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Run With Hal
Marathon- und Lauftrainingspläne, die sich Ihrem Zeitplan, Ihrer Routine und Ihrer Fitness anpassen.
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Version History

  • Version3.7.0

    Marathon- und Lauftrainingspläne, die sich Ihrem Zeitplan, Ihrer Routine und Ihrer Fitness anpassen.

    Update Log

    - Update privacy policy and terms of use pages.

    App Description

    Run With Hal personalisiert einen Trainingsplan basierend auf Ihrer persönlichen Laufroutine, Ihrem Fitnesslevel und Ihrem Lebensplan. Mit Hal Higdons Coaching können Sie jedes Event von 5 km bis Marathon meistern oder sich beim Laufen fit machen.

    Hal Higdon bietet den perfekten Plan für Sie, basierend auf Ihren Zielen und Erfahrungen. Dann erstellt Higdon Ihren persönlichen Zeitplan. Ihr Plan enthält die wichtigsten Workouts an den Tagen, an denen Sie laufen können. Außerdem passt sich der Plan immer an Änderungen in Ihrem Zeitplan, Ihrer Fitness und Ihren Zielen an. Run With Hal kann Ihren Plan sogar an Zeiten anpassen, in denen Sie nicht laufen können (Urlaub), und zusätzliche Ereignisse einbeziehen, für die Sie sich angemeldet haben. Sobald Sie Ihren ersten Plan fertiggestellt haben, können Sie Ihr nächstes Ziel auswählen und Hal erstellt einen brandneuen Plan für Sie. Alle Ihre Workouts geben Ihnen spezifische Details darüber, wie schnell und wie lange Sie laufen müssen, und Sie erhalten täglich hilfreiche Tipps von Hal Higdon, mit denen Sie Ihre Ziele erreichen und mehr über das Laufen lernen können.

    ☆☆ Mit Hal-Funktionen ausführen ☆☆
    - Wählen Sie Ihr Schlüsselereignis und Hal Higdon erstellt Ihren Plan, um Sie auf den Renntag vorzubereiten.
    - Intelligente und adaptive Pläne
    - Hal passt Ihren Plan basierend auf IHREM LEBENSPLAN an!
    - Tage, die Sie jede Woche laufen können und nicht
    - Tag, an dem Sie Ihren Long Run machen möchten
    - Tage, die Sie unter besonderen Umständen nicht laufen können (Urlaub oder Geschäftsreise)
    - Hal personalisiert das Tempo basierend auf Ihrer aktuellen Fitness, unabhängig davon, ob Sie 20 Minuten oder 50 Minuten 5 km laufen können.
    - Fügen Sie zusätzliche Ereignisse hinzu und Hal passt Ihren Plan an.
    - Wenn sich das Leben ändert, aktualisiert Hal Ihren Plan basierend auf Änderungen Ihres Zeitplans, Ihrer Fitness, Ihrer Ziele und sogar der Anzahl der Trainings, die Sie absolvieren konnten.
    - Hal bietet Ihnen detaillierte tägliche Workouts mit Distanz, Dauer und Tempo.
    - Hal gibt Ihnen auch tägliche Trainingsanleitungen und Einblicke, wie Sie ein besserer Läufer werden können.
    - Zeichnen Sie Ihre Läufe mit dem GPS Ihres Telefons auf.
    - Synchronisieren Sie Ihre Garmin-Läufe, um Ihre abgeschlossenen Trainingseinheiten aufzuzeichnen.
    - Protokolliere deine Läufe und wie du dich gefühlt hast. Hal schlägt möglicherweise sogar eine Aktualisierung Ihres Plans vor.
    - Verfolgen Sie Ihre Fortschritte, sehen Sie, wie genau Sie an Ihrem Plan festgehalten haben, und sehen Sie, was als nächstes kommt.
    - Behalten Sie die Statistiken Ihres Trainingsplans im Auge. Durchschnittliches Tempo, Gesamtdistanz und mehr.
    - Nehmen Sie Ihre persönlichen Unterlagen auf.
    - Wenn Sie einen zusätzlichen Anstoß benötigen, sendet Hal Ihnen gerne tägliche Push-Benachrichtigungen, die Sie an Ihr Training erinnern, oder protokolliert Ihre Meilen vom heutigen Lauf. Er möchte, dass Sie Ihr Ziel erreichen und wird da sein, um Sie bis zur Ziellinie zu coachen.
    - Das Team von Hal hilft Ihnen gerne weiter. Wenn Sie Fragen zur Personalisierung Ihres Plans haben, sorgen wir dafür, dass Sie die richtige Antwort erhalten.

