
Tubi: Free Movies & Live TV
Watch FREE from deep cuts to hit movies, shows, and awarded originals.
Version History
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Version History
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2024 Years

Version History

  • Version2024-06-05

    Watch FREE from deep cuts to hit movies, shows, and awarded originals.

    Update Log

    Tubi is getting a fresh look!
    It's your same favorite streaming haven, with all the free movies, shows, and live TV you crave, now rocking a brand new outfit!

    Everything you love is still here:
    - The biggest library of movies & shows in the streaming universe!
    - Award-winning Tubi Originals
    - Catch news, sports, and much more, live!
    - Fun and nostalgia on Tubi Kids

    Explore the new look, rediscover your favorites, and find something new to love – all free, forever.

    See you in there!

    App Description

    NEW for June: Accepted, Away We Go, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, In Good Company, Intolerable Cruelty, Take Shelter, Vacancy, Your Highness, Zola and much more!

    Nice to meet you, we’re Tubi. We’re more than a completely free streamer with the largest library in the entire streaming universe. We’re entertainment fiends and collectors and never judgers. So, get comfy and settle into whatever you’re feeling. It’s about to get good.


    From the biggest names in the game to the indie darlings we can’t get enough of.
    + Top titles added every month
    + Enjoy drama that isn’t your own
    + Comedy, action, horror…oh, my! Whatever genre you’re looking for, you’ve come to the right place.

    Marathon all the best series all in one place with zero subscriptions ever.
    + Dive into mysteries with Midsomer Murders.
    + Get lost in a whole new world with Merlin.
    + Dig deep into the facts with Forensic Files and Gracepoint.

    + Never run out of stuff to watch. We add new content every week.
    + Here, there, everywhere. Tubi works on 30+ devices, so it goes wherever you go.
    + We’ll never ask for your credit card, ever. It’s free forever. For really.
    + Create an account to build your own watchlist, save your watch progress, and get better recommendations.

    See You In There

  • Version2024-06-03

    Watch FREE from deep cuts to hit movies, shows, live TV and awarded originals.

    Update Log

    Tubi is getting a fresh look!
    It's your same favorite streaming haven, with all the free movies, shows, and live TV you crave, now rocking a brand new outfit!

    Everything you love is still here:
    - The biggest library of movies & shows in the streaming universe!
    - Award-winning Tubi Originals
    - Catch news, sports, and much more, live!
    - Fun and nostalgia on Tubi Kids

    Explore the new look, rediscover your favorites, and find something new to love – all free, forever.

    See you in there!

    App Description

    Nice to meet you, we’re Tubi. We’re more than a completely free streamer with the largest library in the entire streaming universe. We’re entertainment fiends and collectors and never judgers. So, get comfy and settle into whatever you’re feeling. It’s about to get good.


    NEW! Tubi Comic Con(tent)
    It's a bird, it's a plane, it's...all your favorite comic book heroes and caped crusaders!
    + Go old school with Lois & Clark.
    + Binge full series like Swamp Thing and Krypton.
    + Stay current with The Batman, The Suicide Squad and Birds of Prey.

    Live TV: news, weather, sports, & entertainment
    It’s live, always on, always free and has way fewer ads than cable. We call that a win-win-win-win.
    + Check your local news channels for weather and news.
    + Get game day ready with PGA, WNBA, NWSL and more.
    + Unwind with your favorite TV competitions like Lego Masters.

    From the biggest names in the game to the indie darlings we can’t get enough of.
    + Top titles added this month: The John Wick Trilogy, Black Adam, Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2, 30 Minutes or Less, Pacific Rim and many more!
    + Enjoy drama that isn’t your own with A League of Their Own and Zero Dark Thirty.
    + Comedy, action, horror…oh, my! Whatever genre you’re looking for, you’ve come to the right place.

    Marathon all the best series all in one place with zero subscriptions ever.
    + Refine your taste buds with MasterChef and MasterChef Jr.
    + Get lost in an evening soap with Scandal and Gotham.
    + Decompress with Everybody Hates Chris and Big Mood.

