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EWA: Learn English & Spanish
English & Spanish Courses: Books & Audio to improve Speaking & Listening Skills.
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Sticky Reviews: Refers to the reviews displayed directly on the Google Play app details page. To view other reviews, you need to click on "View all reviews" on Google Play.
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It don't work

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/16/2024

Hello, sorry for any inconveniences! Contact our support team [email protected], please. We’ll check the problem and find solution as soon as possible :)

07/16/2024 14:18:16

well app

07/16/2024 12:35:53

I need to cancel my subscription

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/14/2024

Hello! Sorry for any inconveniences! Contact our support team [email protected], please! We’ll check the problem and find solution as soon as possible🙌🏻

07/14/2024 11:02:34


0 0
07/14/2024 06:50:30

آفُضلَ تٌطِبًيَقُ ĞỖỖĎ

0 0
07/14/2024 05:06:31

good currently

07/14/2024 04:01:12

Хорошее приложение, но поддержка внутри приложения не отвечает как отменить подписку..

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/14/2024

Добрый день! Спасибо за Ваш отзыв. Мы отвечаем на все письма, которые к нам приходят. Если Вы не получили ответ, пожалуйста, проверьте папку Спам. К сожалению, связаться с Вами мы не можем - отзыв не содержит ни Вашу почту, ни имя, но Вы можете написать нам напрямую на [email protected]

07/14/2024 02:41:59

Why am I being asked to subscribe again if I'm already subscribed?

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/14/2024

Hello! Sorry for any inconveniences! Contact our support team [email protected], please! We’ll check the problem and find solution as soon as possible🙌🏻

07/13/2024 22:07:02

This is really cool and entertaining app. maybe a bit too easy

07/13/2024 21:33:44

This app steals money from your bank app !!!

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/13/2024

Hello! Sorry for any inconveniences! Contact our support team [email protected], please! We’ll check the problem and find solution as soon as possible🙌🏻

07/13/2024 15:05:28
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