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BVG Jelbi: Mobility in Berlin
Public transport, e-scooters, bikes, carsharing, D-Ticket & taxi in just one app
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Sticky Reviews: Refers to the reviews displayed directly on the Google Play app details page. To view other reviews, you need to click on "View all reviews" on Google Play.
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Mag ne tolle App sein, aber als Tourist super nervig. Vor dem ersten Ticketkauf muss man Account erstellen, Adresse eingeben, die Telefonnummer von seiner Großmutter bestätigen und was weiß ich noch. Da war ich schon 5x beim Automaten in der Zeit. Wenn ihr schon keine Apps wie Fairtiq (❤️) umsetzt, dann erlaubt doch bitte zumindest das Kaufen ohne Account.

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/18/2024

Hallo Tom, vielen Dank für dein Feedback! Unser Vorteil als multimodale App besteht in einem einzigen Account für alle Mobilitätsformen, daher bieten wir derzeit noch keinen Gastkauf an. Wir nehmen deine Anregung aber gernnfür die zukünftige Entwicklung von Jelbi auf 💛

07/17/2024 22:35:50

App is rejecting all my payment options (I've tried all available) so it's completely unusable

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/18/2024

Hallo Daniel. Das tut uns sehr leid zu hören. Das Anlegen von Zahlmitteln erfolgt über unseren Zahlungsdienstleister, der auch über das Annehmen oder Ablehnen entscheidet. Wir haben keinen direkten Einfluss darauf. Melde dich dennoch gern unter [email protected], dann vermitteln wir gern.💛

07/16/2024 16:36:18

So easy!!! Love it!

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/07/2024

Thank you for your feedback and your fantastic review! 💛

07/04/2024 15:20:01

Horrible, login server lagging and failing.

0 0
By Paul
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/03/2024

Hi Paul, sorry to hear that! Maybe you caught us during a small disruption or with a poor internet connection? Have you tried again? 💛

06/25/2024 19:57:25

In one 30 minute window I experienced two absolute failures of Jelbi's sharing options. The first it unlocked a different Nextbike than the one I was trying to use, and which wasn't even in the area around me. The second, it didn't load up the Tier area boundaries properly which led me to travel far past where I could end my ride. Absolutely no added value over getting a paper ticket from BVG and using the native apps of the sharing services.

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/03/2024

Hi! That sounds bad, sorry to that. Have you reached our to our user support at [email protected]? We would love to take a closer look at this. 💛

06/25/2024 00:44:00

All my payments were rejected, even PayPal

0 0
By Ryan
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/03/2024

Hi Ryan! Sorry to that. Have you reached our to our user support at [email protected]? We would love to help you with this. 💛

06/22/2024 15:28:41

Idea is super to combine allnservices. Sadly the geofencing is inaccurate so you spent 10 minutes of your time and money to locate the small designated parking area even though you parked in it!! Waste of time and money.

0 0
06/21/2024 23:11:54

This app should be considered some kind of war crime. If payment is only possible for local residents then at least let me know before I waste 40 minutes of my time trying to buy a single bus ticket. I hope your workers unionize and your bosses go to jail. Have a nice day ☺️

06/20/2024 19:53:20
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