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GNSS speedometer
Ταχύμετρο GPS / GLONASS που μπορεί να καταγράψει κομμάτι GPX / KML
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Version History

  • Version3.0.0_20220923

    Ταχύμετρο GPS / GLONASS που μπορεί να καταγράψει κομμάτι GPX / KML

    Update Log

    - You can swipe left / right on the top half of the dial to adjust the display brightness if this feature is enabled in the app settings

    App Description

    Το GNSS Speedometer είναι μια απλή, ελαφριά, εντελώς δωρεάν και χωρίς διαφημίσεις εφαρμογή που χρησιμοποιεί GNSS (Παγκόσμια Δορυφορικά Συστήματα Πλοήγησης: GPS, GLONASS, κ.λπ.). Μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε την εφαρμογή στο αυτοκίνητό σας, τη μοτοσυκλέτα, το ποδήλατο, ακόμη και σε ένα αεροπλάνο. Η ακρίβεια εξαρτάται από την ακρίβεια της μονάδας πλοήγησης της συσκευής σας, καθώς και από τις καιρικές συνθήκες, το έδαφος, τα φυσικά και τα ανθρωπογενή εμπόδια και άλλους παράγοντες. Σε κάθε περίπτωση, η συσκευή σας θα πρέπει να «βλέπει» κάποιο μέρος του ουρανού για μέγιστη ακρίβεια.


    • Ρωσικές και αγγλικές γλώσσες

    • Μονάδες μέτρησης: km/h — χιλιόμετρα, MPH — μίλια, κόμβοι — ναυτικά μίλια. Όταν αλλάζετε μονάδες μέτρησης, το ρεύμα, ο μέσος όρος, η μέγιστη ταχύτητα και ο χιλιομετρητής διορθώνονται αμέσως.

    • Πέντε περιοχές ταχυτήτων: 0–30, 0–60, 0–120, 0–240, 0–1200. Για τις πιο ακριβείς μετρήσεις, επιλέξτε το εύρος που ταιριάζει με τη λειτουργία οδήγησης.

    • AMOLED anti-Burn-in. Η κύρια οθόνη της εφαρμογής αλλάζει μερικά pixel κάθε 9 δευτερόλεπτα. 20 βήματα προς τα πίσω και μετά 20 βήματα πίσω. Η επιλογή βοηθά στη μείωση της καύσης της οθόνης OLED/AMOLED.

    • Δεν απαιτείται ούτε χρησιμοποιείται σύνδεση στο διαδίκτυο

    • Τρέχουσα ταχύτητα σε αναλογική ή ψηφιακή μορφή

    • Τέσσερα χρώματα του χιλιομετρητή. Απλώς πατήστε τη συνολική απόσταση σε μίλια για να αλλάξετε το χρώμα.

    • Εμφάνιση μέσης και μέγιστης ταχύτητας, υψομέτρου και συντεταγμένων της τρέχουσας τοποθεσίας

    • Τρέχουσα ώρα σε μορφή 24 ωρών ή 12 ωρών, χρόνος εγγραφής κομματιού που έχει παρέλθει. Κάντε κλικ στην ώρα για εναλλαγή μεταξύ ρολογιού και ώρας που έχει παρέλθει.

    • Δυνατότητα αποστολής των συντεταγμένων σας με απλό πάτημα ενός κουμπιού. Με αυτό το κουμπί, τα παιδιά μπορούν γρήγορα και εύκολα να στείλουν τις συντεταγμένες τους στους γονείς σε περίπτωση έκτακτης ανάγκης.

    • Εγγραφή κομματιού σε δύο μορφές KML και GPX

    • Η εφαρμογή μπορεί να λειτουργήσει όταν η οθόνη είναι απενεργοποιημένη, καθώς και ταυτόχρονα με άλλη εφαρμογή, όπως οι Χάρτες Google. Εάν δείτε μια ειδοποίηση στη γραμμή κατάστασης, τότε το ταχύμετρο GNSS λειτουργεί. Για να σταματήσετε το ταχύμετρο GNSS, πατήστε «πίσω» (συνήθως υποδεικνύεται με τρίγωνο ή βέλος) όταν η κύρια οθόνη της εφαρμογής είναι ανοιχτή.


    Στην επάνω αριστερή γωνία, εμφανίζεται το εικονίδιο παρουσίας / απουσίας ικανοποιητικού σήματος από δορυφόρους, ο αριθμός των χρησιμοποιημένων / ορατών δορυφόρων.

    Στην κάτω αριστερή γωνία, εμφανίζεται η εκτιμώμενη ακρίβεια τοποθέτησης.

