Chat for free with the best open source AIs from Meta, Microsoft, Google and Mistral! With Hugging Chat, you're in control of your AI assistants. Keep in your pocket the most popular open source chat service used by millions on CHOOSE YOUR AI Hugging Chat lets you pick the AI model you want to use, with the most powerful GPTs always available, including ‣ Llama 3 by Meta ‣ Mixtral by Mistral ‣ Gemma by Google ‣ Phi 3 by Microsoft ‣ Command R+ by Cohere ASSISTANTS FOR ANYTHING Use over 1,000 AI Assistants created by the Hugging Face community, including ‣ Image Generator ‣ ChatGpt ‣ Website Designer ‣ Copywriting AI ‣ Python coding assistant ‣ Emojify ‣ Wedding Planner CUSTOMIZE YOUR AI Want to create your own AI, and set your own rules? Hugging Chat lets you add your own System Prompt so your AI Assistants always respect your rules. KEEP CHATS PRIVATE Hugging Chat is free and does not store your chats, and does not use your chats to train new AIs. ASK AI ANYTHING The only limit is your imagination, get creative! ‣ Create fun images ‣ Learn to code on the go ‣ Compose a poem for your loved one ‣ Write better emails ‣ Summarize long texts Created with love in Paris Terms of Service: Privacy Policy: