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My Row Counter: Knit & Crochet
So Much More than a Row Counter: Pattern Import, Timer, Highlighter, Ravelry...
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Sticky Reviews: Refers to the reviews displayed directly on the Google Play app details page. To view other reviews, you need to click on "View all reviews" on Google Play.
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Release Time

Good app! You can have loads of counters, annotations and never lose where you're at in your patern $9/year is so worth it for this. Plus you always have your pattern on you! My only critique is that I wish you could have multiple PDFs that you can scroll down and see both on the same screen without having to switch over. But that's literally my only complaint about it.

07/11/2024 04:42:51

Great app. Super easy to use. Can track many projects at once. I use for knitting and crochet projects. It has other options as well. SUPER helpful. Easier than those little plastic counters

07/08/2024 20:45:22

It has everything you need. Premium is also cheap and so worth it! I've been using this for years, and i absolutely love this app. My only wish is that the "draw" feature had a stabilizer, so I can have straight lines similar to the multi line feature on the highlighter section.

0 0
By Manix
07/07/2024 13:42:51

Absolutely garbage. First, it auto downloads the watch app, and then you can't use it because it's a premium feature. And then, trying to use a second device is an absolute nightmare. I started on my phone but then wanted a bigger screen so I switched to my tablet. That wasn't a thing. I tried so hard to share my projects to myself. The whole app is just pressing buttons until it works. I read that only two people made this app, and it shows... and they ask for money. Disgusting.

0 0
07/06/2024 10:36:02

Very useful and easy to use

0 0
07/05/2024 12:22:22


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07/05/2024 02:40:46

I really like to be able to keep patterns and count all in one place! I wish there was more availablr without payinf but i understand why! Its a great app 5/5 🌟

07/04/2024 11:35:16

Loving this app! Love the option to download the pattern too so I don't have to keep switching back and forth.

0 0
07/04/2024 02:12:56

I love the row counter. That was why I downloaded it originally but now I'm keeping my downloaded patterns in it and I LOVE IT!!!!

0 0
07/03/2024 23:51:21

So far, I love it. I'm just trying to find where the counter is when you are not using a pattern. I was knitting a swatch and needed to count my rows and couldn't find a stand-alone counter. If it's there, help me find it, please. But otherwise it is wonderful!! I love that you can import patterns from ravelry and elsewhere. And I found some patterns on the app! Thank you!!

2 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/02/2024

Hi Kathe, thank you for your review, you would just need to create a project and not import a pattern. For any questions contact us at [email protected].

07/02/2024 07:40:06
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