    ☆☆ Mit Hal laufen findet den perfekten Plan für Sie, einschließlich mehr als 30 von Hal Higdons Trainingsplänen ☆☆
    - Marathon-Anfänger, Mittelstufe, Fortgeschrittene
    - Halbmarathon-Anfänger, Mittelstufe, Fortgeschrittene
    - 15 km (10 Meilen) Anfänger, Mittelstufe, Fortgeschrittene
    - 10K Anfänger, Mittelstufe, Fortgeschrittene
    - 8K Anfänger, Mittelstufe, Fortgeschrittene
    - 5K Anfänger, Mittelstufe, Fortgeschrittene
    - 50 km Ultramarathon
    - Basistraining
    - Und mehr.

    ☆☆ Ein bisschen über Ihren Trainer, Hal Higdon ☆☆

    Hal Higdon wurde als "bekanntester Guru für Lauftrainingspläne im Internet" bezeichnet.

    Vom Anfänger bis zum Fortgeschrittenen bietet Hal Pläne für jede Distanz, jedes Können und jedes Tempo. Mit der Weisheit von Hal's Bestseller Marathon: The Ultimate Training Guide verfügt er über mehr als 50 Jahre Trainings- und Coaching-Erfahrung.

    Hal ist Redakteur für Runner's World und der langlebigste Autor des Magazins. Er hat 1966 einen Artikel zur zweiten Ausgabe von RW verfasst. Er ist außerdem Autor von über 3 Dutzend Büchern, darunter Marathon: The Ultimate Training Guide und Hal Higdons Halbmarathon Ausbildung. Im Jahr 2003 verlieh die American Society of Journalists and Authors Hal den Career Achievement Award, die höchste Auszeichnung für Autoren.

    Higdons einzigartiger Erzählstil verbindet sich mit Millionen von Besuchern auf seiner Website, Facebook und Twitter.

    Higdon lebt am Michigansee in Long Beach, Indiana. Er hat 3 Kinder und 9 Enkelkinder.

  • Version3.6.0

    Marathon- und Lauftrainingspläne, die sich Ihrem Zeitplan, Ihrer Routine und Ihrer Fitness anpassen.

    Update Log

    Release 3.6.0:
    - Improved GPS tracker and the GPS location permissions flow!
    - Improved the speed and performance of the app!
    - Several bug fixes!

    App Description

    Run With Hal personalizes a training plan based upon your personal running routine, fitness level, and life’s schedule using Hal Higdon's coaching to help you conquer any event from 5K to Marathon or help you get fit through running.

    Hal Higdon provides the perfect plan for you based upon your goals and experience, then Higdon crafts your personalized schedule. Your plan will incorporate the most important workouts on the days you’re able to run. Plus, the plan is always adapting to changes in your schedule, fitness, and goals. Run With Hal can even adapt your plan around times when you can’t run (vacation) and incorporate additional events that you’ve signed up for. Once you finish your first plan, you can choose your next goal and Hal will create a brand new plan for you. All of your workouts will give you specific details of how fast and long to run, and you will get daily helpful tips from Hal Higdon to help you reach your goals and learn about running.

    ☆☆ Run with Hal Features ☆☆
    - Choose your key event and Hal Higdon will build your plan to get you ready for race day.
    - Smart and Adaptive Plans
    - Hal adapts your plan based upon YOUR LIFE’S SCHEDULE!
    - Days you can and can’t run each week
    - Day you would like to do your Long Run
    - Days you can’t run for special circumstances (vacation or work trip)
    - Hal personalizes pace based upon your current fitness, whether you can run a 20 min or 50 min 5K.
    - Add additional events and Hal will adjust your plan.
    - If life changes, Hal will update your plan based upon changes in your schedule, fitness, goals, and even how much training you have been able to complete.
    - Hal gives you detailed daily workouts with distance, duration, and paces.
    - Hal will also give you daily training guidance and insights on how to become a better runner.
    - Record your runs using your phone’s GPS.
    - Sync your Garmin runs to record your completed workouts.
    - Log your runs and how you felt. Hal might even suggest an update to your plan.
    - Track your progress, see how closely you’ve stuck to your plan, and see what’s next.
    - Keep track of your training plan stats. Average pace, total distance, and more.
    - Record your Personal Records.
    - If you need an extra nudge, Hal is happy to send you daily push notifications reminding you of your workouts, or to log your miles from today’s run. He wants you to reach your goal and will be there to coach you to the finish line.
    - Hal’s team is here to help, if you have questions about how to personalize your plan, we will make sure you get the right answer.