    Στην κάτω δεξιά γωνία υπάρχει ένα κουμπί για την αποστολή των συντεταγμένων της τρέχουσας θέσης. Έκλεισες ραντεβού για να γνωρίσεις κάποιον, αλλά δεν μπορεί να σε βρει; Απλώς στείλτε τις συντεταγμένες σας με οποιονδήποτε βολικό τρόπο: SMS, instant messenger, κοινωνικά δίκτυα, email κ.λπ. Για να δείτε την τοποθεσία, οι ληφθείσες συντεταγμένες μπορούν να αντιγραφούν στη γραμμή αναζήτησης των Χαρτών Google, Google Earth, Yandex.Maps, Yandex.Navigator , 2GIS, OsmAnd και άλλες παρόμοιες εφαρμογές. Αυτή η μέθοδος λειτουργεί ακόμα και αν δεν υπάρχει σύνδεση στο Διαδίκτυο, με την προϋπόθεση ότι έχουν γίνει λήψη χαρτών εκτός σύνδεσης της αντίστοιχης περιοχής.

    Στρογγυλό κουμπί "T" για ενεργοποίηση/απενεργοποίηση της εγγραφής κομματιού. Στο τέλος της εγγραφής, θα σας ζητηθεί να αποθηκεύσετε ένα ή δύο αρχεία: το ένα με την επέκταση "gpx" και το άλλο με την επέκταση "kml". Το προεπιλεγμένο όνομα για κάθε αρχείο είναι "date_recording start time", για παράδειγμα, "2020-08-03_10h23m37s.kml" και "2020-08-03_10h23m37s.gpx". Μπορείτε να δείτε ένα κομμάτι KML στο Google Earth, ένα κομμάτι GPX στο πρόγραμμα προβολής κομματιών GPX.


    Το ταχύμετρο GNSS χρησιμοποιεί δεδομένα από δορυφορικά συστήματα πλοήγησης για τον προσδιορισμό της ταχύτητας και τον υπολογισμό της διανυθείσας απόστασης, επομένως απαιτείται άδεια για πρόσβαση στην τοποθεσία της συσκευής.


    Πολιτική απορρήτου του ταχύμετρου GNSS: https://sites.google.com/view/gnssspeedometer/privacy-policy

    Περισσότερες πληροφορίες https://sites.google.com/view/gnssspeedometer/description

  • Version1.13.1

    Ταχύμετρο GPS / GLONASS που μπορεί να καταγράψει κομμάτι GPX / KML

    Update Log

    - You can swipe left on the clock to dim the display or swipe right to brighten the display if this feature is enabled in the app settings. Swipe areas are shown in app HELP.

    App Description

    GNSS Speedometer is a simple, lightweight, completely free and ad-free app that uses GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems: GPS, GLONASS, etc). You can use the app in your car, motorcycle, bicycle, and even on an airplane. Accuracy depends on the accuracy of your device\u0027s navigation module, as well as weather conditions, terrain, natural and man-made obstacles, and other factors. In any case, your device should “see” some part of the sky for maximum accuracy.
    • Russian and English languages
    • Units of measurement: km/h — kilometers, MPH — miles, knots — nautical miles. When changing units of measurement, the current, average, maximum speed and odometer are immediately corrected.
    • Five speed ranges: 0–30, 0–60, 0–120, 0–240, 0–1200. For the most accurate readings, select the range that matches your driving mode.
    • AMOLED anti-Burn-in. The app main screen shifts a few pixels every 9 seconds. 20 steps one way, then 20 steps back. The option helps to reduce OLED/AMOLED display burn-in.
    • No internet connection required or used
    • Current speed in analog or digital format
    • Four colors of the odometer. Just tap the total mileage to change the color.
    • Display of average and maximum speed, altitude and coordinates of the current location
    • Current time in 24h or 12h format, elapsed track recording time. Click on the time to switch between clock and elapsed time.
    • Ability to send your coordinates by simply pressing one button. With this button, children can quickly and easily send their coordinates to parents in an emergency.
    • Recording a track in two formats KML and GPX
    • The application can work when the screen is off, as well as simultaneously with another application, such as Google Maps. If you see a notification in the status bar, then the GNSS speedometer is running. To stop the GNSS speedometer, tap “back” (usually indicated by a triangle or arrow) when the app\u0027s main screen is open.
    In the upper left corner, the icon of the presence / absence of a satisfactory signal from satellites, the number of used / visible satellites, the types of navigation systems used (Android 7 and later) are displayed.
    In the lower left corner, the estimated positioning accuracy is displayed.
    In the lower right corner there is a button for sending the coordinates of the current location. Did you make an appointment to meet someone, but they can\u0027t find you? Just send your coordinates in any convenient way: SMS, instant messengers, social networks, email, etc. To see the location, the obtained coordinates can be copied into the search bar of Google Maps, Google Earth, Yandex.Maps, Yandex.Navigator, 2GIS, OsmAnd and other similar applications. This method works even if there is no internet connection, provided that offline maps of the corresponding area have been downloaded.
    Round button \"track\" to enable / disable track recording. At the end of the recording, you will be prompted to save one or two files: one with the \"gpx\" extension, the other with the \"kml\" extension. The default name for each file is \"date_recording start time\", for example, \"2020-08-03_10h23m37s.kml\" and \"2020-08-03_10h23m37s.gpx\". You can view a KML track in Google Earth, GPX track in GPX track viewer.
    GNSS speedometer uses data from navigation satellite systems to determine speed and calculate distance traveled, so permission is required to access the device\u0027s location.
    GNSS Speedometer Privacy Policy: https://sites.google.com/view/gnssspeedometer/privacy-policy
    More information https://sites.google.com/view/gnssspeedometer/description

