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Addictive, challenging and beautiful - test yourself in this ancient game!
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strategically fun like the battle of midway

0 0
07/17/2024 01:05:11

Great backgammon game. Ignore any 1 star reviews that say the computer cheats. It will feel like they get better rolls when you play a poor game or make risky moves. The app and developer has nothing to gain from the computer winning against the player. If you play enough rounds (+/-50), you'll see in the statistics that there's no statistically significant difference between the rolls, values, and doubles of the player and computer. After 31 rounds, I have a 1.2% difference in dice total

07/16/2024 22:57:29

I can't blame sheer bad luck for the CPU player rolling the exact die it needs to hit my pawns 20+ times in a row. Anywhere you choose to go is precisely where a CPU pawn will land in the next turn. Edit: The game may not be cheating but it certainly feels like it is. All around, the game is very well designed and I like it more than other backgammon apps. I guess all it needs is online play against friends. It will take care of the frustration that playing against AI causes.

0 0
By Behnam
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/16/2024

The reason that it achieves more hits is because is because it plays a better statistical game. What you need to do is prove that the dice are random. Just run the comprehensive tests that easily and conclusively prove this. See aifactory.co.uk/bg.htm. Absurdly all Backgammon programs are accused of cheating, but almost certainly none do.

07/16/2024 19:46:46

Higher difficulty should be opponent making smarter decisions, NOT constantly getting doubles or exactly the dice he needs.

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/15/2024

The program is just strong. You can easily prove program does not cheat by running the tests we provide. See aifactory.co.uk/bg.htm. Absurdly all Backgammon programs are accused of cheating, but almost certainly none do.

07/15/2024 04:25:53

the game roll better for himself

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/15/2024

I'm afraid that is an illusion. There really is no cheating. Just run the comprehensive tests that easily and conclusively prove this. See aifactory.co.uk/bg.htm. Absurdly, all Backgammon programs on Google Play are accused of cheating, even though most are much weaker. Its very very unlikely that any of them cheat!

07/15/2024 03:29:05


Developer Replies Reply Time 07/15/2024

No scripts. The program is just strong. You can easily prove program does not cheat by running the tests we provide. See aifactory.co.uk/bg.htm. Absurdly all Backgammon programs are accused of cheating, but almost certainly none do.

07/15/2024 00:00:57

Been playing this app for a long time. Here is my impression: Level 7 isn't challenging enough. CPU often makes hair raising moves that a human would rarely do, esp in the final stages of a game. When it's about bringing home stones, it dicks around arranging in the home field while it still has stones outside and the opponent is already putting up stones. Also too many doubles for both parties. It's OK but a bit too predictable...

0 0
By Dee Gee
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/14/2024

Valid points, which have already been addressed in version for next release

07/14/2024 02:23:53

All the positive reviews are fake. It is so obvious that the dice does not come randomly, and it favours the AI in the game. No only line play also. I will uninstall after a few days.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/14/2024

Not 'true' I'm afraid. It is just strong. You can very easily and conclusively prove non-cheating by running the comprehensive tests we provide. See aifactory.co.uk/bg.htm. Absurdly all Backgammon programs are accused of cheating, but almost certainly none do.

07/12/2024 08:42:26

very good

07/12/2024 07:52:50

I love playing. It keeps my mind sharp

07/11/2024 19:16:04
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