Worried about suspicious files? We got you covered. Set Avast Secure Browser as default, scan your downloads with our upgraded Security Scanner and stay safe online.

    App Description

    Did you know other "private browsers" do not actually make you invisible? For real privacy and security, you need built-in VPN and total data encryption. Get all that and more with Tenta VPN Browser!

    To all beta testers, we appreciate your support!❤️❤️❤️

    Ultimate privacy, security, and convenience in a browser that protects your data instead of selling it.

    Tenta is a next generation browser that is designed from the ground up for unparalleled privacy and security with built-in true VPN and complete data encryption. We are currently in beta and are inviting beta-testers to help us build the best private and encrypted browser. Our mission is simple. We believe privacy is non-negotiable and everyone should have safe access to the world's information without censorship or judgement.

    💯 Featured in Forbes, ZDNet, Geekwire and more!


    Built-in True VPN: Tenta offers real built-in VPN based on the OpenVPN™ protocol. Not a proxy like other browser, which offer less protection.

    Encrypted Browsing: 100% of your browsing data is protected and private. This is incognito mode that is actually incognito and convenient. That means your bookmarks, your DNS, IP address and browsing history are all kept private and secure.

    Private and Secure Browsing By Default: No setup or registration required. Tenta keeps you hidden from the prying eyes of hackers, trackers, and ISPs. Browse without worry, especially on public WIFI networks, such as airports or coffee shops.

    Password Encrypted: Tenta protects your password with AES-256 encryption. For your security, we do not store a copy of your password on any server. Fingerprint authentication offered for supporting devices.

    Unlock Geo-Blocked Sites with Encrypted Browsing Modes: We've made it easier than any browser in the world to connect to multiple locations simultaneously.

    Protect your Private Browsing from Real World and Online Threats: Only you have access to your copy of Tenta Browser. Feel comfortable sharing your mobile device with friends or family knowing your private browsing data is encrypted and locked with your password.

    No Logs Kept: Your privacy is our top priority. We do not record your browsing data and because your traffic is encrypted that means no one, including Tenta, can snoop into your web browsing history.

    Private Video Downloader: Auto-detects when a video is available and is downloaded to a secure, encrypted media vault. Pause, resume and automatically reconnect multiple downloads simultaneously.

    Always Free to Use with Premium Support Available: Tenta is a free browser that offers anonymous and secure browsing by default. Unlike other browsers, we are not advertising based and will never store and/or sell your data. The beta version is completely free. Tenta will offer a premium service for additional security and privacy features, including:

    ✅ Unlimited encrypted server locations
    ✅ Custom DNS Servers with secure DNS over TLS option
    ✅ Priority customer support
    ✅ Built-in true VPN

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    What if I already use a VPN app?
    No problem. Tenta browser works fine with all existing VPN apps.

    How do I reset my Password?
    For security purposes, Tenta will never store your password on any of our servers. That also means we are unable to recover your password. Please make sure to keep your password safe and do not share it with anyone.

    For more details and tutorials, please go to https://tenta.com. We'd love to hear from our customers, so we can continually improve our service. If you have comments or questions, email [email protected].

  • Version7.1.0-p3

    Безопасный и приватный браузер со встроенным VPN и AdBlock для более быстрого просмотра.

    Update Log

    Worried about suspicious files? We got you covered. Set Avast Secure Browser as default, scan your downloads with our upgraded Security Scanner and stay safe online.

    App Description

    Did you know other "private browsers" do not actually make you invisible? For real privacy and security, you need built-in VPN and total data encryption. Get all that and more with Tenta VPN Browser!

    To all beta testers, we appreciate your support!❤️❤️❤️

    Ultimate privacy, security, and convenience in a browser that protects your data instead of selling it.

    Tenta is a next generation browser that is designed from the ground up for unparalleled privacy and security with built-in true VPN and complete data encryption. We are currently in beta and are inviting beta-testers to help us build the best private and encrypted browser. Our mission is simple. We believe privacy is non-negotiable and everyone should have safe access to the world's information without censorship or judgement.

    💯 Featured in Forbes, ZDNet, Geekwire and more!


    Built-in True VPN: Tenta offers real built-in VPN based on the OpenVPN™ protocol. Not a proxy like other browser, which offer less protection.