    Tubi Originals
    Made by us, just for you. And only available on Tubi.
    + Find out why Boarders is rated 100% on Rotten Tomatoes.
    + Watch the LGBT comedic horror Slay with Trinity the Tuck and Heidi N Closet.
    + Get silly with original crime thriller series like Dead Hot.

    International Entertainment
    + Ikuze! We have all the anime! Immerse yourself in the worlds of Naruto and The Animatrix.
    + Korea’s in the house!! Get your fill of K-pop, horror, action, comedy, and drama like Train to Busan and My ID Is Gangnam Beauty.
    + Live the Bollywood dream and dance along with tons of faves.

    Tubi Español
    Tú perteneces aquí. Watch in Spanish with no subtitles necessary.
    + Keep up with telenovelas like Bloque de Busqueda.
    + Stream Spanish-first favorites like Zorro La Espada y La Rosa.
    + Discover dubbed classics like The Man Who Knew Too Little.

    Tubi Kids
    Enjoy the awesomeness (and peace of mind) of Tubi Kids.
    + Create a safe stream for your littles with password-protected parental controls.
    + Find stuff for the whole family like My Little Pony: The Movie, Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory, The Little Rascals, How to Train Your Dragon 2, Super Wings, and more.
    + Don’t let the kids mess with your watchlist!

    + Never run out of stuff to watch. We add new content every week.
    + Here, there, everywhere. Tubi works on 30+ devices, so it goes wherever you go.
    + We’ll never ask for your credit card, ever. It’s free forever. For really.
    + Create an account to build your own watchlist, save your watch progress, and get better recommendations.

    See you in there!

  • Version2024-05-21

    Watch FREE from deep cuts to hit movies, shows, live TV and awarded originals.

    Update Log

    Tubi is getting a fresh look!
    It's your same favorite streaming haven, with all the free movies, shows, and live TV you crave, now rocking a brand new outfit!

    Everything you love is still here:
    - The biggest library of movies & shows in the streaming universe!
    - Award-winning Tubi Originals
    - Catch news, sports, and much more, live!
    - Fun and nostalgia on Tubi Kids

    Explore the new look, rediscover your favorites, and find something new to love – all free, forever.

    See you in there!

    App Description

    Nice to meet you, we’re Tubi. We’re more than a completely free streamer with the largest library in the entire streaming universe. We’re entertainment fiends and collectors and never judgers. So, get comfy and settle into whatever you’re feeling. It’s about to get good.


    NEW! Tubi Comic Con(tent)
    It's a bird, it's a plane, it's...all your favorite comic book heroes and caped crusaders!
    + Go old school with Lois & Clark.
    + Binge full series like Swamp Thing and Krypton.
    + Stay current with The Batman, The Suicide Squad and Birds of Prey.

    Live TV: news, weather, sports, & entertainment
    It’s live, always on, always free and has way fewer ads than cable. We call that a win-win-win-win.
    + Check your local news channels for weather and news.
    + Get game day ready with PGA, WNBA, NWSL and more.
    + Unwind with your favorite TV competitions like Lego Masters.

    From the biggest names in the game to the indie darlings we can’t get enough of.
    + Top titles added this month: The John Wick Trilogy, Black Adam, Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2, 30 Minutes or Less, Pacific Rim and many more!
    + Enjoy drama that isn’t your own with A League of Their Own and Zero Dark Thirty.
    + Comedy, action, horror…oh, my! Whatever genre you’re looking for, you’ve come to the right place.

    Marathon all the best series all in one place with zero subscriptions ever.
    + Refine your taste buds with MasterChef and MasterChef Jr.
    + Get lost in an evening soap with Scandal and Gotham.
    + Decompress with Everybody Hates Chris and Big Mood.

    Tubi Originals
    Made by us, just for you. And only available on Tubi.
    + Find out why Boarders is rated 100% on Rotten Tomatoes.
    + Watch the LGBT comedic horror Slay with Trinity the Tuck and Heidi N Closet.
    + Get silly with original crime thriller series like Dead Hot.

    International Entertainment
    + Ikuze! We have all the anime! Immerse yourself in the worlds of Naruto and The Animatrix.
    + Korea’s in the house!! Get your fill of K-pop, horror, action, comedy, and drama like Train to Busan and My ID Is Gangnam Beauty.
    + Live the Bollywood dream and dance along with tons of faves.