    ☆☆ Run with Hal will find the perfect plan for you, including more than 30 of Hal Higdon’s training plans ☆☆
    - Marathon Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - Half Marathon Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - 15K (10 mile) Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - 10K Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - 8K Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - 5K Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - 50K Ultramarathon
    - Base Training
    - And more.

    ☆☆ A little bit about your coach, Hal Higdon ☆☆

    Hal Higdon has been called “the internet’s best-known running training plan guru”.

    From novice to advanced, Hal offers plans for every distance, skill level, and pace. Incorporating wisdom from Hal’s bestseller Marathon: The Ultimate Training Guide, he has you covered with more than 50 years of training and coaching experience.

    Hal is a Contributing Editor for Runner’s World and is the magazine’s longest lasting writer, having contributed an article to RW’s second issue in 1966. He also is the author of over 3 dozen books, including Marathon: The Ultimate Training Guide and Hal Higdon’s Half Marathon Training. In 2003, the American Society of Journalists and Authors awarded Hal its Career Achievement Award, the highest honor given to writer members.

    Higdon’s unique narrative style connects with millions of visitors on his website, Facebook, and Twitter.

    Higdon lives on Lake Michigan in Long Beach, Indiana. He has 3 children and 9 grandchildren.

  • Version3.0.0

    Marathon- und Lauftrainingspläne, die sich Ihrem Zeitplan, Ihrer Routine und Ihrer Fitness anpassen.

    App Description

    Run With Hal personalizes a training plan based upon your personal running routine, fitness level, and life’s schedule using Hal Higdon's coaching to help you conquer any event from 5K to Marathon or help you get fit through running.

    Hal Higdon provides the perfect plan for you based upon your goals and experience, then Higdon crafts your personalized schedule. Your plan will incorporate the most important workouts on the days you’re able to run. Plus, the plan is always adapting to changes in your schedule, fitness, and goals. Run With Hal can even adapt your plan around times when you can’t run (vacation) and incorporate additional events that you’ve signed up for. Once you finish your first plan, you can choose your next goal and Hal will create a brand new plan for you. All of your workouts will give you specific details of how fast and long to run, and you will get daily helpful tips from Hal Higdon to help you reach your goals and learn about running.

    ☆☆ Run with Hal Features ☆☆
    - Choose your key event and Hal Higdon will build your plan to get you ready for race day.
    - Smart and Adaptive Plans
    - Hal adapts your plan based upon YOUR LIFE’S SCHEDULE!
    - Days you can and can’t run each week
    - Day you would like to do your Long Run
    - Days you can’t run for special circumstances (vacation or work trip)
    - Hal personalizes pace based upon your current fitness, whether you can run a 20 min or 50 min 5K.
    - Add additional events and Hal will adjust your plan.
    - If life changes, Hal will update your plan based upon changes in your schedule, fitness, goals, and even how much training you have been able to complete.
    - Hal gives you detailed daily workouts with distance, duration, and paces.
    - Hal will also give you daily training guidance and insights on how to become a better runner.
    - Record your runs using your phone’s GPS.
    - Sync your Garmin runs to record your completed workouts.
    - Log your runs and how you felt. Hal might even suggest an update to your plan.
    - Track your progress, see how closely you’ve stuck to your plan, and see what’s next.
    - Keep track of your training plan stats. Average pace, total distance, and more.
    - Record your Personal Records.
    - If you need an extra nudge, Hal is happy to send you daily push notifications reminding you of your workouts, or to log your miles from today’s run. He wants you to reach your goal and will be there to coach you to the finish line.
    - Hal’s team is here to help, if you have questions about how to personalize your plan, we will make sure you get the right answer.

    ☆☆ Run with Hal will find the perfect plan for you, including more than 30 of Hal Higdon’s training plans ☆☆
    - Marathon Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - Half Marathon Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - 15K (10 mile) Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - 10K Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - 8K Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - 5K Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - 50K Ultramarathon
    - Base Training
    - And more.

    ☆☆ A little bit about your coach, Hal Higdon ☆☆

    Hal Higdon has been called “the internet’s best-known running training plan guru”.

    From novice to advanced, Hal offers plans for every distance, skill level, and pace. Incorporating wisdom from Hal’s bestseller Marathon: The Ultimate Training Guide, he has you covered with more than 50 years of training and coaching experience.

    Hal is a Contributing Editor for Runner’s World and is the magazine’s longest lasting writer, having contributed an article to RW’s second issue in 1966. He also is the author of over 3 dozen books, including Marathon: The Ultimate Training Guide and Hal Higdon’s Half Marathon Training. In 2003, the American Society of Journalists and Authors awarded Hal its Career Achievement Award, the highest honor given to writer members.