  • Version1.13.0

    Ταχύμετρο GPS / GLONASS που μπορεί να καταγράψει κομμάτι GPX / KML

    Update Log

    - You can swipe left on the clock to dim the display or swipe right to brighten the display if this feature is enabled in the app settings. Swipe areas are shown in app HELP.

    App Description

    GNSS Speedometer is a simple, lightweight, completely free and ad-free app that uses GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems: GPS, GLONASS, etc). You can use the app in your car, motorcycle, bicycle, and even on an airplane. Accuracy depends on the accuracy of your device\u0027s navigation module, as well as weather conditions, terrain, natural and man-made obstacles, and other factors. In any case, your device should “see” some part of the sky for maximum accuracy.
    • Russian and English languages
    • Units of measurement: km/h — kilometers, MPH — miles, knots — nautical miles. When changing units of measurement, the current, average, maximum speed and odometer are immediately corrected.
    • Five speed ranges: 0–30, 0–60, 0–120, 0–240, 0–1200. For the most accurate readings, select the range that matches your driving mode.
    • AMOLED anti-Burn-in. The app main screen shifts a few pixels every 9 seconds. 20 steps one way, then 20 steps back. The option helps to reduce OLED/AMOLED display burn-in.
    • No internet connection required or used
    • Current speed in analog or digital format
    • Four colors of the odometer. Just tap the total mileage to change the color.
    • Display of average and maximum speed, altitude and coordinates of the current location
    • Current time in 24h or 12h format, elapsed track recording time. Click on the time to switch between clock and elapsed time.
    • Ability to send your coordinates by simply pressing one button. With this button, children can quickly and easily send their coordinates to parents in an emergency.
    • Recording a track in two formats KML and GPX
    • The application can work when the screen is off, as well as simultaneously with another application, such as Google Maps. If you see a notification in the status bar, then the GNSS speedometer is running. To stop the GNSS speedometer, tap “back” (usually indicated by a triangle or arrow) when the app\u0027s main screen is open.
    In the upper left corner, the icon of the presence / absence of a satisfactory signal from satellites, the number of used / visible satellites, the types of navigation systems used (Android 7 and later) are displayed.
    In the lower left corner, the estimated positioning accuracy is displayed.
    In the lower right corner there is a button for sending the coordinates of the current location. Did you make an appointment to meet someone, but they can\u0027t find you? Just send your coordinates in any convenient way: SMS, instant messengers, social networks, email, etc. To see the location, the obtained coordinates can be copied into the search bar of Google Maps, Google Earth, Yandex.Maps, Yandex.Navigator, 2GIS, OsmAnd and other similar applications. This method works even if there is no internet connection, provided that offline maps of the corresponding area have been downloaded.
    Round button \"track\" to enable / disable track recording. At the end of the recording, you will be prompted to save one or two files: one with the \"gpx\" extension, the other with the \"kml\" extension. The default name for each file is \"date_recording start time\", for example, \"2020-08-03_10h23m37s.kml\" and \"2020-08-03_10h23m37s.gpx\". You can view a KML track in Google Earth, GPX track in GPX track viewer.
    GNSS speedometer uses data from navigation satellite systems to determine speed and calculate distance traveled, so permission is required to access the device\u0027s location.
    GNSS Speedometer Privacy Policy: https://sites.google.com/view/gnssspeedometer/privacy-policy
    More information https://sites.google.com/view/gnssspeedometer/description

  • Version1.12.1

    Ταχύμετρο GPS / GLONASS που μπορεί να καταγράψει κομμάτι GPX / KML

    Update Log

    - Optimization for some phones and tablets
    - Full-screen mode
    - Added brief help