    Tubi Español
    Tú perteneces aquí. Watch in Spanish with no subtitles necessary.
    + Keep up with telenovelas like Bloque de Busqueda.
    + Stream Spanish-first favorites like Zorro La Espada y La Rosa.
    + Discover dubbed classics like The Man Who Knew Too Little.

    Tubi Kids
    Enjoy the awesomeness (and peace of mind) of Tubi Kids.
    + Create a safe stream for your littles with password-protected parental controls.
    + Find stuff for the whole family like My Little Pony: The Movie, Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory, The Little Rascals, How to Train Your Dragon 2, Super Wings, and more.
    + Don’t let the kids mess with your watchlist!

    + Never run out of stuff to watch. We add new content every week.
    + Here, there, everywhere. Tubi works on 30+ devices, so it goes wherever you go.
    + We’ll never ask for your credit card, ever. It’s free forever. For really.
    + Create an account to build your own watchlist, save your watch progress, and get better recommendations.

    See you in there!

  • Version2024-05-14

    Watch FREE from deep cuts to hit movies, shows, live TV and awarded originals.

    Update Log

    Tubi is getting a fresh look!
    It's your same favorite streaming haven, with all the free movies, shows, and live TV you crave, now rocking a brand new outfit!

    Everything you love is still here:
    - The biggest library of movies & shows in the streaming universe!
    - Award-winning Tubi Originals
    - Catch news, sports, and much more, live!
    - Fun and nostalgia on Tubi Kids

    Explore the new look, rediscover your favorites, and find something new to love – all free, forever.

    See you in there!

    App Description

    Nice to meet you, we’re Tubi. We’re more than a completely free streamer with the largest library in the entire streaming universe. We’re entertainment fiends and collectors and never judgers. So, get comfy and settle into whatever you’re feeling. It’s about to get good.


    NEW! Tubi Comic Con(tent)
    It's a bird, it's a plane, it's...all your favorite comic book heroes and caped crusaders!
    + Go old school with Lois & Clark.
    + Binge full series like Swamp Thing and Krypton.
    + Stay current with The Batman, The Suicide Squad and Birds of Prey.

    Live TV: news, weather, sports, & entertainment
    It’s live, always on, always free and has way fewer ads than cable. We call that a win-win-win-win.
    + Check your local news channels for weather and news.
    + Get game day ready with PGA, WNBA, NWSL and more.
    + Unwind with your favorite TV competitions like Lego Masters.

    From the biggest names in the game to the indie darlings we can’t get enough of.
    + Top titles added this month: The John Wick Trilogy, Black Adam, Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2, 30 Minutes or Less, Pacific Rim and many more!
    + Enjoy drama that isn’t your own with A League of Their Own and Zero Dark Thirty.
    + Comedy, action, horror…oh, my! Whatever genre you’re looking for, you’ve come to the right place.

    Marathon all the best series all in one place with zero subscriptions ever.
    + Refine your taste buds with MasterChef and MasterChef Jr.
    + Get lost in an evening soap with Scandal and Gotham.
    + Decompress with Everybody Hates Chris and Big Mood.

    Tubi Originals
    Made by us, just for you. And only available on Tubi.
    + Find out why Boarders is rated 100% on Rotten Tomatoes.
    + Watch the LGBT comedic horror Slay with Trinity the Tuck and Heidi N Closet.
    + Get silly with original crime thriller series like Dead Hot.

    International Entertainment
    + Ikuze! We have all the anime! Immerse yourself in the worlds of Naruto and The Animatrix.
    + Korea’s in the house!! Get your fill of K-pop, horror, action, comedy, and drama like Train to Busan and My ID Is Gangnam Beauty.
    + Live the Bollywood dream and dance along with tons of faves.

    Tubi Español
    Tú perteneces aquí. Watch in Spanish with no subtitles necessary.
    + Keep up with telenovelas like Bloque de Busqueda.
    + Stream Spanish-first favorites like Zorro La Espada y La Rosa.
    + Discover dubbed classics like The Man Who Knew Too Little.