    Higdon’s unique narrative style connects with millions of visitors on his website, Facebook, and Twitter.

    Higdon lives on Lake Michigan in Long Beach, Indiana. He has 3 children and 9 grandchildren.

  • Version2.13.0

    Marathon- und Lauftrainingspläne, die sich Ihrem Zeitplan, Ihrer Routine und Ihrer Fitness anpassen.

    Update Log

    Release 3.0.0:
    - Improved the speed and performance of the app!
    - Several bug fixes!

    App Description

    Run With Hal personalizes a training plan based upon your personal running routine, fitness level, and life’s schedule using Hal Higdon\u0027s coaching to help you conquer any event from 5K to Marathon or help you get fit through running.
    Hal Higdon provides the perfect plan for you based upon your goals and experience, then Higdon crafts your personalized schedule. Your plan will incorporate the most important workouts on the days you’re able to run. Plus, the plan is always adapting to changes in your schedule, fitness, and goals. Run With Hal can even adapt your plan around times when you can’t run (vacation) and incorporate additional events that you’ve signed up for. Once you finish your first plan, you can choose your next goal and Hal will create a brand new plan for you. All of your workouts will give you specific details of how fast and long to run, and you will get daily helpful tips from Hal Higdon to help you reach your goals and learn about running.
    ☆☆ Run with Hal Features ☆☆
    - Choose your key event and Hal Higdon will build your plan to get you ready for race day.
    - Smart and Adaptive Plans
    - Hal adapts your plan based upon YOUR LIFE’S SCHEDULE!
    - Days you can and can’t run each week
    - Day you would like to do your Long Run
    - Days you can’t run for special circumstances (vacation or work trip)
    - Hal personalizes pace based upon your current fitness, whether you can run a 20 min or 50 min 5K.
    - Add additional events and Hal will adjust your plan.
    - If life changes, Hal will update your plan based upon changes in your schedule, fitness, goals, and even how much training you have been able to complete.
    - Hal gives you detailed daily workouts with distance, duration, and paces.
    - Hal will also give you daily training guidance and insights on how to become a better runner.
    - Record your runs using your phone’s GPS.
    - Sync your Garmin runs to record your completed workouts.
    - Log your runs and how you felt. Hal might even suggest an update to your plan.
    - Track your progress, see how closely you’ve stuck to your plan, and see what’s next.
    - Keep track of your training plan stats. Average pace, total distance, and more.
    - Record your Personal Records.
    - If you need an extra nudge, Hal is happy to send you daily push notifications reminding you of your workouts, or to log your miles from today’s run. He wants you to reach your goal and will be there to coach you to the finish line.
    - Hal’s team is here to help, if you have questions about how to personalize your plan, we will make sure you get the right answer.
    ☆☆ Run with Hal will find the perfect plan for you, including more than 30 of Hal Higdon’s training plans ☆☆
    - Marathon Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - Half Marathon Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - 15K (10 mile) Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - 10K Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - 8K Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - 5K Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - 50K Ultramarathon
    - Base Training
    - And more.
    ☆☆ A little bit about your coach, Hal Higdon ☆☆
    Hal Higdon has been called “the internet’s best-known running training plan guru”.
    From novice to advanced, Hal offers plans for every distance, skill level, and pace. Incorporating wisdom from Hal’s bestseller Marathon: The Ultimate Training Guide, he has you covered with more than 50 years of training and coaching experience.
    Hal is a Contributing Editor for Runner’s World and is the magazine’s longest lasting writer, having contributed an article to RW’s second issue in 1966. He also is the author of over 3 dozen books, including Marathon: The Ultimate Training Guide and Hal Higdon’s Half Marathon Training. In 2003, the American Society of Journalists and Authors awarded Hal its Career Achievement Award, the highest honor given to writer members.
    Higdon’s unique narrative style connects with millions of visitors on his website, Facebook, and Twitter.
    Higdon lives on Lake Michigan in Long Beach, Indiana. He has 3 children and 9 grandchildren.

  • Version2.12.0

    Marathon- und Lauftrainingspläne, die sich Ihrem Zeitplan, Ihrer Routine und Ihrer Fitness anpassen.