    App Description

    GNSS Speedometer is a simple, lightweight, completely free and ad-free app that uses GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems: GPS, GLONASS, etc). You can use the app in your car, motorcycle, bicycle, and even on an airplane. Accuracy depends on the accuracy of your device\u0027s navigation module, as well as weather conditions, terrain, natural and man-made obstacles, and other factors. In any case, your device should “see” some part of the sky for maximum accuracy.
    • Russian and English languages
    • Units of measurement: km/h — kilometers, MPH — miles, knots — nautical miles. When changing units of measurement, the current, average, maximum speed and odometer are immediately corrected.
    • Five speed ranges: 0–30, 0–60, 0–120, 0–240, 0–1200. For the most accurate readings, select the range that matches your driving mode.
    • AMOLED anti-Burn-in. The app main screen shifts a few pixels every 9 seconds. 20 steps one way, then 20 steps back. The option helps to reduce OLED/AMOLED display burn-in.
    • No internet connection required or used
    • Current speed in analog or digital format
    • Four colors of the odometer. Just tap the total mileage to change the color.
    • Display of average and maximum speed, altitude and coordinates of the current location
    • Current time in 24h or 12h format, elapsed track recording time. Click on the time to switch between clock and elapsed time.
    • Ability to send your coordinates by simply pressing one button. With this button, children can quickly and easily send their coordinates to parents in an emergency.
    • Recording a track in two formats KML and GPX
    • The application can work when the screen is off, as well as simultaneously with another application, such as Google Maps. If you see a notification in the status bar, then the GNSS speedometer is running. To stop the GNSS speedometer, tap “back” (usually indicated by a triangle or arrow) when the app\u0027s main screen is open.
    In the upper left corner, the icon of the presence / absence of a satisfactory signal from satellites, the number of used / visible satellites, the types of navigation systems used (Android 7 and later) are displayed.
    In the lower left corner, the estimated positioning accuracy is displayed.
    In the lower right corner there is a button for sending the coordinates of the current location. Did you make an appointment to meet someone, but they can\u0027t find you? Just send your coordinates in any convenient way: SMS, instant messengers, social networks, email, etc. To see the location, the obtained coordinates can be copied into the search bar of Google Maps, Google Earth, Yandex.Maps, Yandex.Navigator, 2GIS, OsmAnd and other similar applications. This method works even if there is no internet connection, provided that offline maps of the corresponding area have been downloaded.
    Round button \"track\" to enable / disable track recording. At the end of the recording, you will be prompted to save one or two files: one with the \"gpx\" extension, the other with the \"kml\" extension. The default name for each file is \"date_recording start time\", for example, \"2020-08-03_10h23m37s.kml\" and \"2020-08-03_10h23m37s.gpx\". You can view a KML track in Google Earth, GPX track in GPX track viewer.
    GNSS speedometer uses data from navigation satellite systems to determine speed and calculate distance traveled, so permission is required to access the device\u0027s location.
    GNSS Speedometer Privacy Policy: https://sites.google.com/view/gnssspeedometer/privacy-policy
    More information https://sites.google.com/view/gnssspeedometer/description

  • Version1.12.0

    Ταχύμετρο GPS / GLONASS που μπορεί να καταγράψει κομμάτι GPX / KML

    Update Log

    - Optimization for some phones and tablets
    - Full-screen mode
    - Added brief help

    App Description

    GNSS Speedometer is a simple, lightweight, completely free and ad-free app that uses GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems: GPS, GLONASS, etc). You can use the app in your car, motorcycle, bicycle, and even on an airplane. Accuracy depends on the accuracy of your device\u0027s navigation module, as well as weather conditions, terrain, natural and man-made obstacles, and other factors. In any case, your device should “see” some part of the sky for maximum accuracy.
    • Russian and English languages
    • Units of measurement: km/h — kilometers, MPH — miles, knots — nautical miles. When changing units of measurement, the current, average, maximum speed and odometer are immediately corrected.
    • Five speed ranges: 0–30, 0–60, 0–120, 0–240, 0–1200. For the most accurate readings, select the range that matches your driving mode.
    • AMOLED anti-Burn-in. The app main screen shifts a few pixels every 9 seconds. 20 steps one way, then 20 steps back. The option helps to reduce OLED/AMOLED display burn-in.
    • No internet connection required or used
    • Current speed in analog or digital format
    • Four colors of the odometer. Just tap the total mileage to change the color.
    • Display of average and maximum speed, altitude and coordinates of the current location
    • Current time in 24h or 12h format, elapsed track recording time. Click on the time to switch between clock and elapsed time.
    • Ability to send your coordinates by simply pressing one button. With this button, children can quickly and easily send their coordinates to parents in an emergency.
    • Recording a track in two formats KML and GPX
    • The application can work when the screen is off, as well as simultaneously with another application, such as Google Maps. If you see a notification in the status bar, then the GNSS speedometer is running. To stop the GNSS speedometer, tap “back” (usually indicated by a triangle or arrow) when the app\u0027s main screen is open.
    In the upper left corner, the icon of the presence / absence of a satisfactory signal from satellites, the number of used / visible satellites, the types of navigation systems used (Android 7 and later) are displayed.
    In the lower left corner, the estimated positioning accuracy is displayed.
    In the lower right corner there is a button for sending the coordinates of the current location. Did you make an appointment to meet someone, but they can\u0027t find you? Just send your coordinates in any convenient way: SMS, instant messengers, social networks, email, etc. To see the location, the obtained coordinates can be copied into the search bar of Google Maps, Google Earth, Yandex.Maps, Yandex.Navigator, 2GIS, OsmAnd and other similar applications. This method works even if there is no internet connection, provided that offline maps of the corresponding area have been downloaded.
    Round button \"track\" to enable / disable track recording. At the end of the recording, you will be prompted to save one or two files: one with the \"gpx\" extension, the other with the \"kml\" extension. The default name for each file is \"date_recording start time\", for example, \"2020-08-03_10h23m37s.kml\" and \"2020-08-03_10h23m37s.gpx\". You can view a KML track in Google Earth, GPX track in GPX track viewer.
    GNSS speedometer uses data from navigation satellite systems to determine speed and calculate distance traveled, so permission is required to access the device\u0027s location.
    GNSS Speedometer Privacy Policy: https://sites.google.com/view/gnssspeedometer/privacy-policy
    More information https://sites.google.com/view/gnssspeedometer/description