    Tubi Kids
    Enjoy the awesomeness (and peace of mind) of Tubi Kids.
    + Create a safe stream for your littles with password-protected parental controls.
    + Find stuff for the whole family like My Little Pony: The Movie, Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory, The Little Rascals, How to Train Your Dragon 2, Super Wings, and more.
    + Don’t let the kids mess with your watchlist!

    + Never run out of stuff to watch. We add new content every week.
    + Here, there, everywhere. Tubi works on 30+ devices, so it goes wherever you go.
    + We’ll never ask for your credit card, ever. It’s free forever. For really.
    + Create an account to build your own watchlist, save your watch progress, and get better recommendations.

    See you in there!

  • Version2024-05-06

    Watch FREE from deep cuts to hit movies, shows, live TV and awarded originals.

    Update Log

    Tubi is getting a fresh look!
    It's your same favorite streaming haven, with all the free movies, shows, and live TV you crave, now rocking a brand new outfit!

    Everything you love is still here:
    - The biggest library of movies & shows in the streaming universe!
    - Award-winning Tubi Originals
    - Catch news, sports, and much more, live!
    - Fun and nostalgia on Tubi Kids

    Explore the new look, rediscover your favorites, and find something new to love – all free, forever.

    See you in there!

    App Description

    Nice to meet you, we’re Tubi. We’re more than a completely free streamer with the largest library in the entire streaming universe. We’re entertainment fiends and collectors and never judgers. So, get comfy and settle into whatever you’re feeling. It’s about to get good.


    NEW! Tubi Comic Con(tent)
    It's a bird, it's a plane, it's...all your favorite comic book heroes and caped crusaders!
    + Go old school with Lois & Clark.
    + Binge full series like Swamp Thing and Krypton.
    + Stay current with The Batman, The Suicide Squad and Birds of Prey.

    Live TV: news, weather, sports, & entertainment
    It’s live, always on, always free and has way fewer ads than cable. We call that a win-win-win-win.
    + Check your local news channels for weather and news.
    + Get game day ready with PGA, WNBA, NWSL and more.
    + Unwind with your favorite TV competitions like Lego Masters.

    From the biggest names in the game to the indie darlings we can’t get enough of.
    + Top titles added this month: The John Wick Trilogy, Black Adam, Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2, 30 Minutes or Less, Pacific Rim and many more!
    + Enjoy drama that isn’t your own with A League of Their Own and Zero Dark Thirty.
    + Comedy, action, horror…oh, my! Whatever genre you’re looking for, you’ve come to the right place.

    Marathon all the best series all in one place with zero subscriptions ever.
    + Refine your taste buds with MasterChef and MasterChef Jr.
    + Get lost in an evening soap with Scandal and Gotham.
    + Decompress with Everybody Hates Chris and Big Mood.

    Tubi Originals
    Made by us, just for you. And only available on Tubi.
    + Find out why Boarders is rated 100% on Rotten Tomatoes.
    + Watch the LGBT comedic horror Slay with Trinity the Tuck and Heidi N Closet.
    + Get silly with original crime thriller series like Dead Hot.

    International Entertainment
    + Ikuze! We have all the anime! Immerse yourself in the worlds of Naruto and The Animatrix.
    + Korea’s in the house!! Get your fill of K-pop, horror, action, comedy, and drama like Train to Busan and My ID Is Gangnam Beauty.
    + Live the Bollywood dream and dance along with tons of faves.

    Tubi Español
    Tú perteneces aquí. Watch in Spanish with no subtitles necessary.
    + Keep up with telenovelas like Bloque de Busqueda.
    + Stream Spanish-first favorites like Zorro La Espada y La Rosa.
    + Discover dubbed classics like The Man Who Knew Too Little.

    Tubi Kids
    Enjoy the awesomeness (and peace of mind) of Tubi Kids.
    + Create a safe stream for your littles with password-protected parental controls.
    + Find stuff for the whole family like My Little Pony: The Movie, Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory, The Little Rascals, How to Train Your Dragon 2, Super Wings, and more.
    + Don’t let the kids mess with your watchlist!

    + Never run out of stuff to watch. We add new content every week.
    + Here, there, everywhere. Tubi works on 30+ devices, so it goes wherever you go.
    + We’ll never ask for your credit card, ever. It’s free forever. For really.
    + Create an account to build your own watchlist, save your watch progress, and get better recommendations.

