With Goalify - the easy to use habit tracker app - you will
+ reach your goals
+ manage repeating tasks and To-dos,
+ track your habits,
+ get a better sense of your own accountability,
+ and improve your overall persistence and productivity

Together with your friends, you can
+ create challenges to check your progress compared to others
+ help hold each other accountable
+ set up groups to support one another
+ engage and motivate using the integrated chat feature

Goalify helps you to
+ stay on top of all your goals, tasks, to-dos and habits - with interactive charts and reports
+ build streaks of success - view them in your calendar
+ enrich your everyday life - with community challenges

Using the free version, you can work on up to 3 goals at a time.

Want to use Goalify as a professional? Learn more about Goalify Professional at https://goalifypro.com/

Get in touch at [email protected], facebook or tweet us @goalify. Get help and instructions on our homepage at goalifyapp.com/help