  • Version1.11.0

    Ταχύμετρο GPS / GLONASS που μπορεί να καταγράψει κομμάτι GPX / KML

    Update Log

    - Full-screen mode
    - Added brief help

    App Description

    GNSS Speedometer is a simple, lightweight, completely free and ad-free app that uses GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems: GPS, GLONASS, etc). You can use the app in your car, motorcycle, bicycle, and even on an airplane. Accuracy depends on the accuracy of your device\u0027s navigation module, as well as weather conditions, terrain, natural and man-made obstacles, and other factors. In any case, your device should “see” some part of the sky for maximum accuracy.
    • Russian and English languages
    • Units of measurement: km/h — kilometers, MPH — miles, knots — nautical miles. When changing units of measurement, the current, average, maximum speed and odometer are immediately corrected.
    • Five speed ranges: 0–30, 0–60, 0–120, 0–240, 0–1200. For the most accurate readings, select the range that matches your driving mode.
    • AMOLED anti-Burn-in. The app main screen shifts a few pixels every 9 seconds. 20 steps one way, then 20 steps back. The option helps to reduce OLED/AMOLED display burn-in.
    • No internet connection required or used
    • Current speed in analog or digital format
    • Four colors of the odometer. Just tap the total mileage to change the color.
    • Display of average and maximum speed, altitude and coordinates of the current location
    • Current time in 24h or 12h format, elapsed track recording time. Click on the time to switch between clock and elapsed time.
    • Ability to send your coordinates by simply pressing one button. With this button, children can quickly and easily send their coordinates to parents in an emergency.
    • Recording a track in two formats KML and GPX
    • The application can work when the screen is off, as well as simultaneously with another application, such as Google Maps. If you see a notification in the status bar, then the GNSS speedometer is running. To stop the GNSS speedometer, tap “back” (usually indicated by a triangle or arrow) when the app\u0027s main screen is open.
    In the upper left corner, the icon of the presence / absence of a satisfactory signal from satellites, the number of used / visible satellites, the types of navigation systems used (Android 7 and later) are displayed.
    In the lower left corner, the estimated positioning accuracy is displayed.
    In the lower right corner there is a button for sending the coordinates of the current location. Did you make an appointment to meet someone, but they can\u0027t find you? Just send your coordinates in any convenient way: SMS, instant messengers, social networks, email, etc. To see the location, the obtained coordinates can be copied into the search bar of Google Maps, Google Earth, Yandex.Maps, Yandex.Navigator, 2GIS, OsmAnd and other similar applications. This method works even if there is no internet connection, provided that offline maps of the corresponding area have been downloaded.
    Round button \"track\" to enable / disable track recording. At the end of the recording, you will be prompted to save one or two files: one with the \"gpx\" extension, the other with the \"kml\" extension. The default name for each file is \"date_recording start time\", for example, \"2020-08-03_10h23m37s.kml\" and \"2020-08-03_10h23m37s.gpx\". You can view a KML track in Google Earth, GPX track in GPX track viewer.
    GNSS speedometer uses data from navigation satellite systems to determine speed and calculate distance traveled, so permission is required to access the device\u0027s location.
    GNSS Speedometer Privacy Policy: https://sites.google.com/view/gnssspeedometer/privacy-policy
    More information https://sites.google.com/view/gnssspeedometer/description