    See you in there!

  • Version2024-04-23

    Watch FREE from deep cuts to hit movies, shows, live TV and awarded originals.

    Update Log

    Tubi is getting a fresh look!
    It's your same favorite streaming haven, with all the free movies, shows, and live TV you crave, now rocking a brand new outfit!

    Everything you love is still here:
    - The biggest library of movies & shows in the streaming universe!
    - Award-winning Tubi Originals
    - Catch news, sports, and much more, live!
    - Fun and nostalgia on Tubi Kids

    Explore the new look, rediscover your favorites, and find something new to love – all free, forever.

    See you in there!

    App Description

    Nice to meet you, we’re Tubi. We’re more than a completely free streamer with the largest library in the entire streaming universe. We’re entertainment fiends and collectors and never judgers. So, get comfy and settle into whatever you’re feeling. It’s about to get good.


    Live TV: news, weather, sports, & entertainment
    It’s live, always on, always free and has way fewer ads than cable. We call that a win-win-win-win.
    + Check your local news channels for weather and news.
    + Get game day ready with FOX Sports on Tubi, MLB Network, NFL and more.
    + Unwind with your favorite TV competitions like The Floor.

    From the biggest names in the game to the indie darlings we can’t get enough of.
    + Top titles added this month: The Batman, Black Adam, Get Out, Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure, The Suicide Squad and many more!
    + Enjoy drama that isn’t your own with Crash and The Devi’s Advocate.
    + Comedy, action, horror…oh, my! Whatever genre you’re looking for, you’ve come to the right place.

    Marathon all the best series all in one place with zero subscriptions ever.
    + Refine your taste buds with Gordon Ramsey's Food Stars and Crime Scene Kitchen.
    + Get lost in an evening soap with Scandal and Hemlock Grove.
    + Decompress with Everybody Hates Chris and Gordita Chronicles.

    Tubi Originals
    Made by us, just for you. And only available on Tubi.
    + Find out why Boarders is rated 100% on Rotten Tomatoes.
    + Watch award-winning entertainment like Cinnamon with Pam Grier and Damon Wayans.
    + Get silly with original crime thriller series like Dead Hot.

    International Entertainment
    + Ikuze! We have all the anime! Immerse yourself in the worlds of Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh!.
    + Korea’s in the house!! Get your fill of K-pop, horror, action, comedy, and drama like We Play and The Princess and the Matchmaker.
    + Live the Bollywood dream and dance along with tons of faves.

    Tubi Español
    Tú perteneces aquí. Watch in Spanish with no subtitles necessary.
    + Keep it classic with telenovelas like Gran Reserva: El Origen.
    + Stream Spanish-first favorites like Zorro La Espada y La Rosa.
    + Discover dubbed classics like Heat.

    Tubi Kids
    Enjoy the awesomeness (and peace of mind) of Tubi Kids.
    + Create a safe stream for your littles with password-protected parental controls.
    + Find stuff for the whole family like Paddington 2, Super Wings, Dennis the Menace, Osmosis Jones, Curly Sue, and more.
    + Don’t let the kids mess with your watchlist!

    + Never run out of stuff to watch. We add new content every week.
    + Here, there, everywhere. Tubi works on 30+ devices, so it goes wherever you go.
    + We’ll never ask for your credit card, ever. It’s free forever. For really.
    + Create an account to build your own watchlist, save your watch progress, and get better recommendations.

    See you in there!

  • Version2024-04-09

    Watch it all from deep cuts to mainstream movies, shows and live TV. Free 4ever.

    Update Log

    Tubi is getting a fresh look!
    It's your same favorite streaming haven, with all the free movies, shows, and live TV you crave, now rocking a brand new outfit!

    Everything you love is still here:
    - The biggest library of movies & shows in the streaming universe!
    - Award-winning Tubi Originals
    - Catch news, sports, and much more, live!
    - Fun and nostalgia on Tubi Kids

    Explore the new look, rediscover your favorites, and find something new to love – all free, forever.

    See you in there!

    App Description

    Nice to meet you, we’re Tubi. We’re more than a completely free streamer with the largest library in the entire streaming universe. We’re entertainment fiends and collectors and never judgers. So, get comfy and settle into whatever you’re feeling. It’s about to get good.