    Update Log

    Version 2.12:
    - Fixed issue with broken schedules causing app to end up in unrecoverable state

    App Description

    Run With Hal personalizes a training plan based upon your personal running routine, fitness level, and life’s schedule using Hal Higdon's coaching to help you conquer any event from 5K to Marathon or help you get fit through running.
    Hal Higdon provides the perfect plan for you based upon your goals and experience, then Higdon crafts your personalized schedule. Your plan will incorporate the most important workouts on the days you’re able to run. Plus, the plan is always adapting to changes in your schedule, fitness, and goals. Run With Hal can even adapt your plan around times when you can’t run (vacation) and incorporate additional events that you’ve signed up for. Once you finish your first plan, you can choose your next goal and Hal will create a brand new plan for you. All of your workouts will give you specific details of how fast and long to run, and you will get daily helpful tips from Hal Higdon to help you reach your goals and learn about running.
    ☆☆ Run with Hal Features ☆☆
    - Choose your key event and Hal Higdon will build your plan to get you ready for race day.
    - Smart and Adaptive Plans
    - Hal adapts your plan based upon YOUR LIFE’S SCHEDULE!
    - Days you can and can’t run each week
    - Day you would like to do your Long Run
    - Days you can’t run for special circumstances (vacation or work trip)
    - Hal personalizes pace based upon your current fitness, whether you can run a 20 min or 50 min 5K.
    - Add additional events and Hal will adjust your plan.
    - If life changes, Hal will update your plan based upon changes in your schedule, fitness, goals, and even how much training you have been able to complete.
    - Hal gives you detailed daily workouts with distance, duration, and paces.
    - Hal will also give you daily training guidance and insights on how to become a better runner.
    - Record your runs using your phone’s GPS.
    - Sync your Garmin runs to record your completed workouts.
    - Log your runs and how you felt. Hal might even suggest an update to your plan.
    - Track your progress, see how closely you’ve stuck to your plan, and see what’s next.
    - Keep track of your training plan stats. Average pace, total distance, and more.
    - Record your Personal Records.
    - If you need an extra nudge, Hal is happy to send you daily push notifications reminding you of your workouts, or to log your miles from today’s run. He wants you to reach your goal and will be there to coach you to the finish line.
    - Hal’s team is here to help, if you have questions about how to personalize your plan, we will make sure you get the right answer.
    ☆☆ Run with Hal will find the perfect plan for you, including more than 30 of Hal Higdon’s training plans ☆☆
    - Marathon Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - Half Marathon Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - 15K (10 mile) Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - 10K Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - 8K Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - 5K Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - 50K Ultramarathon
    - Base Training
    - And more.
    ☆☆ A little bit about your coach, Hal Higdon ☆☆
    Hal Higdon has been called “the internet’s best-known running training plan guru”.
    From novice to advanced, Hal offers plans for every distance, skill level, and pace. Incorporating wisdom from Hal’s bestseller Marathon: The Ultimate Training Guide, he has you covered with more than 50 years of training and coaching experience.
    Hal is a Contributing Editor for Runner’s World and is the magazine’s longest lasting writer, having contributed an article to RW’s second issue in 1966. He also is the author of over 3 dozen books, including Marathon: The Ultimate Training Guide and Hal Higdon’s Half Marathon Training. In 2003, the American Society of Journalists and Authors awarded Hal its Career Achievement Award, the highest honor given to writer members.
    Higdon’s unique narrative style connects with millions of visitors on his website, Facebook, and Twitter.
    Higdon lives on Lake Michigan in Long Beach, Indiana. He has 3 children and 9 grandchildren.

  • Version2.8.0

    Marathon- und Lauftrainingspläne, die sich Ihrem Zeitplan, Ihrer Routine und Ihrer Fitness anpassen.

    Update Log

    Release 2.8:
    - Added the ability to update your normal pace during new plan creation
    - Minor bug fixes

