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AI Trainer - Fit & Healthy
Antrenor de viață personală și fitness. Slăbește, construiește mușchi și fii în formă!
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2024 years
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Version History

  • Version0.8.9

    Antrenor de viață personală și fitness. Slăbește, construiește mușchi și fii în formă!

    Update Log

    New Images, bug fixes & improvements.

    App Description

    Cel mai bun antrenor personal de fitness alimentat de inteligența artificială în mână.
    AI Trainer elimină complexitatea de a obține și a rămâne sănătoși, oferindu-vă planuri de antrenament optime, personalizate.
    Oriunde și oricând!
    Începe 2023 sănătos! Atinge-ți obiectivele de fitness cu antrenamente AI.

    Ce beneficii vă va aduce AI Trainer?
    👩‍🔬 Cel mai personal antrenament științific împuternicit AI
    🏃‍♂️ Obțineți un stil de viață sănătos cu apă și urmărirea pașilor
    📈 Statistici detaliate pentru a vă urmări progresul
    😎 Experiență de schimbare a vieții
    🤸‍♀️ Peste 1000 de videoclipuri ghidate cu exerciții umane reale

    Planuri de antrenament AI științifice personalizate precis, concentrate pe țintă
    🥇 Obțineți cele mai bune rezultate cu antrenamente AI generate cu precizie cu antrenori experți.
    🤔 În timpul programării planului de antrenament AI Trainer, algoritmul nostru de inteligență artificială ia în considerare vârsta, sexul, greutatea, înălțimea, ținta, disponibilitatea echipamentului, starea de spirit, durerea și starea de dizabilitate, durata, preferințele de zi.
    🎯 Alege-ți ținta, slăbește, construiește mușchi sau pune-te în formă, AI Trainer te va ghida.

    Antrenamentele flexibile și optimizate au împuternicit inteligența artificială
    🏋️ Cu ce ​​echipament vrei să te antrenezi? Gantera, banda de rezistenta, cutie, rola de spuma, minge de tenis sau doar greutatea corporala? Alegerea este a ta!
    🏖️ Libertatea de a face mișcare acasă, la plajă, în aer liber, pe teren de antrenament, oriunde. Alegerea este din nou a ta!
    💁 Dacă există vreun exercițiu pe care nu doriți să-l faceți în sesiunea de antrenament oferită de AI Trainer, îl puteți elimina. Noi exerciții îți vor fi oferite imediat.
    🏃‍♂️ AI Trainer vă optimizează antrenamentul, consumul de apă și pașii zilnici pentru a vă oferi un corp sănătos, puternic și în formă.

    Obțineți un stil de viață sănătos
    💧Water Tracker
    AI Trainer vă personalizează cererea de apă pe baza corpului și a planului de antrenament. Urmăriți-vă hidratarea adăugând cantitatea dorită de apă în dispozitivul de urmărire a apei.
    👟Contor de pași
    Datele Google Health pot fi sincronizate cu AI Trainer – dacă vă numărați pașii în aplicația Google Health, puteți sincroniza automat aceste date cu AI Trainer și vă asigurați că faceți destui pași și urmăriți caloriile arse pe pași.
    🔥Contor de calorii
    AI Trainer vă va oferi suma zilnică a consumului total de calorii a ratei metabolice, antrenamentului și pașilor.
    💆‍♀️Antrenamente concentrate pe starea de spirit
    Te simți obosit azi? Nici o problema! AI Trainer ajustează programul de antrenament în funcție de cum te simți.
    📊Statistici detaliate pentru a vă urmări progresul
    Cu AI Trainer vă puteți urmări greutatea, consumul de apă, caloriile, progresul antrenamentului și fotografiile pentru a vă oferi mai bine.

    👤Cel mai personal și variat program de antrenament
    📚AI Trainer are cea mai mare bibliotecă de peste 1000 de exerciții pentru a genera cele mai variate programe de fitness și wellness.

    Politica de confidențialitate: https://eywin.com.tr/privacy_policy_ecosystem_privacy_policy.html
    Condiții de utilizare: https://eywin.com.tr/ai_trainer_terms.html

  • Version0.8.6

    Antrenor de viață personală și fitness. Slăbește, construiește mușchi și fii în formă!

    App Description

    Best personal fitness coach powered by artificial intelligence in your hand.
    AI Trainer takes the complexity out of getting and staying healthy, giving you optimal, tailor made workout plans.
    Anywhere and anytime!
    Make a healthy start to 2023! Reach your fitness goals with AI workouts.