    Encrypted Browsing: 100% of your browsing data is protected and private. This is incognito mode that is actually incognito and convenient. That means your bookmarks, your DNS, IP address and browsing history are all kept private and secure.

    Private and Secure Browsing By Default: No setup or registration required. Tenta keeps you hidden from the prying eyes of hackers, trackers, and ISPs. Browse without worry, especially on public WIFI networks, such as airports or coffee shops.

    Password Encrypted: Tenta protects your password with AES-256 encryption. For your security, we do not store a copy of your password on any server. Fingerprint authentication offered for supporting devices.

    Unlock Geo-Blocked Sites with Encrypted Browsing Modes: We've made it easier than any browser in the world to connect to multiple locations simultaneously.

    Protect your Private Browsing from Real World and Online Threats: Only you have access to your copy of Tenta Browser. Feel comfortable sharing your mobile device with friends or family knowing your private browsing data is encrypted and locked with your password.

    No Logs Kept: Your privacy is our top priority. We do not record your browsing data and because your traffic is encrypted that means no one, including Tenta, can snoop into your web browsing history.

    Private Video Downloader: Auto-detects when a video is available and is downloaded to a secure, encrypted media vault. Pause, resume and automatically reconnect multiple downloads simultaneously.

    Always Free to Use with Premium Support Available: Tenta is a free browser that offers anonymous and secure browsing by default. Unlike other browsers, we are not advertising based and will never store and/or sell your data. The beta version is completely free. Tenta will offer a premium service for additional security and privacy features, including:

    ✅ Unlimited encrypted server locations
    ✅ Custom DNS Servers with secure DNS over TLS option
    ✅ Priority customer support
    ✅ Built-in true VPN

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    What if I already use a VPN app?
    No problem. Tenta browser works fine with all existing VPN apps.

    How do I reset my Password?
    For security purposes, Tenta will never store your password on any of our servers. That also means we are unable to recover your password. Please make sure to keep your password safe and do not share it with anyone.

    For more details and tutorials, please go to https://tenta.com. We'd love to hear from our customers, so we can continually improve our service. If you have comments or questions, email [email protected].

  • Version7.1.0-p2

    Безопасный и приватный браузер со встроенным VPN и AdBlock для более быстрого просмотра.

    Update Log

    Our browser engine has been upgraded, got super-fast and stable, for a speedy and flawless browser experience.

    App Description

    Did you know other "private browsers" do not actually make you invisible? For real privacy and security, you need built-in VPN and total data encryption. Get all that and more with Tenta VPN Browser!

    To all beta testers, we appreciate your support!❤️❤️❤️

    Ultimate privacy, security, and convenience in a browser that protects your data instead of selling it.

    Tenta is a next generation browser that is designed from the ground up for unparalleled privacy and security with built-in true VPN and complete data encryption. We are currently in beta and are inviting beta-testers to help us build the best private and encrypted browser. Our mission is simple. We believe privacy is non-negotiable and everyone should have safe access to the world's information without censorship or judgement.

    💯 Featured in Forbes, ZDNet, Geekwire and more!


    Built-in True VPN: Tenta offers real built-in VPN based on the OpenVPN™ protocol. Not a proxy like other browser, which offer less protection.

    Encrypted Browsing: 100% of your browsing data is protected and private. This is incognito mode that is actually incognito and convenient. That means your bookmarks, your DNS, IP address and browsing history are all kept private and secure.

    Private and Secure Browsing By Default: No setup or registration required. Tenta keeps you hidden from the prying eyes of hackers, trackers, and ISPs. Browse without worry, especially on public WIFI networks, such as airports or coffee shops.

    Password Encrypted: Tenta protects your password with AES-256 encryption. For your security, we do not store a copy of your password on any server. Fingerprint authentication offered for supporting devices.

    Unlock Geo-Blocked Sites with Encrypted Browsing Modes: We've made it easier than any browser in the world to connect to multiple locations simultaneously.

    Protect your Private Browsing from Real World and Online Threats: Only you have access to your copy of Tenta Browser. Feel comfortable sharing your mobile device with friends or family knowing your private browsing data is encrypted and locked with your password.