    App Description

    Run With Hal personalizes a training plan based upon your personal running routine, fitness level, and life’s schedule using Hal Higdon's coaching to help you conquer any event from 5K to Marathon or help you get fit through running.
    Hal Higdon provides the perfect plan for you based upon your goals and experience, then Higdon crafts your personalized schedule. Your plan will incorporate the most important workouts on the days you’re able to run. Plus, the plan is always adapting to changes in your schedule, fitness, and goals. Run With Hal can even adapt your plan around times when you can’t run (vacation) and incorporate additional events that you’ve signed up for. Once you finish your first plan, you can choose your next goal and Hal will create a brand new plan for you. All of your workouts will give you specific details of how fast and long to run, and you will get daily helpful tips from Hal Higdon to help you reach your goals and learn about running.
    ☆☆ Run with Hal Features ☆☆
    - Choose your key event and Hal Higdon will build your plan to get you ready for race day.
    - Smart and Adaptive Plans
    - Hal adapts your plan based upon YOUR LIFE’S SCHEDULE!
    - Days you can and can’t run each week
    - Day you would like to do your Long Run
    - Days you can’t run for special circumstances (vacation or work trip)
    - Hal personalizes pace based upon your current fitness, whether you can run a 20 min or 50 min 5K.
    - Add additional events and Hal will adjust your plan.
    - If life changes, Hal will update your plan based upon changes in your schedule, fitness, goals, and even how much training you have been able to complete.
    - Hal gives you detailed daily workouts with distance, duration, and paces.
    - Hal will also give you daily training guidance and insights on how to become a better runner.
    - Record your runs using your phone’s GPS.
    - Sync your Garmin runs to record your completed workouts.
    - Log your runs and how you felt. Hal might even suggest an update to your plan.
    - Track your progress, see how closely you’ve stuck to your plan, and see what’s next.
    - Keep track of your training plan stats. Average pace, total distance, and more.
    - Record your Personal Records.
    - If you need an extra nudge, Hal is happy to send you daily push notifications reminding you of your workouts, or to log your miles from today’s run. He wants you to reach your goal and will be there to coach you to the finish line.
    - Hal’s team is here to help, if you have questions about how to personalize your plan, we will make sure you get the right answer.
    ☆☆ Run with Hal will find the perfect plan for you, including more than 30 of Hal Higdon’s training plans ☆☆
    - Marathon Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - Half Marathon Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - 15K (10 mile) Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - 10K Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - 8K Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - 5K Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - 50K Ultramarathon
    - Base Training
    - And more.
    ☆☆ A little bit about your coach, Hal Higdon ☆☆
    Hal Higdon has been called “the internet’s best-known running training plan guru”.
    From novice to advanced, Hal offers plans for every distance, skill level, and pace. Incorporating wisdom from Hal’s bestseller Marathon: The Ultimate Training Guide, he has you covered with more than 50 years of training and coaching experience.
    Hal is a Contributing Editor for Runner’s World and is the magazine’s longest lasting writer, having contributed an article to RW’s second issue in 1966. He also is the author of over 3 dozen books, including Marathon: The Ultimate Training Guide and Hal Higdon’s Half Marathon Training. In 2003, the American Society of Journalists and Authors awarded Hal its Career Achievement Award, the highest honor given to writer members.
    Higdon’s unique narrative style connects with millions of visitors on his website, Facebook, and Twitter.
    Higdon lives on Lake Michigan in Long Beach, Indiana. He has 3 children and 9 grandchildren.

  • Version2.10.0

    Marathon- und Lauftrainingspläne, die sich Ihrem Zeitplan, Ihrer Routine und Ihrer Fitness anpassen.

    Update Log

    Release 2.10:
    - Minor bug fixes

    App Description

    Run With Hal personalizes a training plan based upon your personal running routine, fitness level, and life’s schedule using Hal Higdon's coaching to help you conquer any event from 5K to Marathon or help you get fit through running.
    Hal Higdon provides the perfect plan for you based upon your goals and experience, then Higdon crafts your personalized schedule. Your plan will incorporate the most important workouts on the days you’re able to run. Plus, the plan is always adapting to changes in your schedule, fitness, and goals. Run With Hal can even adapt your plan around times when you can’t run (vacation) and incorporate additional events that you’ve signed up for. Once you finish your first plan, you can choose your next goal and Hal will create a brand new plan for you. All of your workouts will give you specific details of how fast and long to run, and you will get daily helpful tips from Hal Higdon to help you reach your goals and learn about running.
    ☆☆ Run with Hal Features ☆☆
    - Choose your key event and Hal Higdon will build your plan to get you ready for race day.
    - Smart and Adaptive Plans
    - Hal adapts your plan based upon YOUR LIFE’S SCHEDULE!
    - Days you can and can’t run each week
    - Day you would like to do your Long Run
    - Days you can’t run for special circumstances (vacation or work trip)
    - Hal personalizes pace based upon your current fitness, whether you can run a 20 min or 50 min 5K.
    - Add additional events and Hal will adjust your plan.
    - If life changes, Hal will update your plan based upon changes in your schedule, fitness, goals, and even how much training you have been able to complete.
    - Hal gives you detailed daily workouts with distance, duration, and paces.
    - Hal will also give you daily training guidance and insights on how to become a better runner.
    - Record your runs using your phone’s GPS.
    - Sync your Garmin runs to record your completed workouts.
    - Log your runs and how you felt. Hal might even suggest an update to your plan.
    - Track your progress, see how closely you’ve stuck to your plan, and see what’s next.
    - Keep track of your training plan stats. Average pace, total distance, and more.
    - Record your Personal Records.
    - If you need an extra nudge, Hal is happy to send you daily push notifications reminding you of your workouts, or to log your miles from today’s run. He wants you to reach your goal and will be there to coach you to the finish line.
    - Hal’s team is here to help, if you have questions about how to personalize your plan, we will make sure you get the right answer.
    ☆☆ Run with Hal will find the perfect plan for you, including more than 30 of Hal Higdon’s training plans ☆☆
    - Marathon Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - Half Marathon Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - 15K (10 mile) Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - 10K Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - 8K Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - 5K Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - 50K Ultramarathon
    - Base Training
    - And more.
    ☆☆ A little bit about your coach, Hal Higdon ☆☆
    Hal Higdon has been called “the internet’s best-known running training plan guru”.
    From novice to advanced, Hal offers plans for every distance, skill level, and pace. Incorporating wisdom from Hal’s bestseller Marathon: The Ultimate Training Guide, he has you covered with more than 50 years of training and coaching experience.
    Hal is a Contributing Editor for Runner’s World and is the magazine’s longest lasting writer, having contributed an article to RW’s second issue in 1966. He also is the author of over 3 dozen books, including Marathon: The Ultimate Training Guide and Hal Higdon’s Half Marathon Training. In 2003, the American Society of Journalists and Authors awarded Hal its Career Achievement Award, the highest honor given to writer members.
    Higdon’s unique narrative style connects with millions of visitors on his website, Facebook, and Twitter.
    Higdon lives on Lake Michigan in Long Beach, Indiana. He has 3 children and 9 grandchildren.