    What benefits will the AI Trainer bring you?
    👩‍🔬 The most personal scientific AI empowered workout
    🏃‍♂️ Achieve a Healthy Lifestyle with water and step tracking
    📈 Detailed statistics to track your progress
    😎 Life changing experience
    🤸‍♀️ 1000+ guided real human exercise videos

    Precisely Personalized Target Focused Scientific AI Workout Plans
    🥇 Get the best results with precisely generated AI workouts with expert trainers.
    🤔 While programming your AI Trainer workout plan, our artificial intelligence algorithm considers your age, gender, weight, height, target, equipment availability, mood, pain and disability status, duration, day preferences.
    🎯 Choose your target, lose weight, build muscle or get fit, AI Trainer will guide you.

    Flexible and Optimized Workouts empowered Artificial Intelligence
    🏋️ What equipment do you want to train with? Dumbbell, resistance band, box, foam roller, tennis ball or just bodyweight? The choice is yours!
    🏖️ Freedom to exercise at home, at the beach, outdoor, training field, anywhere. The choice is yours again!
    💁 If there is any exercise that you don’t want to do in the workout session offered by AI Trainer, you can remove it. New exercises will be offered to you immediately.
    🏃‍♂️ AI Trainer optimizes your workout, water consumption and daily steps to give you a healthy, strong and fit body.

    Achieve a Healthy Lifestyle
    💧Water Tracker
    AI Trainer personalizes your water demand based on your body and workout plan. Keep track of your hydration by adding the desired amount of water to the water tracker.
    👟Step Counter
    Google Health data can be synchronized with AI Trainer – if you count your steps in Google Health app, you can automatically synchronize this data with AI Trainer and you ensure to take enough steps and track calories burned by steps.
    🔥Calorie Counter
    AI Trainer will give you the daily total calorie expenditure sum of your metabolic rate, workout and steps.
    💆‍♀️Mood focused workouts
    Are you feeling tired today? No problem! AI Trainer adjusts the training program according to how you feel.
    📊Detailed statistics to track your progress
    With AI Trainer you can track your weight, water consumption, calories, workout progress, and your photos to give you better yourself.

    👤The most personal and varied training program
    📚AI Trainer has the largest library of over 1000+ exercises to generate the most varied fitness and wellness programs.

    Privacy Policy: https://eywin.com.tr/privacy_policy_ecosystem_privacy_policy.html
    Terms of Use: https://eywin.com.tr/ai_trainer_terms.html

  • Version0.8.5

    Antrenor de viață personală și fitness. Slăbește, construiește mușchi și fii în formă!

    App Description

    Best personal fitness coach powered by artificial intelligence in your hand.
    AI Trainer takes the complexity out of getting and staying healthy, giving you optimal, tailor made workout plans.
    Anywhere and anytime!
    Make a healthy start to 2023! Reach your fitness goals with AI workouts.

    What benefits will the AI Trainer bring you?
    👩‍🔬 The most personal scientific AI empowered workout
    🏃‍♂️ Achieve a Healthy Lifestyle with water and step tracking
    📈 Detailed statistics to track your progress
    😎 Life changing experience
    🤸‍♀️ 1000+ guided real human exercise videos

    Precisely Personalized Target Focused Scientific AI Workout Plans
    🥇 Get the best results with precisely generated AI workouts with expert trainers.
    🤔 While programming your AI Trainer workout plan, our artificial intelligence algorithm considers your age, gender, weight, height, target, equipment availability, mood, pain and disability status, duration, day preferences.
    🎯 Choose your target, lose weight, build muscle or get fit, AI Trainer will guide you.

    Flexible and Optimized Workouts empowered Artificial Intelligence
    🏋️ What equipment do you want to train with? Dumbbell, resistance band, box, foam roller, tennis ball or just bodyweight? The choice is yours!
    🏖️ Freedom to exercise at home, at the beach, outdoor, training field, anywhere. The choice is yours again!
    💁 If there is any exercise that you don’t want to do in the workout session offered by AI Trainer, you can remove it. New exercises will be offered to you immediately.
    🏃‍♂️ AI Trainer optimizes your workout, water consumption and daily steps to give you a healthy, strong and fit body.

    Achieve a Healthy Lifestyle
    💧Water Tracker
    AI Trainer personalizes your water demand based on your body and workout plan. Keep track of your hydration by adding the desired amount of water to the water tracker.
    👟Step Counter
    Google Health data can be synchronized with AI Trainer – if you count your steps in Google Health app, you can automatically synchronize this data with AI Trainer and you ensure to take enough steps and track calories burned by steps.
    🔥Calorie Counter
    AI Trainer will give you the daily total calorie expenditure sum of your metabolic rate, workout and steps.
    💆‍♀️Mood focused workouts
    Are you feeling tired today? No problem! AI Trainer adjusts the training program according to how you feel.
    📊Detailed statistics to track your progress
    With AI Trainer you can track your weight, water consumption, calories, workout progress, and your photos to give you better yourself.