  • Version1.10.0

    Ταχύμετρο GPS / GLONASS που μπορεί να καταγράψει κομμάτι GPX / KML

    Update Log

    - An attempt to improve the accuracy of the odometer, especially at low speeds. You can choose the odometer algorithm: old or new.
    - Click on the time to toggle between clock and elapsed time (from the start of the track recording). The clock is black or white, the elapsed time is green.
    - You can reset the average or maximum speed with a long click on the value

    App Description

    GNSS Speedometer is a simple, lightweight, completely free and ad-free app that uses GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems: GPS, GLONASS, etc). You can use the app in your car, motorcycle, bicycle, and even on an airplane. Accuracy depends on the accuracy of your device\u0027s navigation module, as well as weather conditions, terrain, natural and man-made obstacles, and other factors. In any case, your device should “see” some part of the sky for maximum accuracy.
    • Russian and English languages
    • Units of measurement: km/h — kilometers, MPH — miles, knots — nautical miles. When changing units of measurement, the current, average, maximum speed and odometer are immediately corrected.
    • Five speed ranges: 0–30, 0–60, 0–120, 0–240, 0–1200. For the most accurate readings, select the range that matches your driving mode.
    • AMOLED anti-Burn-in. The app main screen shifts a few pixels every 9 seconds. 20 steps one way, then 20 steps back. The option helps to reduce OLED/AMOLED display burn-in.
    • No internet connection required or used
    • Current speed in analog or digital format
    • Four colors of the odometer. Just tap the total mileage to change the color.
    • Display of average and maximum speed, altitude and coordinates of the current location
    • Current time in 24h or 12h format, elapsed track recording time. Click on the time to switch between clock and elapsed time.
    • Ability to send your coordinates by simply pressing one button. With this button, children can quickly and easily send their coordinates to parents in an emergency.
    • Recording a track in two formats KML and GPX
    • The application can work when the screen is off, as well as simultaneously with another application, such as Google Maps. If you see a notification in the status bar, then the GNSS speedometer is running. To stop the GNSS speedometer, tap “back” (usually indicated by a triangle or arrow) when the app\u0027s main screen is open.
    In the upper left corner, the icon of the presence / absence of a satisfactory signal from satellites, the number of used / visible satellites, the types of navigation systems used (Android 7 and later) are displayed.
    In the upper right corner there is the \" i \" button — information about the application and the settings button.
    In the lower left corner, the estimated positioning accuracy is displayed.
    In the lower right corner there is a button for sending the coordinates of the current location. Did you make an appointment to meet someone, but they can\u0027t find you? Just send your coordinates in any convenient way: SMS, instant messengers, social networks, email, etc. To see the location, the obtained coordinates can be copied into the search bar of Google Maps, Google Earth, Yandex.Maps, Yandex.Navigator, 2GIS, OsmAnd and other similar applications. This method works even if there is no internet connection, provided that offline maps of the corresponding area have been downloaded.
    Round \"R\" button to reset trip odometer to zero.
    Round button \"track\" to enable / disable track recording. At the end of the recording, you will be prompted to save one or two files: one with the \"gpx\" extension, the other with the \"kml\" extension. The default name for each file is \"date_recording start time\", for example, \"2020-08-03_10h23m37s.kml\" and \"2020-08-03_10h23m37s.gpx\". You can view a KML track in Google Earth, GPX track in GPX track viewer.
    GNSS speedometer uses data from navigation satellite systems to determine speed and calculate distance traveled, so permission is required to access the device\u0027s location.
    GNSS Speedometer Privacy Policy: https://sites.google.com/view/gnssspeedometer/privacy-policy
    More information https://sites.google.com/view/gnssspeedometer/description

  • Version1.8.1

    Ταχύμετρο GPS / GLONASS που μπορεί να καταγράψει κομμάτι GPX / KML

    Update Log

    - You can choose the track file format: GPX, KML, or both
    - You can reset the average or maximum speed with a long click on the value
    - Android multi-window support