  • Version2.5.0

    Marathon- und Lauftrainingspläne, die sich Ihrem Zeitplan, Ihrer Routine und Ihrer Fitness anpassen.

    Update Log

    Release 2.5:
    - Added new challenge mode plans for users that don't have a race
    - Adjusted calculations for running pace and goal race pace
    - Fixed issue with Facebook login
    - Fixed many other miscellaneous bugs

    App Description

    Run With Hal personalizes a training plan based upon your personal running routine, fitness level, and life’s schedule using Hal Higdon's coaching to help you conquer any event from 5K to Marathon or help you get fit through running.
    Hal Higdon provides the perfect plan for you based upon your goals and experience, then Higdon crafts your personalized schedule. Your plan will incorporate the most important workouts on the days you’re able to run. Plus, the plan is always adapting to changes in your schedule, fitness, and goals. Run With Hal can even adapt your plan around times when you can’t run (vacation) and incorporate additional events that you’ve signed up for. Once you finish your first plan, you can choose your next goal and Hal will create a brand new plan for you. All of your workouts will give you specific details of how fast and long to run, and you will get daily helpful tips from Hal Higdon to help you reach your goals and learn about running.
    ☆☆ Run with Hal Features ☆☆
    - Choose your key event and Hal Higdon will build your plan to get you ready for race day.
    - Smart and Adaptive Plans
    - Hal adapts your plan based upon YOUR LIFE’S SCHEDULE!
    - Days you can and can’t run each week
    - Day you would like to do your Long Run
    - Days you can’t run for special circumstances (vacation or work trip)
    - Hal personalizes pace based upon your current fitness, whether you can run a 20 min or 50 min 5K.
    - Add additional events and Hal will adjust your plan.
    - If life changes, Hal will update your plan based upon changes in your schedule, fitness, goals, and even how much training you have been able to complete.
    - Hal gives you detailed daily workouts with distance, duration, and paces.
    - Hal will also give you daily training guidance and insights on how to become a better runner.
    - Record your runs using your phone’s GPS.
    - Sync your Garmin runs to record your completed workouts.
    - Log your runs and how you felt. Hal might even suggest an update to your plan.
    - Track your progress, see how closely you’ve stuck to your plan, and see what’s next.
    - Keep track of your training plan stats. Average pace, total distance, and more.
    - Record your Personal Records.
    - If you need an extra nudge, Hal is happy to send you daily push notifications reminding you of your workouts, or to log your miles from today’s run. He wants you to reach your goal and will be there to coach you to the finish line.
    - Hal’s team is here to help, if you have questions about how to personalize your plan, we will make sure you get the right answer.
    ☆☆ Run with Hal will find the perfect plan for you, including more than 30 of Hal Higdon’s training plans ☆☆
    - Marathon Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - Half Marathon Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - 15K (10 mile) Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - 10K Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - 8K Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - 5K Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - 50K Ultramarathon
    - Base Training
    - And more.
    ☆☆ A little bit about your coach, Hal Higdon ☆☆
    Hal Higdon has been called “the internet’s best-known running training plan guru”.
    From novice to advanced, Hal offers plans for every distance, skill level, and pace. Incorporating wisdom from Hal’s bestseller Marathon: The Ultimate Training Guide, he has you covered with more than 50 years of training and coaching experience.
    Hal is a Contributing Editor for Runner’s World and is the magazine’s longest lasting writer, having contributed an article to RW’s second issue in 1966. He also is the author of over 3 dozen books, including Marathon: The Ultimate Training Guide and Hal Higdon’s Half Marathon Training. In 2003, the American Society of Journalists and Authors awarded Hal its Career Achievement Award, the highest honor given to writer members.
    Higdon’s unique narrative style connects with millions of visitors on his website, Facebook, and Twitter.
    Higdon lives on Lake Michigan in Long Beach, Indiana. He has 3 children and 9 grandchildren.