    Live TV: news, weather, sports, & entertainment
    It’s live, always on, always free and has way fewer ads than cable. We call that a win-win-win-win.
    + Check your local weather and news, or tune into world issues with BBC.
    + Get game day ready with FOX Sports, the MLB Network, Racing America and more.
    + Unwind with your favorite TV competitions like The Masked Singer.

    From the biggest names in the game to the indie darlings we can’t get enough of.
    + Top titles added this month: Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw, House Party, Hellboy, Holmes And Watson, Paddington 2, That Awkward Moment, Magic Mike, Kung Fu Hustle and many more!
    + Oh, we have the tea. Enjoy drama that isn’t your own with The Good Wife and Perfect Murder.
    + Comedy, action, horror…oh, my! Whatever genre you’re looking for, you’ve come to the right place.

    Marathon all the best series all in one place with zero subscriptions ever.
    + Refine your tastebuds with Next Level Chef and MasterChef.
    + Get lost in another world with Scandal and The Dirty D 2.
    + Decompress with Everybody Hates Chris and Doomsday Brothers.

    Tubi Originals
    Made by us, just for you. And only available on Tubi.
    + Find award-winning entertainment like Cinnamon with Pam Grier and Damon Wayans.
    + Go deep on the issues that matter most to you with true-crime docs like Behind the Crime: The Nipsey Hussle Murder.
    + Get silly with original animated series like The Freak Brothers.

    International entertainment
    + Ikuze! We have all the anime! Immerse yourself in the worlds of Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh!.
    + Korea is in the house. Get your fill of K-pop, horror, drama, action, and comedy.
    + Live the Bollywood dream with Aap Ki Kashish

    Tubi Español
    Tú perteneces aquí. Watch in Spanish with no subtitles necessary.
    + Keep it classic with telenovelas like Gran Reserva: El Origen.
    + Stream Spanish-first favorites like El Macho.
    + Discover dubbed classics like El Rompehielos.

    Tubi Kids
    Enjoy the awesomeness (and peace of mind) of Tubi Kids.
    + Create a safe stream for your littles with password-protected parental controls.
    + Find stuff for the whole family like Lloyd of the Flies, Super Wings, The Little Rascals, Tom & Jerry, Garfield and Friends, and more.
    + Don’t let the kids mess with your watchlist!

    + Never run out of stuff to watch. We add new content every week.
    + Here, there, everywhere. Tubi works on 30+ devices, so it goes wherever you go.
    + We’ll never ask for your credit card, ever. It’s free forever. For really.
    + Create an account to build your own watchlist, save your watch progress, and get better recommendations.

    See you in there.

  • Version2024-03-26

    Watch it all from deep cuts to mainstream movies, shows and live TV. Free 4ever.

    Update Log

    Tubi is getting a fresh look!
    It's your same favorite streaming haven, with all the free movies, shows, and live TV you crave, now rocking a brand new outfit!

    Everything you love is still here:
    - The biggest library of movies & shows in the streaming universe!
    - Award-winning Tubi Originals
    - Catch news, sports, and much more, live!
    - Fun and nostalgia on Tubi Kids

    Explore the new look, rediscover your favorites, and find something new to love – all free, forever.

    See you in there!

    App Description

    Nice to meet you, we’re Tubi. We’re more than a completely free streamer with the largest library in the entire streaming universe. We’re entertainment fiends and collectors and never judgers. So, get comfy and settle into whatever you’re feeling. It’s about to get good.


    Live TV: news, weather, sports, & entertainment
    It’s live, always on, always free and has way fewer ads than cable. We call that a win-win-win-win.
    + Check your local weather and news, or tune into world issues with BBC.
    + Get game day ready with FOX Sports, the MLB Network, Racing America and more.
    + Unwind with your favorite TV competitions like The Masked Singer.

    From the biggest names in the game to the indie darlings we can’t get enough of.
    + Top titles added this month: Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw, House Party, Hellboy, Holmes And Watson, Paddington 2, That Awkward Moment, Magic Mike, Kung Fu Hustle and many more!
    + Oh, we have the tea. Enjoy drama that isn’t your own with The Good Wife and Perfect Murder.
    + Comedy, action, horror…oh, my! Whatever genre you’re looking for, you’ve come to the right place.