    No Logs Kept: Your privacy is our top priority. We do not record your browsing data and because your traffic is encrypted that means no one, including Tenta, can snoop into your web browsing history.

    Private Video Downloader: Auto-detects when a video is available and is downloaded to a secure, encrypted media vault. Pause, resume and automatically reconnect multiple downloads simultaneously.

    Always Free to Use with Premium Support Available: Tenta is a free browser that offers anonymous and secure browsing by default. Unlike other browsers, we are not advertising based and will never store and/or sell your data. The beta version is completely free. Tenta will offer a premium service for additional security and privacy features, including:

    ✅ Unlimited encrypted server locations
    ✅ Custom DNS Servers with secure DNS over TLS option
    ✅ Priority customer support
    ✅ Built-in true VPN

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    What if I already use a VPN app?
    No problem. Tenta browser works fine with all existing VPN apps.

    How do I reset my Password?
    For security purposes, Tenta will never store your password on any of our servers. That also means we are unable to recover your password. Please make sure to keep your password safe and do not share it with anyone.

    For more details and tutorials, please go to https://tenta.com. We'd love to hear from our customers, so we can continually improve our service. If you have comments or questions, email [email protected].

  • Version7.0.0

    Безопасный и приватный браузер со встроенным VPN и AdBlock для более быстрого просмотра.

    Update Log

    Our browser engine has been upgraded, got super-fast and stable, for a speedy and flawless browser experience.

    App Description

    Did you know other "private browsers" do not actually make you invisible? For real privacy and security, you need built-in VPN and total data encryption. Get all that and more with Tenta VPN Browser!

    To all beta testers, we appreciate your support!❤️❤️❤️

    Ultimate privacy, security, and convenience in a browser that protects your data instead of selling it.

    Tenta is a next generation browser that is designed from the ground up for unparalleled privacy and security with built-in true VPN and complete data encryption. We are currently in beta and are inviting beta-testers to help us build the best private and encrypted browser. Our mission is simple. We believe privacy is non-negotiable and everyone should have safe access to the world's information without censorship or judgement.

    💯 Featured in Forbes, ZDNet, Geekwire and more!


    Built-in True VPN: Tenta offers real built-in VPN based on the OpenVPN™ protocol. Not a proxy like other browser, which offer less protection.

    Encrypted Browsing: 100% of your browsing data is protected and private. This is incognito mode that is actually incognito and convenient. That means your bookmarks, your DNS, IP address and browsing history are all kept private and secure.

    Private and Secure Browsing By Default: No setup or registration required. Tenta keeps you hidden from the prying eyes of hackers, trackers, and ISPs. Browse without worry, especially on public WIFI networks, such as airports or coffee shops.

    Password Encrypted: Tenta protects your password with AES-256 encryption. For your security, we do not store a copy of your password on any server. Fingerprint authentication offered for supporting devices.

    Unlock Geo-Blocked Sites with Encrypted Browsing Modes: We've made it easier than any browser in the world to connect to multiple locations simultaneously.

    Protect your Private Browsing from Real World and Online Threats: Only you have access to your copy of Tenta Browser. Feel comfortable sharing your mobile device with friends or family knowing your private browsing data is encrypted and locked with your password.

    No Logs Kept: Your privacy is our top priority. We do not record your browsing data and because your traffic is encrypted that means no one, including Tenta, can snoop into your web browsing history.

    Private Video Downloader: Auto-detects when a video is available and is downloaded to a secure, encrypted media vault. Pause, resume and automatically reconnect multiple downloads simultaneously.

    Always Free to Use with Premium Support Available: Tenta is a free browser that offers anonymous and secure browsing by default. Unlike other browsers, we are not advertising based and will never store and/or sell your data. The beta version is completely free. Tenta will offer a premium service for additional security and privacy features, including:

    ✅ Unlimited encrypted server locations
    ✅ Custom DNS Servers with secure DNS over TLS option
    ✅ Priority customer support
    ✅ Built-in true VPN

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    What if I already use a VPN app?
    No problem. Tenta browser works fine with all existing VPN apps.

    How do I reset my Password?
    For security purposes, Tenta will never store your password on any of our servers. That also means we are unable to recover your password. Please make sure to keep your password safe and do not share it with anyone.