    👤The most personal and varied training program
    📚AI Trainer has the largest library of over 1000+ exercises to generate the most varied fitness and wellness programs.

    Privacy Policy: https://eywin.com.tr/privacy_policy_ecosystem_privacy_policy.html
    Terms of Use: https://eywin.com.tr/ai_trainer_terms.html

  • Version0.8.4

    Antrenor de viață personală și fitness. Slăbește, construiește mușchi și fii în formă!

    App Description

    Best personal fitness coach powered by artificial intelligence in your hand.
    AI Trainer takes the complexity out of getting and staying healthy, giving you optimal, tailor made workout plans.
    Anywhere and anytime!
    Make a healthy start to 2023! Reach your fitness goals with AI workouts.

    What benefits will the AI Trainer bring you?
    👩‍🔬 The most personal scientific AI empowered workout
    🏃‍♂️ Achieve a Healthy Lifestyle with water and step tracking
    📈 Detailed statistics to track your progress
    😎 Life changing experience
    🤸‍♀️ 1000+ guided real human exercise videos

    Precisely Personalized Target Focused Scientific AI Workout Plans
    🥇 Get the best results with precisely generated AI workouts with expert trainers.
    🤔 While programming your AI Trainer workout plan, our artificial intelligence algorithm considers your age, gender, weight, height, target, equipment availability, mood, pain and disability status, duration, day preferences.
    🎯 Choose your target, lose weight, build muscle or get fit, AI Trainer will guide you.

    Flexible and Optimized Workouts empowered Artificial Intelligence
    🏋️ What equipment do you want to train with? Dumbbell, resistance band, box, foam roller, tennis ball or just bodyweight? The choice is yours!
    🏖️ Freedom to exercise at home, at the beach, outdoor, training field, anywhere. The choice is yours again!
    💁 If there is any exercise that you don’t want to do in the workout session offered by AI Trainer, you can remove it. New exercises will be offered to you immediately.
    🏃‍♂️ AI Trainer optimizes your workout, water consumption and daily steps to give you a healthy, strong and fit body.

    Achieve a Healthy Lifestyle
    💧Water Tracker
    AI Trainer personalizes your water demand based on your body and workout plan. Keep track of your hydration by adding the desired amount of water to the water tracker.
    👟Step Counter
    Google Health data can be synchronized with AI Trainer – if you count your steps in Google Health app, you can automatically synchronize this data with AI Trainer and you ensure to take enough steps and track calories burned by steps.
    🔥Calorie Counter
    AI Trainer will give you the daily total calorie expenditure sum of your metabolic rate, workout and steps.
    💆‍♀️Mood focused workouts
    Are you feeling tired today? No problem! AI Trainer adjusts the training program according to how you feel.
    📊Detailed statistics to track your progress
    With AI Trainer you can track your weight, water consumption, calories, workout progress, and your photos to give you better yourself.

    👤The most personal and varied training program
    📚AI Trainer has the largest library of over 1000+ exercises to generate the most varied fitness and wellness programs.

    Privacy Policy: https://eywin.com.tr/privacy_policy_ecosystem_privacy_policy.html
    Terms of Use: https://eywin.com.tr/ai_trainer_terms.html

  • Version0.6.7

    Obțineți programe personale pentru fitness-ul dvs. Scapa de durere, pune-te in forma sau slabeste.

    App Description

    AI Trainer provides personal workout programs to keep you fit and get rid of pains at home without equipment. You can get AI-Based personal programs or discover for different purposes workout programs. Improve your fitness level with special workouts at home or a fitness center with this special fitness coach app.

    Personal Programs
    Lose weight, get fit, or get rid of pain with ai trainer's personal programs. AI Trainer creates special programs according to your equipment, fitness level, the time you have, and other metrics.
    Get your personal program and start daily sessions to apply all exercises. Follow your progress to improve yourself.

    Discover Contents
    AI Trainer provides special purposes workout programs and session stacks on the discover section. You can find content about the fat belly, six packs abs, stretches, saggy chest, and much more.

    Tracker Modules
    You can track your water intake and daily steps data to improve your fitness level with this advanced home workout app.

  • Version0.6.6

    Obțineți programe personale pentru fitness-ul dvs. Scapa de durere, pune-te in forma sau slabeste.