    Marathon all the best series all in one place with zero subscriptions ever.
    + Refine your tastebuds with Next Level Chef and MasterChef.
    + Get lost in another world with Scandal and The Dirty D 2.
    + Decompress with Everybody Hates Chris and Doomsday Brothers.

    Tubi Originals
    Made by us, just for you. And only available on Tubi.
    + Find award-winning entertainment like Cinnamon with Pam Grier and Damon Wayans.
    + Go deep on the issues that matter most to you with true-crime docs like Behind the Crime: The Nipsey Hussle Murder.
    + Get silly with original animated series like The Freak Brothers.

    International entertainment
    + Ikuze! We have all the anime! Immerse yourself in the worlds of Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh!.
    + Korea is in the house. Get your fill of K-pop, horror, drama, action, and comedy.
    + Live the Bollywood dream with Aap Ki Kashish

    Tubi Español
    Tú perteneces aquí. Watch in Spanish with no subtitles necessary.
    + Keep it classic with telenovelas like Gran Reserva: El Origen.
    + Stream Spanish-first favorites like El Macho.
    + Discover dubbed classics like El Rompehielos.

    Tubi Kids
    Enjoy the awesomeness (and peace of mind) of Tubi Kids.
    + Create a safe stream for your littles with password-protected parental controls.
    + Find stuff for the whole family like Lloyd of the Flies, Super Wings, The Little Rascals, Tom & Jerry, Garfield and Friends, and more.
    + Don’t let the kids mess with your watchlist!

    + Never run out of stuff to watch. We add new content every week.
    + Here, there, everywhere. Tubi works on 30+ devices, so it goes wherever you go.
    + We’ll never ask for your credit card, ever. It’s free forever. For really.
    + Create an account to build your own watchlist, save your watch progress, and get better recommendations.

    See you in there.

  • Version2024-03-07

    Watch it all from deep cuts to mainstream movies, shows and live TV. Free 4ever.

    Update Log

    Tubi is getting a fresh look!
    It's your same favorite streaming haven, with all the free movies, shows, and live TV you crave, now rocking a brand new outfit!

    Everything you love is still here:
    - The biggest library of movies & shows in the streaming universe!
    - Award-winning Tubi Originals
    - Catch news, sports, and much more, live!
    - Fun and nostalgia on Tubi Kids

    Explore the new look, rediscover your favorites, and find something new to love – all free, forever.

    See you in there!

    App Description

    Nice to meet you, we’re Tubi. We’re more than a completely free streamer with the largest library in the entire streaming universe. We’re entertainment fiends and collectors and never judgers. So, get comfy and settle into whatever you’re feeling. It’s about to get good.


    Live TV: news, weather, sports, & entertainment
    It’s live, always on, always free and has way fewer ads than cable. We call that a win-win-win-win.
    + Check your local weather and news, or tune into world issues with BBC.
    + Get game day ready with FOX Sports, the MLB Network, Racing America and more.
    + Unwind with your favorite TV competitions like The Masked Singer.

    From the biggest names in the game to the indie darlings we can’t get enough of.
    + Top titles added this month: Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw, House Party, Hellboy, Holmes And Watson, Paddington 2, That Awkward Moment, Magic Mike, Kung Fu Hustle and many more!
    + Oh, we have the tea. Enjoy drama that isn’t your own with The Good Wife and Perfect Murder.
    + Comedy, action, horror…oh, my! Whatever genre you’re looking for, you’ve come to the right place.

    Marathon all the best series all in one place with zero subscriptions ever.
    + Refine your tastebuds with Next Level Chef and MasterChef.
    + Get lost in another world with Scandal and The Dirty D 2.
    + Decompress with Everybody Hates Chris and Doomsday Brothers.

    Tubi Originals
    Made by us, just for you. And only available on Tubi.
    + Find award-winning entertainment like Cinnamon with Pam Grier and Damon Wayans.
    + Go deep on the issues that matter most to you with true-crime docs like Behind the Crime: The Nipsey Hussle Murder.
    + Get silly with original animated series like The Freak Brothers.