    For more details and tutorials, please go to https://tenta.com. We'd love to hear from our customers, so we can continually improve our service. If you have comments or questions, email [email protected].

  • Version6.11.0

    Безопасный и приватный браузер со встроенным VPN и AdBlock для более быстрого просмотра.

    Update Log

    Our browser engine has been upgraded, got super-fast and stable, for a speedy and flawless browser experience.

    App Description

    Did you know other "private browsers" do not actually make you invisible? For real privacy and security, you need built-in VPN and total data encryption. Get all that and more with Tenta VPN Browser!

    To all beta testers, we appreciate your support!❤️❤️❤️

    Ultimate privacy, security, and convenience in a browser that protects your data instead of selling it.

    Tenta is a next generation browser that is designed from the ground up for unparalleled privacy and security with built-in true VPN and complete data encryption. We are currently in beta and are inviting beta-testers to help us build the best private and encrypted browser. Our mission is simple. We believe privacy is non-negotiable and everyone should have safe access to the world's information without censorship or judgement.

    💯 Featured in Forbes, ZDNet, Geekwire and more!


    Built-in True VPN: Tenta offers real built-in VPN based on the OpenVPN™ protocol. Not a proxy like other browser, which offer less protection.

    Encrypted Browsing: 100% of your browsing data is protected and private. This is incognito mode that is actually incognito and convenient. That means your bookmarks, your DNS, IP address and browsing history are all kept private and secure.

    Private and Secure Browsing By Default: No setup or registration required. Tenta keeps you hidden from the prying eyes of hackers, trackers, and ISPs. Browse without worry, especially on public WIFI networks, such as airports or coffee shops.

    Password Encrypted: Tenta protects your password with AES-256 encryption. For your security, we do not store a copy of your password on any server. Fingerprint authentication offered for supporting devices.

    Unlock Geo-Blocked Sites with Encrypted Browsing Modes: We've made it easier than any browser in the world to connect to multiple locations simultaneously.

    Protect your Private Browsing from Real World and Online Threats: Only you have access to your copy of Tenta Browser. Feel comfortable sharing your mobile device with friends or family knowing your private browsing data is encrypted and locked with your password.

    No Logs Kept: Your privacy is our top priority. We do not record your browsing data and because your traffic is encrypted that means no one, including Tenta, can snoop into your web browsing history.

    Private Video Downloader: Auto-detects when a video is available and is downloaded to a secure, encrypted media vault. Pause, resume and automatically reconnect multiple downloads simultaneously.

    Always Free to Use with Premium Support Available: Tenta is a free browser that offers anonymous and secure browsing by default. Unlike other browsers, we are not advertising based and will never store and/or sell your data. The beta version is completely free. Tenta will offer a premium service for additional security and privacy features, including:

    ✅ Unlimited encrypted server locations
    ✅ Custom DNS Servers with secure DNS over TLS option
    ✅ Priority customer support
    ✅ Built-in true VPN

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    What if I already use a VPN app?
    No problem. Tenta browser works fine with all existing VPN apps.

    How do I reset my Password?
    For security purposes, Tenta will never store your password on any of our servers. That also means we are unable to recover your password. Please make sure to keep your password safe and do not share it with anyone.

    For more details and tutorials, please go to https://tenta.com. We'd love to hear from our customers, so we can continually improve our service. If you have comments or questions, email [email protected].

  • Version6.10.0-p1

    Безопасный и приватный браузер со встроенным VPN и AdBlock для более быстрого просмотра.

    App Description

    Did you know other "private browsers" do not actually make you invisible? For real privacy and security, you need built-in VPN and total data encryption. Get all that and more with Tenta VPN Browser!

    To all beta testers, we appreciate your support!❤️❤️❤️

    Ultimate privacy, security, and convenience in a browser that protects your data instead of selling it.

    Tenta is a next generation browser that is designed from the ground up for unparalleled privacy and security with built-in true VPN and complete data encryption. We are currently in beta and are inviting beta-testers to help us build the best private and encrypted browser. Our mission is simple. We believe privacy is non-negotiable and everyone should have safe access to the world's information without censorship or judgement.

    💯 Featured in Forbes, ZDNet, Geekwire and more!