  • Version2.4.0

    Marathon- und Lauftrainingspläne, die sich Ihrem Zeitplan, Ihrer Routine und Ihrer Fitness anpassen.

    Update Log

    Release 2.4:
    - Revised onboarding to get your running pace dialed in from the start
    - Now you can update runs from archived training plans
    - Fixed some minor bugs behind the scenes

    App Description

    Run With Hal personalizes a training plan based upon your personal running routine, fitness level, and life’s schedule using Hal Higdon's coaching to help you conquer any event from 5K to Marathon or help you get fit through running.
    Hal Higdon provides the perfect plan for you based upon your goals and experience, then Higdon crafts your personalized schedule. Your plan will incorporate the most important workouts on the days you’re able to run. Plus, the plan is always adapting to changes in your schedule, fitness, and goals. Run With Hal can even adapt your plan around times when you can’t run (vacation) and incorporate additional events that you’ve signed up for. Once you finish your first plan, you can choose your next goal and Hal will create a brand new plan for you. All of your workouts will give you specific details of how fast and long to run, and you will get daily helpful tips from Hal Higdon to help you reach your goals and learn about running.
    ☆☆ Run with Hal Features ☆☆
    - Choose your key event and Hal Higdon will build your plan to get you ready for race day.
    - Smart and Adaptive Plans
    - Hal adapts your plan based upon YOUR LIFE’S SCHEDULE!
    - Days you can and can’t run each week
    - Day you would like to do your Long Run
    - Days you can’t run for special circumstances (vacation or work trip)
    - Hal personalizes pace based upon your current fitness, whether you can run a 20 min or 50 min 5K.
    - Add additional events and Hal will adjust your plan.
    - If life changes, Hal will update your plan based upon changes in your schedule, fitness, goals, and even how much training you have been able to complete.
    - Hal gives you detailed daily workouts with distance, duration, and paces.
    - Hal will also give you daily training guidance and insights on how to become a better runner.
    - Record your runs using your phone’s GPS.
    - Sync your Garmin runs to record your completed workouts.
    - Log your runs and how you felt. Hal might even suggest an update to your plan.
    - Track your progress, see how closely you’ve stuck to your plan, and see what’s next.
    - Keep track of your training plan stats. Average pace, total distance, and more.
    - Record your Personal Records.
    - If you need an extra nudge, Hal is happy to send you daily push notifications reminding you of your workouts, or to log your miles from today’s run. He wants you to reach your goal and will be there to coach you to the finish line.
    - Hal’s team is here to help, if you have questions about how to personalize your plan, we will make sure you get the right answer.
    ☆☆ Run with Hal will find the perfect plan for you, including more than 30 of Hal Higdon’s training plans ☆☆
    - Marathon Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - Half Marathon Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - 15K (10 mile) Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - 10K Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - 8K Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - 5K Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
    - 50K Ultramarathon
    - Base Training
    - And more.
    ☆☆ A little bit about your coach, Hal Higdon ☆☆
    Hal Higdon has been called “the internet’s best-known running training plan guru”.
    From novice to advanced, Hal offers plans for every distance, skill level, and pace. Incorporating wisdom from Hal’s bestseller Marathon: The Ultimate Training Guide, he has you covered with more than 50 years of training and coaching experience.
    Hal is a Contributing Editor for Runner’s World and is the magazine’s longest lasting writer, having contributed an article to RW’s second issue in 1966. He also is the author of over 3 dozen books, including Marathon: The Ultimate Training Guide and Hal Higdon’s Half Marathon Training. In 2003, the American Society of Journalists and Authors awarded Hal its Career Achievement Award, the highest honor given to writer members.
    Higdon’s unique narrative style connects with millions of visitors on his website, Facebook, and Twitter.
    Higdon lives on Lake Michigan in Long Beach, Indiana. He has 3 children and 9 grandchildren.