    International entertainment
    + Ikuze! We have all the anime! Immerse yourself in the worlds of Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh!.
    + Korea is in the house. Get your fill of K-pop, horror, drama, action, and comedy.
    + Live the Bollywood dream with Aap Ki Kashish

    Tubi Español
    Tú perteneces aquí. Watch in Spanish with no subtitles necessary.
    + Keep it classic with telenovelas like Gran Reserva: El Origen.
    + Stream Spanish-first favorites like El Macho.
    + Discover dubbed classics like El Rompehielos.

    Tubi Kids
    Enjoy the awesomeness (and peace of mind) of Tubi Kids.
    + Create a safe stream for your littles with password-protected parental controls.
    + Find stuff for the whole family like Lloyd of the Flies, Super Wings, The Little Rascals, Tom & Jerry, Garfield and Friends, and more.
    + Don’t let the kids mess with your watchlist!

    + Never run out of stuff to watch. We add new content every week.
    + Here, there, everywhere. Tubi works on 30+ devices, so it goes wherever you go.
    + We’ll never ask for your credit card, ever. It’s free forever. For really.
    + Create an account to build your own watchlist, save your watch progress, and get better recommendations.

    See you in there.

  • Version2024-03-01

    Watch it all from deep cuts to mainstream movies, shows and live TV. Free 4ever.

    App Description

    Nice to meet you, we’re Tubi. We’re more than a completely free streamer with the largest library in the entire streaming universe. We’re entertainment fiends and collectors and never judgers. So, get comfy and settle into whatever you’re feeling. It’s about to get good.


    Live TV: news, weather, sports, & entertainment
    It’s live, always on, always free and has way fewer ads than cable. We call that a win-win-win-win.
    + Check your local weather and news, or tune into world issues with BBC.
    + Get game day ready with FOX Sports, the MLB Network, Racing America and more.
    + Unwind with your favorite TV competitions like The Masked Singer.

    From the biggest names in the game to the indie darlings we can’t get enough of.
    + Top titles added this month: Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw, House Party, Hellboy, Holmes And Watson, Paddington 2, That Awkward Moment, Magic Mike, Kung Fu Hustle and many more!
    + Oh, we have the tea. Enjoy drama that isn’t your own with The Good Wife and Perfect Murder.
    + Comedy, action, horror…oh, my! Whatever genre you’re looking for, you’ve come to the right place.

    Marathon all the best series all in one place with zero subscriptions ever.
    + Refine your tastebuds with Next Level Chef and MasterChef.
    + Get lost in another world with Scandal and The Dirty D 2.
    + Decompress with Everybody Hates Chris and Doomsday Brothers.

    Tubi Originals
    Made by us, just for you. And only available on Tubi.
    + Find award-winning entertainment like Cinnamon with Pam Grier and Damon Wayans.
    + Go deep on the issues that matter most to you with true-crime docs like Behind the Crime: The Nipsey Hussle Murder.
    + Get silly with original animated series like The Freak Brothers.

    International entertainment
    + Ikuze! We have all the anime! Immerse yourself in the worlds of Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh!.
    + Korea is in the house. Get your fill of K-pop, horror, drama, action, and comedy.
    + Live the Bollywood dream with Aap Ki Kashish

    Tubi Español
    Tú perteneces aquí. Watch in Spanish with no subtitles necessary.
    + Keep it classic with telenovelas like Gran Reserva: El Origen.
    + Stream Spanish-first favorites like El Macho.
    + Discover dubbed classics like El Rompehielos.

    Tubi Kids
    Enjoy the awesomeness (and peace of mind) of Tubi Kids.
    + Create a safe stream for your littles with password-protected parental controls.
    + Find stuff for the whole family like Lloyd of the Flies, Super Wings, The Little Rascals, Tom & Jerry, Garfield and Friends, and more.
    + Don’t let the kids mess with your watchlist!

    + Never run out of stuff to watch. We add new content every week.
    + Here, there, everywhere. Tubi works on 30+ devices, so it goes wherever you go.
    + We’ll never ask for your credit card, ever. It’s free forever. For really.
    + Create an account to build your own watchlist, save your watch progress, and get better recommendations.

    See you in there.

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