    App Description

    AI Trainer provides personal workout programs to keep you fit and get rid of pains at home without equipment. You can get AI-Based personal programs or discover for different purposes workout programs. Improve your fitness level with special workouts at home or a fitness center with this special fitness coach app.

    Personal Programs
    Lose weight, get fit, or get rid of pain with ai trainer's personal programs. AI Trainer creates special programs according to your equipment, fitness level, the time you have, and other metrics.
    Get your personal program and start daily sessions to apply all exercises. Follow your progress to improve yourself.

    Discover Contents
    AI Trainer provides special purposes workout programs and session stacks on the discover section. You can find content about the fat belly, six packs abs, stretches, saggy chest, and much more.

    Tracker Modules
    You can track your water intake and daily steps data to improve your fitness level with this advanced home workout app.

  • Version0.3.9

    Obțineți programe personale pentru fitness-ul dvs. Scapa de durere, pune-te in forma sau slabeste.

    App Description

    AI Trainer provides personal workout programs to keep you fit and get rid of pains at home without equipment. You can get AI-Based personal programs or discover for different purposes workout programs. Improve your fitness level with special workouts at home or a fitness center with this special fitness coach app.
    Personal Programs
    Lose weight, get fit, or get rid of pain with ai trainer\u0027s personal programs. AI Trainer creates special programs according to your equipment, fitness level, the time you have, and other metrics.
    Get your personal program and start daily sessions to apply all exercises. Follow your progress to improve yourself.

    Discover Contents
    AI Trainer provides special purposes workout programs and session stacks on the discover section. You can find content about the fat belly, six packs abs, stretches, saggy chest, and much more.

    Tracker Modules
    You can track your water intake and daily steps data to improve your fitness level with this advanced home workout app.

  • Version0.3.7

    Obțineți programe personale pentru fitness-ul dvs. Scapa de durere, pune-te in forma sau slabeste.

    App Description

    AI Trainer provides personal workout programs to keep you fit and get rid of pains at home without equipment. You can get AI-Based personal programs or discover for different purposes workout programs. Improve your fitness level with special workouts at home or a fitness center with this special fitness coach app.
    Personal Programs
    Lose weight, get fit, or get rid of pain with ai trainer\u0027s personal programs. AI Trainer creates special programs according to your equipment, fitness level, the time you have, and other metrics.
    Get your personal program and start daily sessions to apply all exercises. Follow your progress to improve yourself.

    Discover Contents
    AI Trainer provides special purposes workout programs and session stacks on the discover section. You can find content about the fat belly, six packs abs, stretches, saggy chest, and much more.

    Tracker Modules
    You can track your water intake and daily steps data to improve your fitness level with this advanced home workout app.

  • Version0.3.3

    Obțineți programe personale pentru fitness-ul dvs. Scapa de durere, pune-te in forma sau slabeste.

    App Description

    AI Trainer provides personal workout programs to keep you fit and get rid of pains at home without equipment. You can get AI-Based personal programs or discover for different purposes workout programs. Improve your fitness level with special workouts at home or a fitness center with this special fitness coach app.
    Personal Programs
    Lose weight, get fit, or get rid of pain with ai trainer\u0027s personal programs. AI Trainer creates special programs according to your equipment, fitness level, the time you have, and other metrics.
    Get your personal program and start daily sessions to apply all exercises. Follow your progress to improve yourself.

    Discover Contents
    AI Trainer provides special purposes workout programs and session stacks on the discover section. You can find content about the fat belly, six packs abs, stretches, saggy chest, and much more.

    Tracker Modules
    You can track your water intake and daily steps data to improve your fitness level with this advanced home workout app.

  • Version0.3.2

    Obțineți programe personale pentru fitness-ul dvs. Scapa de durere, pune-te in forma sau slabeste.

    App Description

    AI Trainer provides personal workout programs to keep you fit and get rid of pains at home without equipment. You can get AI-Based personal programs or discover for different purposes workout programs. Improve your fitness level with special workouts at home or a fitness center with this special fitness coach app.
    Personal Programs
    Lose weight, get fit, or get rid of pain with ai trainer\u0027s personal programs. AI Trainer creates special programs according to your equipment, fitness level, the time you have, and other metrics.
    Get your personal program and start daily sessions to apply all exercises. Follow your progress to improve yourself.

    Discover Contents
    AI Trainer provides special purposes workout programs and session stacks on the discover section. You can find content about the fat belly, six packs abs, stretches, saggy chest, and much more.

    Tracker Modules
    You can track your water intake and daily steps data to improve your fitness level with this advanced home workout app.

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