    Built-in True VPN: Tenta offers real built-in VPN based on the OpenVPN™ protocol. Not a proxy like other browser, which offer less protection.

    Encrypted Browsing: 100% of your browsing data is protected and private. This is incognito mode that is actually incognito and convenient. That means your bookmarks, your DNS, IP address and browsing history are all kept private and secure.

    Private and Secure Browsing By Default: No setup or registration required. Tenta keeps you hidden from the prying eyes of hackers, trackers, and ISPs. Browse without worry, especially on public WIFI networks, such as airports or coffee shops.

    Password Encrypted: Tenta protects your password with AES-256 encryption. For your security, we do not store a copy of your password on any server. Fingerprint authentication offered for supporting devices.

    Unlock Geo-Blocked Sites with Encrypted Browsing Modes: We've made it easier than any browser in the world to connect to multiple locations simultaneously.

    Protect your Private Browsing from Real World and Online Threats: Only you have access to your copy of Tenta Browser. Feel comfortable sharing your mobile device with friends or family knowing your private browsing data is encrypted and locked with your password.

    No Logs Kept: Your privacy is our top priority. We do not record your browsing data and because your traffic is encrypted that means no one, including Tenta, can snoop into your web browsing history.

    Private Video Downloader: Auto-detects when a video is available and is downloaded to a secure, encrypted media vault. Pause, resume and automatically reconnect multiple downloads simultaneously.

    Always Free to Use with Premium Support Available: Tenta is a free browser that offers anonymous and secure browsing by default. Unlike other browsers, we are not advertising based and will never store and/or sell your data. The beta version is completely free. Tenta will offer a premium service for additional security and privacy features, including:

    ✅ Unlimited encrypted server locations
    ✅ Custom DNS Servers with secure DNS over TLS option
    ✅ Priority customer support
    ✅ Built-in true VPN

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    What if I already use a VPN app?
    No problem. Tenta browser works fine with all existing VPN apps.

    How do I reset my Password?
    For security purposes, Tenta will never store your password on any of our servers. That also means we are unable to recover your password. Please make sure to keep your password safe and do not share it with anyone.

    For more details and tutorials, please go to https://tenta.com. We'd love to hear from our customers, so we can continually improve our service. If you have comments or questions, email [email protected].

  • Version6.9.0

    Безопасный и приватный браузер со встроенным VPN и AdBlock для более быстрого просмотра.

    App Description

    Did you know other "private browsers" do not actually make you invisible? For real privacy and security, you need built-in VPN and total data encryption. Get all that and more with Tenta VPN Browser!

    To all beta testers, we appreciate your support!❤️❤️❤️

    Ultimate privacy, security, and convenience in a browser that protects your data instead of selling it.

    Tenta is a next generation browser that is designed from the ground up for unparalleled privacy and security with built-in true VPN and complete data encryption. We are currently in beta and are inviting beta-testers to help us build the best private and encrypted browser. Our mission is simple. We believe privacy is non-negotiable and everyone should have safe access to the world's information without censorship or judgement.

    💯 Featured in Forbes, ZDNet, Geekwire and more!


    Built-in True VPN: Tenta offers real built-in VPN based on the OpenVPN™ protocol. Not a proxy like other browser, which offer less protection.

    Encrypted Browsing: 100% of your browsing data is protected and private. This is incognito mode that is actually incognito and convenient. That means your bookmarks, your DNS, IP address and browsing history are all kept private and secure.

    Private and Secure Browsing By Default: No setup or registration required. Tenta keeps you hidden from the prying eyes of hackers, trackers, and ISPs. Browse without worry, especially on public WIFI networks, such as airports or coffee shops.

    Password Encrypted: Tenta protects your password with AES-256 encryption. For your security, we do not store a copy of your password on any server. Fingerprint authentication offered for supporting devices.

    Unlock Geo-Blocked Sites with Encrypted Browsing Modes: We've made it easier than any browser in the world to connect to multiple locations simultaneously.

    Protect your Private Browsing from Real World and Online Threats: Only you have access to your copy of Tenta Browser. Feel comfortable sharing your mobile device with friends or family knowing your private browsing data is encrypted and locked with your password.

