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Sticky Reviews: Refers to the reviews displayed directly on the Google Play app details page. To view other reviews, you need to click on "View all reviews" on Google Play.
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great service but not very happy with the plus parts

0 0
07/12/2024 15:31:46

I have been commenting, and for the past 3 weeks, my comments and arrows immediately dissappear. There's no use having an app I'm unable to comment on.

07/12/2024 13:06:57

You censor comments. Not even foul language, which I respect if censored, but your disgusting as a "mainstream media" outlet by censoring opi owns that do NOT coincidence with yours! Shame on you, you rag!

0 0
07/12/2024 02:26:47

Loathe the M+ fee

0 0
07/11/2024 20:13:06

Love the content and the comments to the articles. I've been a loyal user of this app for 8 years. The ads have gotten more intrusive over the years to the point of rendering the app unreadable. The app itself is terribly buggy. Sometimes it will be fine for periods of time, them there will be an "update" and the crashing will start all over again. I would pay to have a no ad version but apparently this is not an option. Update: July 2024. Added one star. Ads have been scaled back. Permanently?

425 0
07/11/2024 19:33:22

I've tried using this for years....it shows you an interesting headline and you barely begin to read and it changes the page with no way of finding the article you were interested in. Go to settings and nothing is obvious to change in preventing this, I'm done.

0 0
07/11/2024 12:50:40

Great app. Easy to use/navigate. Loses a star because comments are sometimes censored even if they meet community guidelines.

07/10/2024 18:06:07

ridiculous I have to pay to read some stories. I'll just read the free stuff thanks.

0 0
07/10/2024 16:14:48

Interesting app but it continuously keeps freezing - so annoying!

0 0
07/10/2024 15:27:54

Why is it just US news and zero UK news?

07/10/2024 04:20:42
No data yet.No data yet.
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