    App Description

    GNSS Speedometer is a simple, lightweight, completely free and ad-free app that uses GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems: GPS, GLONASS, etc). You can use the app in your car, motorcycle, bicycle, and even on an airplane. Accuracy depends on the accuracy of your device\u0027s navigation module, as well as weather conditions, terrain, natural and man-made obstacles, and other factors. In any case, your device should “see” some part of the sky for maximum accuracy.
    • Russian and English languages
    • Units of measurement: km/h — kilometers, MPH — miles, knots — nautical miles. When changing units of measurement, the current, average, maximum speed and odometer are immediately corrected.
    • Five speed ranges: 0–30, 0–60, 0–120, 0–240, 0–1200. For the most accurate readings, select the range that matches your driving mode.
    • AMOLED anti-Burn-in. The app main screen shifts a few pixels every 9 seconds. 20 steps one way, then 20 steps back. The option helps to reduce OLED/AMOLED display burn-in.
    • No internet connection required or used
    • Current speed in analog or digital format
    • Four colors of the odometer. Just tap the total mileage to change the color.
    • Display of average and maximum speed, altitude and coordinates of the current location
    • Current time in 24h or 12h format
    • Ability to send your coordinates by simply pressing one button. With this button, children can quickly and easily send their coordinates to parents in an emergency.
    • Recording a track in two formats KML and GPX
    • The application can work when the screen is off, as well as simultaneously with another application, such as Google Maps. If you see a notification in the status bar, then the GNSS speedometer is running. To stop the GNSS speedometer, tap “back” (usually indicated by a triangle or arrow) when the app\u0027s main screen is open.
    In the upper left corner, the icon of the presence / absence of a satisfactory signal from satellites, the number of used / visible satellites, the types of navigation systems used (Android 7 and later) are displayed.
    In the upper right corner there is the \" i \" button — information about the application and the settings button.
    In the lower left corner, the estimated positioning accuracy is displayed.
    In the lower right corner there is a button for sending the coordinates of the current location. Did you make an appointment to meet someone, but they can\u0027t find you? Just send your coordinates in any convenient way: SMS, instant messengers, social networks, email, etc. To see the location, the obtained coordinates can be copied into the search bar of Google Maps, Google Earth, Yandex.Maps, Yandex.Navigator, 2GIS, OsmAnd and other similar applications. This method works even if there is no internet connection, provided that offline maps of the corresponding area have been downloaded.
    Round \"R\" button to reset trip odometer to zero.
    Round button \"track\" to enable / disable track recording. At the end of the recording, you will be prompted to save one or two files: one with the \"gpx\" extension, the other with the \"kml\" extension. The default name for each file is \"date_recording start time\", for example, \"2020-08-03_10h23m37s.kml\" and \"2020-08-03_10h23m37s.gpx\". You can view a KML track in Google Earth, GPX track in GPX track viewer.
    GNSS speedometer uses data from navigation satellite systems to determine speed and calculate distance traveled, so permission is required to access the device\u0027s location.
    GNSS Speedometer Privacy Policy: https://sites.google.com/view/gnssspeedometer/privacy-policy
    More information https://sites.google.com/view/gnssspeedometer/description

  • Version1.8.0

    Ταχύμετρο GPS / GLONASS που μπορεί να καταγράψει κομμάτι GPX / KML

    Update Log

    - You can choose the track file format: GPX, KML, or both
    - You can reset the average or maximum speed with a long click on the value
    - Android multi-window support

    App Description

    GNSS Speedometer is a simple, lightweight, completely free and ad-free app that uses GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems: GPS, GLONASS, etc). You can use the app in your car, motorcycle, bicycle, and even on an airplane. Accuracy depends on the accuracy of your device\u0027s navigation module, as well as weather conditions, terrain, natural and man-made obstacles, and other factors. In any case, your device should “see” some part of the sky for maximum accuracy.
    • Russian and English languages
    • Units of measurement: km/h — kilometers, MPH — miles, knots — nautical miles. When changing units of measurement, the current, average, maximum speed and odometer are immediately corrected.
    • Five speed ranges: 0–30, 0–60, 0–120, 0–240, 0–1200. For the most accurate readings, select the range that matches your driving mode.
    • AMOLED anti-Burn-in. The app main screen shifts a few pixels every 9 seconds. 20 steps one way, then 20 steps back. The option helps to reduce OLED/AMOLED display burn-in.
    • No internet connection required or used
    • Current speed in analog or digital format
    • Four colors of the odometer. Just tap the total mileage to change the color.
    • Display of average and maximum speed, altitude and coordinates of the current location
    • Current time in 24h or 12h format
    • Ability to send your coordinates by simply pressing one button. With this button, children can quickly and easily send their coordinates to parents in an emergency.
    • Recording a track in two formats KML and GPX
    • The application can work when the screen is off, as well as simultaneously with another application, such as Google Maps. If you see a notification in the status bar, then the GNSS speedometer is running. To stop the GNSS speedometer, tap “back” (usually indicated by a triangle or arrow) when the app\u0027s main screen is open.
    In the upper left corner, the icon of the presence / absence of a satisfactory signal from satellites, the number of used / visible satellites, the types of navigation systems used (Android 7 and later) are displayed.
    In the upper right corner there is the \" i \" button — information about the application and the settings button.
    In the lower left corner, the estimated positioning accuracy is displayed.
    In the lower right corner there is a button for sending the coordinates of the current location. Did you make an appointment to meet someone, but they can\u0027t find you? Just send your coordinates in any convenient way: SMS, instant messengers, social networks, email, etc. To see the location, the obtained coordinates can be copied into the search bar of Google Maps, Google Earth, Yandex.Maps, Yandex.Navigator, 2GIS, OsmAnd and other similar applications. This method works even if there is no internet connection, provided that offline maps of the corresponding area have been downloaded.
    Round \"R\" button to reset trip odometer to zero.
    Round button \"track\" to enable / disable track recording. At the end of the recording, you will be prompted to save one or two files: one with the \"gpx\" extension, the other with the \"kml\" extension. The default name for each file is \"date_recording start time\", for example, \"2020-08-03_10h23m37s.kml\" and \"2020-08-03_10h23m37s.gpx\". You can view a KML track in Google Earth, GPX track in GPX track viewer.
    GNSS speedometer uses data from navigation satellite systems to determine speed and calculate distance traveled, so permission is required to access the device\u0027s location.
    GNSS Speedometer Privacy Policy: https://sites.google.com/view/gnssspeedometer/privacy-policy
    More information https://sites.google.com/view/gnssspeedometer/description