    No Logs Kept: Your privacy is our top priority. We do not record your browsing data and because your traffic is encrypted that means no one, including Tenta, can snoop into your web browsing history.

    Private Video Downloader: Auto-detects when a video is available and is downloaded to a secure, encrypted media vault. Pause, resume and automatically reconnect multiple downloads simultaneously.

    Always Free to Use with Premium Support Available: Tenta is a free browser that offers anonymous and secure browsing by default. Unlike other browsers, we are not advertising based and will never store and/or sell your data. The beta version is completely free. Tenta will offer a premium service for additional security and privacy features, including:

    ✅ Unlimited encrypted server locations
    ✅ Custom DNS Servers with secure DNS over TLS option
    ✅ Priority customer support
    ✅ Built-in true VPN

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    What if I already use a VPN app?
    No problem. Tenta browser works fine with all existing VPN apps.

    How do I reset my Password?
    For security purposes, Tenta will never store your password on any of our servers. That also means we are unable to recover your password. Please make sure to keep your password safe and do not share it with anyone.

    For more details and tutorials, please go to https://tenta.com. We'd love to hear from our customers, so we can continually improve our service. If you have comments or questions, email [email protected].

  • Version6.7.0

    Безопасный и приватный браузер со встроенным VPN и AdBlock для более быстрого просмотра.

    App Description

    Did you know other "private browsers" do not actually make you invisible? For real privacy and security, you need built-in VPN and total data encryption. Get all that and more with Tenta VPN Browser!

    To all beta testers, we appreciate your support!❤️❤️❤️

    Ultimate privacy, security, and convenience in a browser that protects your data instead of selling it.

    Tenta is a next generation browser that is designed from the ground up for unparalleled privacy and security with built-in true VPN and complete data encryption. We are currently in beta and are inviting beta-testers to help us build the best private and encrypted browser. Our mission is simple. We believe privacy is non-negotiable and everyone should have safe access to the world's information without censorship or judgement.

    💯 Featured in Forbes, ZDNet, Geekwire and more!


    Built-in True VPN: Tenta offers real built-in VPN based on the OpenVPN™ protocol. Not a proxy like other browser, which offer less protection.

    Encrypted Browsing: 100% of your browsing data is protected and private. This is incognito mode that is actually incognito and convenient. That means your bookmarks, your DNS, IP address and browsing history are all kept private and secure.

    Private and Secure Browsing By Default: No setup or registration required. Tenta keeps you hidden from the prying eyes of hackers, trackers, and ISPs. Browse without worry, especially on public WIFI networks, such as airports or coffee shops.

    Password Encrypted: Tenta protects your password with AES-256 encryption. For your security, we do not store a copy of your password on any server. Fingerprint authentication offered for supporting devices.

    Unlock Geo-Blocked Sites with Encrypted Browsing Modes: We've made it easier than any browser in the world to connect to multiple locations simultaneously.

    Protect your Private Browsing from Real World and Online Threats: Only you have access to your copy of Tenta Browser. Feel comfortable sharing your mobile device with friends or family knowing your private browsing data is encrypted and locked with your password.

    No Logs Kept: Your privacy is our top priority. We do not record your browsing data and because your traffic is encrypted that means no one, including Tenta, can snoop into your web browsing history.

    Private Video Downloader: Auto-detects when a video is available and is downloaded to a secure, encrypted media vault. Pause, resume and automatically reconnect multiple downloads simultaneously.

    Always Free to Use with Premium Support Available: Tenta is a free browser that offers anonymous and secure browsing by default. Unlike other browsers, we are not advertising based and will never store and/or sell your data. The beta version is completely free. Tenta will offer a premium service for additional security and privacy features, including:

    ✅ Unlimited encrypted server locations
    ✅ Custom DNS Servers with secure DNS over TLS option
    ✅ Priority customer support
    ✅ Built-in true VPN

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    What if I already use a VPN app?
    No problem. Tenta browser works fine with all existing VPN apps.

    How do I reset my Password?
    For security purposes, Tenta will never store your password on any of our servers. That also means we are unable to recover your password. Please make sure to keep your password safe and do not share it with anyone.

    For more details and tutorials, please go to https://tenta.com. We'd love to hear from our customers, so we can continually improve our service. If you have comments or questions, email [email protected].

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