Instant SMS with call blocker and auto-reply SMS features.
Create new messages with audio from your file or just record audio stright from the application.
Plays your phone contact spoken name ( your recording ) to hear who is calling when driving a car.

Note: You need to add app widget to your device screen after installation !


- animated widget on the device screen,
- built in the application SMS patterns with proffesional audio playback,
- incomming calls blocker,
- auto response SMS for blocked incomming calls,
- spoken name played when incomming call blocked,
- supports wav , mp3, amr formats.
- car mode
- spoken names and messages ( Text-To-Speech needs to be active on the device )

Below SMS messages have proffesional voice recordings built in the app:
(Note that the voice quality on the demo video presentation is worse than from real device.

- Call me please.
- Call me now!
- I will call you in a moment.
- Just Arrived.
- Just Arrived. I'm waiting for you.
- Just Arrived. Please wait for me.
- Just leaving/starting.
- Will be late.
- Will be in 5 minutes.
- Will be in 10 minutes.
- Will be in 15 minutes.
- Will be in 30 minutes.
- Will be in 1 hour.
- I'm cancelling. I can't arrive.
- I'm at home.
- I'm at work.
- I'm driving a car - please call me later.
- I'm driving a car - I'll calll you later.

- Message sent.
- Message not sent.

Copyright © GIMIN Studio.