  • Version1.7.0

    Ταχύμετρο GPS / GLONASS που μπορεί να καταγράψει κομμάτι GPX / KML

    Update Log

    - You can now reset the average or maximum speed with a long click on the value.
    - Slightly changed the default GPX and KML file names to properly sort by date/time by the file manager. For example, it was "2021-02-25_10h47m31sAM", now "2021-02-25_AM10h47m31s".
    - Android multi-window support

    App Description

    GNSS Speedometer is a simple, lightweight, completely free and ad-free app that uses GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems: GPS, GLONASS, etc). You can use the app in your car, motorcycle, bicycle, and even on an airplane. Accuracy depends on the accuracy of your device's navigation module, as well as weather conditions, terrain, natural and man-made obstacles, and other factors. In any case, your device should “see” some part of the sky for maximum accuracy.
    • Russian and English languages.
    • Units of measurement: km/h — kilometers, MPH — miles, knots — nautical miles. When changing units of measurement, the current, average, maximum speed and odometer are immediately corrected.
    • Five speed ranges: 0–30, 0–60, 0–120, 0–240, 0–1200. For the most accurate readings, select the range that matches your driving mode.
    • AMOLED anti-Burn-in. The app main screen shifts a few pixels every 9 seconds. 20 steps one way, then 20 steps back. The option helps to reduce OLED/AMOLED display burn-in.
    • No internet connection required or used.
    • Current speed in analog or digital format.
    • Four colors of the odometer. Just tap the total mileage to change the color.
    • Display of average and maximum speed, altitude and coordinates of the current location.
    • Current time in 24h or 12h format.
    • Ability to send your coordinates by simply pressing one button. With this button, children can quickly and easily send their coordinates to parents in an emergency.
    • Recording a track at once in two formats KML and GPX.
    • The application can work when the screen is off, as well as simultaneously with another application, such as Google Maps. If you see a notification in the status bar, then the GNSS speedometer is running. To stop the GNSS speedometer, tap “back” (usually indicated by a triangle or arrow) when the app's main screen is open.
    In the upper left corner, the icon of the presence / absence of a satisfactory signal from satellites, the number of used / visible satellites, the types of navigation systems used (Android 7 and later) are displayed.
    In the upper right corner there is the " i " button — information about the application and the settings button.
    In the lower left corner, the estimated positioning accuracy is displayed.
    In the lower right corner there is a button for sending the coordinates of the current location. Did you make an appointment to meet someone, but they can't find you? Just send your coordinates in any convenient way: SMS, instant messengers, social networks, email, etc. To see the location, the obtained coordinates can be copied into the search bar of Google Maps, Google Earth, Yandex.Maps, Yandex.Navigator, 2GIS, OsmAnd and other similar applications. This method works even if there is no internet connection, provided that offline maps of the corresponding area have been downloaded.
    Round "R" button to reset trip odometer to zero.
    Round button "track" to enable / disable track recording. At the end of the recording, you will be prompted to save two files: one with the "gpx" extension, the other with the "kml" extension. The default name for each file is "date_recording start time", for example, "2020-08-03_10h23m37s.kml" and "2020-08-03_10h23m37s.gpx". You can view a KML track in Google Earth, GPX track in GPX track viewer.
    GNSS speedometer uses data from navigation satellite systems to determine speed and calculate distance traveled, so permission is required to access the device's location.
    GNSS Speedometer Privacy Policy: https://sites.google.com/view/gnssspeedometer/privacy-policy
    More information https://sites.google.com/view/gnssspeedometer/description

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